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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. If anything goes to show how people like you provide misleading information, your post is it. Despite the fact that a small percentage of Singapore's population remains unvaccinated the majority of death or from those who were unvaccinated or had been inoculated only once
  2. And is it your contention that these preconditions aren't the case?
  3. EDIT: I just looked it up and a Tesla Motor in at least 1 model weighs only about 70 pounds. So, it that is typical or close for other EVs I guess not much of a boost..
  4. The thing is, it's the anti-vaxxers who look to pick nits and operate by misdirection. How many times does some anti-vaxxer post re: transmission without acknowledge the huge difference in incidents of serious illness and deaths between the vaccinated and unvaccinated? Or post about the possible latent effects of vaccines, which has never been observed in any other vaccine, and not acknowledge the possibility of latent effects from covid, a phenomenon that has been observed in several other viruses?
  5. But this is about emissions. The rest is for another conversation.
  6. And here's some news that promises not only to extend the range of automobiles but could perhaps result in large electric powered commercial aircraft in a period of time somewhat shorter than 50 years. A Colorado Firm Claims It Can Triple the Power of Electric Engines The company claims that, according to the Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) guidelines, a propulsion system of a commercial aircraft such as Boeing 737 must deliver a continuous power density of 12 kW/kg. However, conventional electric motors can only generate a maximum of up to 4kW/kg. Thanks to its reduced weight, the HPDM-250's power density clocks up to an impressive 13kW/kg. https://interestingengineering.com/a-colorado-firm-claims-it-can-triple-the-power-of-electric-engines
  7. As pointed out above, not all EVs are highly expensive. Unless you believe that a starting price slightly above $4000 is expensive. And while it's true that currently most electricity in Thailand is generated by fossil fuels, the economics of solar power make it an increasingly obvious choice for the future. Although "obvious" is an adjective that might not figure in Thai officialdom's lexicon.
  8. Actually, there was a study done that said that the richest 1% of the human population generates twice as much emissions as do the bottom 50%. So it's not just about the numbers of humans. Think of the environmental damage caused by 1 superyacht. https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/carbon-emissions-richest-1-percent-more-double-emissions-poorest-half-humanity
  9. But epidemiology and virology are pure sciences. And because of them we know why the vaccinated are far better protected than those who are not.
  10. Once again, your bias blinds you to the fact it that it could just as sensibly, or rather non sensibly, that you have nothing to lose. Or that your bias, in the face of evidence to the contrary, makes you exaggerate the risk and minimize the downside of not getting your alleged child vaccinated. When 16 out of 17 experts approved the use of it and 1 abstained, you focused on that one abstention. But when 27% of parents, are in favor of getting their children vaccinated, that doesn't count. As for that article, was that drawn from a representative poll of experts? Or did the daily mail seek out only those opposed to such a measure?
  11. Wind and solar power are growing rapidly. Actually more new wind and solar plants are being built that those powered by fossil fuels. So as time goes by, the percentage of power provided by fossil fuels will decrease. And EV battery recycling is already a thing and is already getting a lot bigger very quickly: "Battery recycling company Redwood Materials said on Wednesday it has forged an alliance with Korean battery materials maker L&F Co (066970.KQ) that could help transform the Nevada startup into a major battery component manufacturer over the next decade. Redwood has signed a multi-year deal to use L&F's design and manufacturing technology at a new U.S. facility to make enough battery cathodes to supply up to 1 million electric vehicles a year by 2025, and more than 5 million by 2030, Redwood told Reuters, without elaborating. The partnership is the latest element in Redwood Chief Executive J.B. Straubel's vision of building a "closed loop" or circular supply chain for EV batteries, from raw materials to recycling. https://www.reuters.com/technology/exclusive-us-battery-startup-redwood-materials-sets-deal-with-koreas-lf-2021-10-27/ Unless that "old banger" is immortal, someday it will need to be replaced.
  12. False. The problem with this kind of assertion is that it takes no account of rate of increase. It's like saying you don't care if your money earns 1% interest or 10% interest, just so long as it's increasing.
  13. There's a fascinating article in theatlantic.com about how researchers who are doing forensic peer review are catching out fraudulent science including, but not limited to, ivermectin studies. The author is himself a forensic researcher. He points out that in the case of various covid studies, it's the more shoddy research that tends to show the beneficial effects of covid. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/10/ivermectin-research-problems/620473/
  14. "In a press conference on Oct 2, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung also said that unvaccinated people are 14 times more likely to need intensive care or die, compared with those who are vaccinated. Around three in four who were reported to have died in October were individuals who received a single dose of a vaccine or were unvaccinated. The unvaccinated accounted for 84 out of 169 of the reported deaths here this month as at Wednesday, and 30 more of the reported deaths had only a single dose of the vaccine." https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-covid-19-patients-in-singapore-reported-to-have-died-in-october-than-18-months-prior
  15. In the USA, you're 11 times more likely to die if you're unvaccinated than if you're vaccinated?.So if you think being unvaccinated protects you from living better than being vaccinated, you've got a point. Otherwise, not so much.
  16. You know objectively as much about my parental status as I do about yours. In other words, nothing. As for the children who were part of the test groups, are they all orphans? Or were they hatched from test tubes? The flaw in your self-aggrandizing claim to special authority on the issue is so large that a baby carriage big enough to contain quintuplets could pass through it.
  17. I suppose it depends on what definition of infections is being used. Clearly the CDC claims that covid vaccines can and do prevent infection, although not in 100% of the vaccinated. There is a concept called sterilizing immunity which means 100% protection against viruses reproducing themselves. It's been claimed that this has been achieved in pre-clinical tests for one vaccine candidate administered in the form of a nasal spray to vaccinated animals. https://www.uab.edu/news/research/item/12027-intranasal-covid-19-vaccine-candidate-shows-sterilizing-immunity-in-preclinical-tests
  18. Your argument, if it can be dignified as such, seems to be that because you haven't contracted covid up to now then you won't ever contract it. If that were a valid argument, then anyone who hasn't contracted covid up to now will never contract it. So, has the case rate dropped to zero?
  19. It may be that the vaccinated are just as likely to spread it, but they are far less likely to be infected by it.
  20. And by the way, guess what country has the most new auto sales? If you didn't guess China, you got it wrong. And India is moving up China Continues to be Largest Passenger Vehicle Market in the World in 2019, India on 5th Spot. https://www.news18.com/news/auto/china-continues-to-be-largest-passenger-vehicle-market-in-the-world-in-2019-india-on-5th-spot-2584975.html
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