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Everything posted by placeholder

  1. .Your invocation of pharmacology is nonsensical. Long term effects of medications are virtually always due to frequently repeated dosages of the same usually for some persistent or permanent conditions. They are chemicals that the body is exposed to again and again. Vaccines are administered on a very infrequent basis, given in small doses, and rapidly vanish from the body. But if it's long term effects that rationally concern you, scientists are reporting that Covid may be causing type 1 diabetes and kidney disease as well as other chronic effects of long term covid. And it is well known that some viruses like polio and the virus that causes chickenpox, can result in death oran extremely painful condition years later. That has never been the case for the vaccines used to treat those illnesses or any other vaccines for that matter. So, if your concern about effects arising years later, clearly you would be focussing on subduing the virus and not on vaccines.
  2. So what? At this point it's beyond question that when you post stuff like this you're acting in bad faith. As has been repeatedly pointed out, "infection" doesn't mean illness. Unlike laymen, scientists and public health authorities use it in a precise way that only means that the virus was able to commandeer cells and reproduce itself. It says nothing about whether or not the infected even had symptoms. But we know from Singapore govt that in Singapore the unvaccinated are 14 times more likely to die from Covid than the vaccinated.
  3. First off, your previous post was about the high rate of infection. Now you're pivoting to another issue entirely. As for that. I don't know what Singapore's breakdown is by age I do know that with the onset of the Delta Variant, younger age groups represent a larger share of the total number of deaths. This is at least partly because the younger you are, the less likely you are to be vaccinated. The overwhelming majority of deaths from covid in the USA now come from the ranks of the unvaccinated even though they are a minority of adults. Here's a grah that shows how the distribution changed over time. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2021-09-19/the-delta-wave-is-tough-on-kids-but-deadly-for-the-middle-aged
  4. This is low dosage. 81 milligrams per day. The size that used to be called baby aspirin.
  5. There are 2 reasons Singapore is showing such a high level of infection. Basically they're both due to a very high level of testing. 1) Many industries are now mandated to do frequent covid testing 2)The government handed out home testing kits to its citizens. So those who tested positive, even though asymptomatic rushed to the hospitals to get treatment. They didn't get treated but the results were recorded. As Singapore has pointed out, the rate of death for the unvaccinated there is 14 times that of the vaccinated.
  6. Aspirin lowers risk of COVID: New findings support preliminary Israeli trial The treatment reduced the risk of reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%. ICU admissions were lower by 43%, and an overall in-hospital mortality saw a 47% decrease. Over-the-counter aspirin could protect the lungs of COVID-19 patients and minimize the need for mechanical ventilation, according to new research at the George Washington University. The team investigated more than 400 COVID patients from hospitals across the United States who take aspirin unrelated to their COVID disease, and found that the treatment reduced the risk of several parameters by almost half: reaching mechanical ventilation by 44%, ICU admissions by 43%, and overall in-hospital mortality by 47%. https://www.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/aspirin-lowers-risk-of-covid-new-findings-support-preliminary-israeli-trial-681127 An earlier study by Isreali researchers found that those who regularly take aspirin for their heart had a 29% less change of contracting covid.
  7. Well for one thing it tells us that the UK tests far more extensively than does Thailand. For another it tells us that thanks to the NHS, the UK has one of the best public health reporting systems in the world.
  8. What don't you understand about the fact that surgical masks are worn primarily to protect others from being infected by the wearer and not the wearer from being infected by others.
  9. And maybe someday I'll win the lottery. You don't seem to understand the difference between possibility and what's probable.
  10. You mean like the poster who cited a video featuring someone who claimed that mRNA vaccines damaged the T-cell system. He cited a research paper he said supported this. The lead researcher for the paper refuted that claim. Not just that, but I produced a recent major study that demonstrated exactly the opposite was the case. mRNA vaccines actually enhance T-cell response. After I posted this info, the person who posted that video evaporated. without acknowledging its falsity. And that person who posted that junk video was you.
  11. Actually, the problem is that some actually believe that there is some sort of massive conspiracy going on in the scientific community thanks to their. political predilections. As usual, such comments are accompanied by an impressive and overwhelming lack of substance. One hardly knows how to meaningfully respond to so much emptiness. I know you're reluctant to provide information, but can you at least share with us why the level of someone's articiation is significant? And it isn't strange in the least bit that you would compile a statistic about that. Not in the least. Not at all. In now way. perfectly rational.
  12. Clever. The only problem I can see with that is often, bizarrely enough, one way tickets cost more than 2 way tickets. And some airlines will bill you retroactively for a one way flight if you don't use the return portion of your ticket
  13. The problem is that lots of them get it from charlatans and/or loons.
  14. Because this is how genuine scientific knowledge among the general public should be disseminated. By non-scientists debating.
  15. When someone writes "I hear..." it's just a way to post drivel.
  16. Which recommendations would those be? I tried clicking on this but nothing happened. "There are many fine podcasts covering news and other topics these days, as well as sites with the written word."
  17. We may be safe from covid. But if we have other health problems, we will have to contend with the fact that in areas where vaccinations are low, hospitals are under great stress. In some states in the US, care is being rationed due to the unvaccinated. i.e. triage. What's so hard to understand about that?
  18. So Stalin was just as good a person as Mother Teresa? I always suspected that was the case.
  19. I meant to write "That's NOT a relevant answer to the question that was asked."
  20. Especially the homophobia. Because gayness is such a threat to the moral fiber of the Chinese people.
  21. Occasionally someone osts videos from those sites or links. Almost invariably, they are at odds with what scientific research actually show. Last night someone posted nonsense from someone who claimed that the mRNA vaccines actually damage the T cell system. He cited a study that only suggested as an outside possibility that vaccines might do this. The author of the study called this clown on his BS. A new study actually showed that the mRNA a vaccines primed the T cell system against covid. So, no, it's not the MSM where the real source of your problem is.. It's a thing called Science that's the real source of your difficulties.
  22. There have been plenty of Thai citizens put off by what they read on Social media. Better to be safe and push the hesitant to vaccinate. Clearly you don't have a clue about why there is such a thing as the field of public health. Do you have a problem with agencies that mandate vaccinations for children? Does that mean that they are power mad?
  23. But if you're staying for longer than 31 days, you've got a problem. The insurance has to cover the entire length of your stay or, if you are here on a retirement visa or something similar, the insurance has to last until the visa expires.
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