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  1. there you go again. I said my IQ must fall within a range higher than yours and you decide that means 95-99. So funny.
  2. What was Biden's rating on Feb 26, 2021 and what is Trump's rating today?
  3. In your case, posting irrelevant facts and making personal comments.
  4. Your comments give me all the data I need. They are certainly inconsistent with someone claiming an IQ of between 127 and 143. But given that I immediately saw through the faulty evidence that you offered, that must mean that I have an IQ higher that falls within a higher range than yours. Or would, if I actually credited the significance of your so-called "evidence".
  5. I have taken to insulting people who engage in making personal comments. Demonstrate that you can keep your comments confined to the topic and the insults will stop.
  6. Thanks for digging in on your stupidy. As for running away, you still haven't acknowledged how dumb your citing of Truimp's approval rating vis a vis whether or not it's declined. And that's not the only piece of nonsense you've offered here.
  7. More irrelevant comments. Another data halfwit.,
  8. I ran away? It's funny. The same people who accuse me of spending too much time on the internet, accuse me of cowardice but I'm not on it. Thanks for another laugh.
  9. Thanks for providing some more entertainment. You're posting a snapshot of some online IQ test that you allegedly took. It figured that this is your idea of evidence. Thanks for the laughs.
  10. Thanks for posting a comment that tells us more than we need to know about your IQ. Do I really have to explain to you why that is the case? I guess I do. We are all anonymous posters in this forum. So we are supposed to take each other's words for what we claim about our IQs? It is to laugh. I keep on wondering if your comments can get any dumber. And they keep on surprising me by repeatedly surpassing their previous lows.
  11. Still no answer for the false claim at Microsoft is investing $500 billion because of Trump.
  12. You really don't have a clue about how to use evidence do you? What do you offered here has nothing to do whether Trump's approval rating has declined or not. It simply shows where it is now. So clueless.
  13. So Riclag wasn't cherry pickeing when he said that voters support Trump's negotiation plans? I included that data to give a fuller picture. That's the opposite of cherry picking.
  14. What don't you understand about the fact that I cited the Wall Street Journal, a publication owned by Rupert Murdoch? It's their expertise I am using. Not mine.
  15. You really are a very dishonest person. Misleading much? Here's what the poll said about Americans attitude toward ukraine: 59% of voters oppose the Trump administration leaving Ukraine’s leaders out of negotiations with Russia. 55% of voters oppose the exclusion of European leaders. 57% of voters oppose the Trump administration forcing Ukraine to make territorial concessions to end the war, and 66% of voters say Ukraine should receive security guarantees from the U.S. if it were to make concessions.
  16. As usual you don't address the facts. Apple's investment was planned well before Trump and it's now repackaging it. You're just a sucker.
  17. What a moronic comment. Clearly you either didn't read the article or were unable to understand it, This has been in the works a long time and is consistent with Apple's previous plans,
  18. Republicans Critical of Biden’s Stance During Meeting with Xi Republican Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas tweeted, “Joe Biden has again failed to address or even acknowledge China’s Cold War against the United States. His naive return to a policy of appeasement will hurt the United States, endanger Taiwan, and further embolden Xi Jinping.” Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn, also a Republican, tweeted, “Xi Jinping is focused on global domination, not working with the Biden administration on climate change.” https://www.voanews.com/a/republicans-critical-of-biden-s-stance-during-meeting-with-xi/6838139.html
  19. You might try broadening your news sources just a little. This is from Rupert Murdoch's Wall St. Journal: Apple’s $500 Billion U.S. Investment Is Mostly Already in the Books Expansion plan in America is in line with company’s spending pattern and efforts to diversify manufacturing away from China https://archive.ph/Xpt3i
  20. One difference between you and me is that I can act smart. Given your comments here and elsewhere, achieving that is something you clearly are incapable of.
  21. Funny. When Biden was in office, right-wingers were screaming about how Biden was failing to protect Taiwan. I guess that was a performance too? As for what I do and don't care about, thanks for the cheesy mind reading act. You've got nothing.
  22. To your way of thinking no matter what the price, peace is preferable to war. Funny how the right-wingers play up the second Amendment as a necessity to violently resist government tyranny in the name of freedom, but at the same time think it better for foreigners to bow down to tyrants rather than fight freedom. And I suppose you believe that this attitude will in no way encourage the Chinese to invade Taiwan? I guess you don't have much use for the Declaration of Independence either.
  23. Trust you to miss the point about failing to stand up against aggression and appeasing aggressors.
  24. Trump should definitely win the Neville Chamberlain Award.
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