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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. You have to tell the dentist of your concerns and I am sure he/she will do everything possible to accomodate you. Many, many people do not like to lie down and most of us don't like those dreadful rubber dams. So when you make an appointment be frank about what you want and I'm sure you will get it. If you don't let me know and I will go see to it!

  2. I am sorry to hear of your loss. There's a big adjustment to be made when a loved one dies and my advice would be to take everything slowly and not make any big decisions too quickly.

    Regarding the Death Certifificate - I would have thought you, being the husband, are entitled to have the original.

    If I were you for my own peace of mind I would get the following if the Thai family won't give up the original:

    1. A photocopy of the DC that has been properly certified that it is a true copy of the original. But you will need the original to get this done.

    2. The translation to English should also be a Certified Correct Translation.

    The usual cost of having this done by an Attorney-at-Law here in Thailand is 500 baht per document and takes no more than 30 minutes.

    The Attorney at Law should attach a photocopy of his/her Certificate certifying that he/she has been qualified to certify signatures and documents by the Registry of Signatures and Documents Attestation Lawyers Council of Thailand.

    The Attorney may also attach photocopies of his/her Attorney-at-Law License and of a card from the Lawyers Council of Thailand signed by the Registrar that shows the address of the Attorney's office.

    As far as I know, in Pattaya, DCs are issued by City Hall. Presumably there is a City Hall in Bangkok? But if you have a problem finding out who exactly would reissue the DC if you need it some time in the future ask Customer Relations at Bumrungrad.

    It probably is the case that you will never need to show your wife's DC if you are not claiming your wife's estate. But I would think that if you remarry you would probably have to show the DC.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I have been told that no airline will allow pets in cabin now - but that could be wrong info. But I have had no problem bringing pets into Thailand - last time was 2004. Had to see the vet (?) at the airport but no problem. I think it's more of a problem getting pets out.

  4. They are pouring concrete on a floor level that is what seems ca. 14 m

    No more iron rods for a next level gazing into the sky.

    Hope it stays that way for the next 50 years.

    Getting ready for that all-night, open air disco & karaoke, are they? :o

    I do understand Tony of "Tony's Disco" has bought a sizeable amount of floorspace in the Jomtien Complex. No word, though, whether he's planning to re-instate his gym, or if it will be a another disco.

    Is that the best rumours you can come up with?

    Opening act will be Elvis of course

    I can confirm this is correct :D

    If it is correct at least it's opposite the Police Station. And will be nice to have a disco close by to go dance the nights away!

  5. Does anyone know where Dr. Nanthedej Hiranyasthiti transferred to? I had spinal surgery at Bumrungrad Hospital a couple of years ago, and want to see him for a follow up. Bumrungrad is just saying he no longer available. I can be personally reached at <email address removed as per forum rules. Pleas send a PM>. Would certainly appreciate any information

    This doctor IS available at Bumrungrad. His hours are 9am - 4pm M W T & F. Saturday he is available from 9 am to noon. I would be interested to know what surgery you had done, what you think of him, etc. He seems to be well qualified.

  6. I have an ear infection. It's been so long, I'm not sure if it just goes away naturally, or if I need to get anti-biotics for it?

    Anyone? What should I do?


    i have had a perforated eardrum for 35 years, i get infections almost yearly as dust or water can get in and start one off, i recommend antibiotics, and ear drops, attact from out and in, .of course confirm with a doctor if you wish, but if you have an infection, this is the cure,

    Why haven't you had your eardrum repaired?

    And if anybody knows a good ENT doctor and a good eye doctor please let me know.

  7. To quote wpcoe writing on another topic:

    "I had a series of ear infections and each time was given systemic antibiotics (a different one each time) to the point where I was on antibiotics four times in three months. My main concern was building up resistance to antibiotics, but secondarily to depleting the probiotics that belong in one's digestive system."

