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  1. As for your specific points about whether vaccinations should be mandatory and what is an acceptable level of risk. We have seen over and over and over again how hospitals get overwhelmed when an insufficient percentage of the population is vaccinated. Hospitals ICU beds are filled with those who chose not to get vaccinated. Care is delayed or denied for people who get ill from other diseases. So until Thailand gets its vaccination levels where they should be, it would be far better to wait rather than face the near certainty of a public health disaster.
  2. I don't know how many times I've seen this kind of thing re: covid. Somebody claims to be vaccinated but then says it's everybody's right to choose. Or that it's time to open up regardless of the level of vaccination. Let's get something straight, It could be that such a person really is vaccinated. Or it could be that this someone is practicing social engineering. In this case it would be a kind of engineering called concern trolling. Which means to apparently to be on the side of people you are trying to persuade otherwise but actually pretending to be one of them. An example being someone falsely claiming I used to be a Republican but they got so bad that now I'm an independent or a democrat. Or vice-versa. The fact is that it's entirely irrelevant to the argument over whether or not such a person is vaccinated. It doesn't change the calculus one bit over whether vaccinations should be mandatory or whether the time is ripe for relaxation of standards.
  3. But it can have strong gastrointestinal effects. About 1/3 of the particpants withdrew from the study because of that. Researchers are considering lowering the dosage because of that.
  4. The point is that the percentage of children who are obese is greater for those coming down with covid than is the national average for all children. And it's the same for adults.
  5. It's your life up until the time your decisions start damaging others. People who refuse to be vaccinated are responsible for having overwhelmed hospitals critical care units and in so doing, have imperiled the well being of others.
  6. skew. What percentage of children are obese as compared to the us population as a whole? According to the study linked to below about 17% of U.S. children are obese. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6887808/
  7. Again, where in epidemiology, had there ever been a case of 100% immunity because of some factor? You're just using a circular reasoning to support your case. Basically your claim is that someone comes down with covid because they're not fit. And we know they're not fit because they have covid.
  8. Clearly physical fitness functions for you the way religion does for other. How else to justify such an utterly lunatic conclusion "that ALL covid deaths are from compromised immune systems." Where in epidemiology is 100% ever a realistic number?
  9. What in the information you cited above contradicts the claim that most of those kids had comorbidities?
  10. CDC: Most Kids Dying From Coronavirus Had Underlying Conditions Enormous racial-ethnic disparities revealed as well https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/88630
  11. I remember somewhere in one of these threads a member mentioned that he knew someone who was truly fit and healthy and your response was that she couldn't have been because if she were, she wouldn't have succumbed.
  12. Thailand appears to change policy on medical insurance for visitors The latest notice from the Department of Consular Affairs and the Tourist Authority of Thailand specifies that the medical cover required of all foreigners entering the country must be widely based: it mustn’t relate only to coronavirus illness. The text in English reads, “Medical insurance with a minimum coverage of US$50,000 should be a broad policy, not specific to Covid-19 only, and cover hospitalization expenses.” https://www.pattayamail.com/latestnews/news/thailand-appears-to-change-policy-on-medical-insurance-for-visitors-377436
  13. Maybe before vaccinations it's been a pandemic of the unhealthy. But now it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. And these selfish people are tying up hospital critical care resources.
  14. I don't think you understand. The U.P. government claimed that very few deaths from covid occurred after treating people with ivermectin. But in fact there was a huge unexplained jump in mortality. Pretty amazing coincidence, no? Or just maybe the UP government was dishing out BS about the effectiveness of ivermection.
  15. Stop telling falsehoods. In fact, for the first 20 days of october this yearout of all the deaths due to covid in Singapore, 84 were from the unvaccinated, 30 from the singly vaccinated, and 55 were fully vaccinated. This despite the fact that over 80% of the people in Singapore were fully vaccinated. More Covid-19 patients in Singapore reported to have died in October than 18 months prior In a press conference on Oct 2, Health Minister Ong Ye Kung also said that unvaccinated people are 14 times more likely to need intensive care or die, compared with those who are vaccinated. Around three in four who were reported to have died in October were individuals who received a single dose of a vaccine or were unvaccinated. The unvaccinated accounted for 84 out of 169 of the reported deaths here this month as at Wednesday, and 30 more of the reported deaths had only a single dose of the vaccine. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-covid-19-patients-in-singapore-reported-to-have-died-in-october-than-18-months-prior
  16. These glowing reports from India made Uttar Pradesh the poster child for the effectiveness of Ivermectin. There are several problems with this claim. Here's a big one: UP: 24 districts reported 110% more deaths between July and March than same period the previous year Deaths in these districts rose to 3,75,000 in 2020-’21 from 1,78,000 deaths between July 1, 2019, and March 31, 2020, Article 14 reported. https://scroll.in/latest/998069/up-24-districts-reported-110-more-deaths-between-july-and-march-than-same-period-the-previous-year
  17. Latest research found that fluvoxamine, a generic medication, is highly effective in reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Cost for a course of treatment is as low as US$4.
  18. It turns out that in Indian states that claimed huge success with ivermectin there were also huge jumps in excess mortality...hmmm...
  19. Thanks for showing data that proves how effective social distancing is. It's only after social distancing was relaxed and Delta appeared on the scene that infections in Singapore shut up. As for you claim about deaths, despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of singaporeans have been fully vaccinated, the majority of deaths have been among those who were either unvaccinated or only inoculated once. Above someone reposted a link of mine to evidence that shows this is the case. What evidence can you link to to prove your contention about the 29 deaths?
  20. First of all I made no accusation. I asked a question. And the reason I asked that question was the comment you made concerns that should be taken for granted. So why raise the issue at all?
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