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  1. Gibraltar may be 100% inoculated but Spain is not. Gibraltar is a very small place. The locals do frequently cross the border. And of course, lots of Spaniards work in Gibraltar.
  2. There was a psychologist whose name escapes who became famous after studying a group whose leader said the end of the world would come on a certain date. When it didn't, and contrary to expectations, his followers' faith actually strengthened. I think the psychologist in question was Leon Festinger but I'm too lazy to look it up.
  3. Really the other patients are stressing the system too? The only reason that they're stressing the system is because of the additional burden of covid patients. Most of whom are unvaccinated. US hospitals, where nurses and doctors are paid much higher wages than their German counterports, are also experiencing staff shortages due to burnout. And now that' vaccines are here, that's largely due to those selfish and foolish individuals who refuse to be vaccinated.
  4. And how does that explain that a far higher percentage of the unvaccinated than the vaccinated continue to die?
  5. Didn't he also accompany that comment with stressing the absolute necessity of getting the unvaccinated vaccinated and getting booster shots to everyone due for them? Also, to be absolutely clear he was in no wise suggesting that the unvaccinated don't suffer disproportionately from Covid 19. Here's more from that doctor below: Tougher Covid measures needed to stop 100,000 more deaths, warns top German virologist If Germany does not immediately return to tough contact restrictions at least 100,000 people will die, Drosten predicted on his NDR podcast, adding that “that is a conservative estimate”. “We have a real emergency situation now,” he said. “We need to do something immediately.”... In the long term, he said, the “ideal goal” must be to have “a population completely vaccinated three times over”. https://www.thelocal.de/20211110/covid-shutdown-measures-needed-to-stop-100000-more-deaths-warns-top-german-virologist/ Do you endorse this position on tough contact restrictions and universal vaccination?
  6. What's your point? Are you claiming covid patients aren't stressing ICU occupancy? How frequently did German ICU's face this kind of pressure before covid
  7. Actually, in Germany, as in the UK, there's a political angle to it. The AFD, a far right wing political group, has come out against vaccinations. In states where the AFD is strong vaccinations are a lot lower. Vaccinations in general had plummeted. Just in the past 2 weeks have vaccination levels begun to rise again https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus/country/germany
  8. Hundreds and thousands of studies? Really? You need to pay in $$$$ dollars to get access? Nonsense. Maybe you can't get to see the whole thing, but abstracts are always available from reputable sources. Stop making things up.
  9. I was commenting on this Does that look familiar? Can you tell us more about the diagnostic test for genital warts you took? You know, the test that currently doesn't exist. Was it the year 2030? And while you're at it, got any good stock tips from the future to share with us?
  10. Really you had no symptoms of genital warts but you went and got tested for them? Did you travel to the future to get this done? There is no routine test for genital warts. If you can see lumps that you think may be warts, then you can upload photos of the affected area to have this diagnosis confirmed by one of our clinicians. You could also visit a sexual health clinic or your GP. https://sh24.org.uk/sexual-health/stis/genital-warts#:~:text=There is no routine test,health clinic or your GP.
  11. Yes, the report says he was sick. He got Covid-19. That's a disease. Covid 19 is not same as the virus and it's not the same as being asymptomatic..
  12. Well there were some countries that tried it on: Why HCQ and Ivermectin were removed from India’s Covid-19 treatment protocol The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Task Force on Covid-19 have dropped the use of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) drugs from their revised guidelines for the treatment of the infection. The decision was taken after experts found that these drugs have little to no effect on Covid-related mortality or clinical recovery of the patient. https://www.indiatoday.in/coronavirus-outbreak/story/why-hcq-ivermectin-dropped-india-covid-treatment-protocol-1857306-2021-09-26 Brazil's tragic ivermectin frenzy is a warning to the US, experts say In Brazil, ivermectin is a commonly prescribed anti parasitic drug. Early on in the pandemic, Brazilians thought that ivermectin might also help treat and prevent COVID-19. But, as one ICU doctor put it: "We Brazilians had to learn in the hardest way that ivermectin didn't work." https://www.businessinsider.com/brazil-tragic-ivermectin-for-covid-frenzy-warning-to-us-experts-2021-9 In India particular attention was devoted to Uttar Pradesh which claimed astounding rates of cure and prevention for ivermectin. But when medical statisticians started looking at Uttar Pradesh's mortality figures, they noticed that mortality had jumped by 100% over the previous year. But none of those deaths were attributed to covid-19. Truly an amazing coincidence, though.
  13. First of all in western nations marriage is a contract between 2 people. And you keep on citing this word "support". If you mean people's attitudes, who cares? It's the law that is concerning. Also, in Thailand, men are allowed to have what is called "minor wives" in addition to the main wife.
  14. So, if a couple goes to city hall to get married, do they have to sacrifice a goat or perform some other religious ritual?
  15. Until not too long ago it wasn't consider "normal" by most people for White and Black people to marry each other. So I guess laws that prohibited interracial marriages were okay?
  16. And women who are barren or too old can't have children either. So they shouldn't be allowed to adopt. Get back to us when you have some scientific evidence to back up your contention that gay adoption is bad for children. But I do have to concede that you were correct about homosexual marriage not being a thing for the last 3.5 million years. That's because homo sapiens have only existed for the last 200,000.
  17. I noticed that Chiangmai's case rate fell by almosts 50% in 1 day. That doesn't seem possible.
  18. A new variant may be less deadly. A new variant could also be more deadly. There are way too many immunologically naive humans out there for predictions about whether the virus will in the short run evolve to be more more or less deadly. It should be pointed out that there are 2 main factors. One is transmissibility and the other is mortality. If a mutation makes a virus more dangerous but also more transmissible then if the transmissibilty rate outweighs the virulence rate it could spread more rapidly. Or, if the opposite were the case, it could burn itself out. It's all a matter of numbers.
  19. Here's a nice summary (riddled with "pre-disposed bias", of course) from The New Scientist about how the vaccines slow transmission. https://www.newscientist.com/article/2294250-how-much-less-likely-are-you-to-spread-covid-19-if-youre-vaccinated/
  20. The link goes to the letter in the European Journal of Epidemiology. And I see you have no answer for the many many citations of studies cited by the CDC that show a relationship between vaccinations and transmission of covid. Nor to the 2 studies currently in preprint, one of which shows the same, and the other that addresses the question of reducing transmission via a booster. You're way outnumbered.
  21. Ivermectin is truly a wonder drug. That, it has not been tested on "thousands of species much less "all mammals". Currently there are about 6400 species of extant mammals. Stop making things up.
  22. India, which was the poster child for Ivermectin use, has now dropped it from its list of approved medications for treating covid
  23. Gibraltar also borders on Spain which isn't 100% vaccinated. Are residents of Gibraltar prohibited from commuting to Spain or going there to purchase daily necessities?
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