  8. What do you do? If I were you I would go to a doctor, get him to take a swab for culture and sensitivity (even if the doctor says no need, insist), start antibiotic prescribed by the doctor, ask doctor when to come back for result of culture and sensitivity and follow up with the doctor re culture and sensitivity to make sure that on correct antibiotic, finish the course of antibiotic (maybe the one started on but maybe changed after culture andsensitivity result), go back to the doctor if need be.

    I have seen too many infections go ballistic because no swab was taken for culture and sensitivity.

    I have seen locals come into a pharmacy complaining of gut pain, the pharmacist prods then with 2 fingers and prescribes antibiotics for a day or two!!!!!!!!! Crazy, but these people are poor. I think you are not so poor so do the sensible thing.

  9. Correct information is that the law says that any building over 14 meters should be 200 metres back as are Jomthien Condotel, Grand Condotel, and Jomtien Complex. Jomthien Condotel and Grand Condotel were the first hi-rises to be built in the area in 1986 and 1988 and the Board of Directors headed by Mr. Thaworn Trsiripisal followed the Law by building 200 metres back.

    Other correct information is that the Manager of Grand Condotel was asked how come VT5 was being built so much further forward and he replied that the law can be changed every 5 years. As we know this was BS. But where was the condo committee when this was going on? And I have heard that Grand Condo did and still do have a lawyer on the Committee!

    If the low states clearly 200m., why the court ordered the measurement of 100m. It doesn't make any sense. We all know the result already. Is it a case of proving the obvious. I really think so.

    How old is Siam Bayview Hotel in Pattaya. It is 10 floor high and about 150m from the beach.

    It always amazes me how people only give facts to support their arguments and cleverly omit the facts that shoot their theory down. In addition to the Siam Bayview there is the JomTien Metro (?) across from JomTien Complex Condo and also the high-rise directly to it's south. Going north toward Pattaya there is the Adriatic Palace and then the high-rise building to it's north and even further north the Royal cliff. This is just a few. One simply has to go to Google Maps Pattaya and view all the high-rises built less than 200 meters from the beach. Looks to me Pattaya City Hall has been pretty consistent in their interpretation of the law and granting construction permits.

    Unfortunately even you are not privy to ALL the facts. And neither am I. However there are some facts and some evidence that will not see the light of day and perhaps for many folks health should stay this way.

    There are reasons why some buildings were given "special dispensation" There are also reasons why objections to illegal buildings were let's say......stifled.

    Postulate and Prophecy and clutch at every straw that drifts in with the tide all you want, it is in the hands of the court now. I doubt very much that they will be bought off so cheaply.

    It will be a sad day if the Admin Court, which I have heard called "a breath of fresh air for Thailand", does not follow the law or the intent of the law. I am sure I read on another topic that Jomthien Complex were advised by influential person to take its case to the Admin Court. It doesn't matter how many hi-rise buildings have been built within the 200 meters and it would seem illegally. What matters now is that people have woken up to the fact that there is a law to prevent this and they are asking that the law be applied. Also I have heard that if no one complains within 5 years about seemingly illegal hi-rise that nothing can be done about having the hi-rise removed. It is still possible that VT5 could be removed.

  10. Safe Independent Co. Ltd in Jomthien Compex still handle DHL as far as I know but I think they add on a bit. Phone 038 303 863

    I find it better to have DHL come to me. Local phone is 038 711 274 but last time I called it didn't answer and I had to phone Bangkok 02 345 5000. DHL guy was here within the hour.

  11. Tammi,

    Your experience sounds rather exceptional I would hope, but must be a relief after that experience.

    Thanks, I will perhaps phone Marcia, but right now I am becoming more convinced that it is/was a Globus and maybe my sleep was actually made worse by my medication.

    It's difficult to know for sure as my lump in the throat feeling has all but gone, but the swallowing action is still sometimes rather deliberate and very slightly forced. I can live with this as it is right now without any issues, but I know even before I had god days and not so good days.


    That is correct. Actually, the feeling was bothering me more during the daytime until my 2 recent bad nights (since then I have stopped my medication, gargled with Salt water and feel better). Whilst I do not throw up food, I do occasionally have a reflux episode that brings up acid/bile/and a little food and do need to be especially carefull of bending over or down, after meals.

    Do you have details of your fasting/detox program. I mean just the bare bones or website, that I may like to try and benefit from? I generally only drink alcohol and Tea very moderately anyway and don't drink Coffee at all. I stopped drinking coffee many years ago, when even then, I had a blocked throat and after a holiday where I drank no Coffee at all and my throat was clear I stopped. Wish I could do the same with Chocolate. ;-)

    I am back to only antacids (Pepsid 2) myself now, just as and when/if needed and as I type Globus free.

    Thanks all

    Try stopping chocolate! I am 'allergic' to chocolate. I get dreadful sinusitis and definitely caused by chocolate. Maybe stopping chocs will be the answer to a lot of your problems!!

  12. Take a closer look at Pattaya Bay

    There are very very few buildings over 5 storys in that magic 200 meter zone from the waterline

    Maybe on that premise you should ask why.

    As you said greed is a prime motivator. However the old ways of a few bob or a few million under the table will fix most problems are coming to an end.

    As you also said many resorts around the world have suffered from this "profit taking"

    Recent developments in Spain for example involving corrupt licensing has resulted in many tall structures on the beachfront being demolished.

    How can Pattaya rescue it's ailing image and stagnant property market?

    Who in their right mind is going to invest in a condo when their multi million Baht or multi million dollar is going to be a multi million white elephant just a few years down the road.

    VT5 is a prime example - the condo next door built according to the law 200 meters back. Then mysteriously View Talay manages to get a 100 Meter permit. Ah well sod em we got the brass. Bugger your sea view - should have bought on the beach. Then just a couple of years down the line the same company try to build VT7 and it's a case of bugger their own customers in VT5. To top it all there is a plot of land etween the VT5 & VT7 so let's build there and bugger the lot of them. Sad really but as you say that's life.

    A good start would be to enforce a few laws and give existing owners who bought into "legal projects" a fair crack of the whip to stand up to unscrupulous developers who don't give a toss.

    Wishfull thinking maybe - VT7 is a test case - let's see if the law or the Baht wins

    OK one mike, hope you enjoyed your coffee and your current sea view. How old is the condo next to VT5? (Grand Condo) How old is Jomtien Condo Complex? How old is Jomtien Condotel? Like these developments, I think you're living in the past and reminiscing about the good ole days. You like Pattaya how it was twenty years ago, you don't like to see places grow economically and local people prosper through a knock on effect. You're retired, you've just work out how to use a computer, you lead a simple life with simple requirements. Any changes to that and you like so many people similar to you are up in arms and debating about whether it's 100m, 200m or 10" from the shoreline. I agree with what you say, take a look at Pattaya bay and it's quite plain to sea how many buildings up to and over 23 metres there are within 200m. For goodness sake open your eyes, ears and wake up and smell the coffee. Times, they are a changin, whether you like it or not. Time stands still for no one and my humble advise would be that if you really are retired, make the most of the time you have left, don't dwell on the past as you never know when your twilight years will come to an end.

    Always right - You are a complete waste of time and space - I am not taking your bait and wasting any more time

    Opening poster - take this morons advice - up to you

    Touched on a nerve have I? The truth must hurt. It is Morons like you who do not know what they are talking about, and you admit to not knowing is the sad part. Go sit on your balcony and enjoy your coffee. Have an enjoyable retirement and don't dwell on the past too much. I wish you no ill feeling whatsoever, just try to give people correct information and the world will be a better place.

    Correct information is that the law says that any building over 14 meters should be 200 metres back as are Jomthien Condotel, Grand Condotel, and Jomtien Complex. Jomthien Condotel and Grand Condotel were the first hi-rises to be built in the area in 1986 and 1988 and the Board of Directors headed by Mr. Thaworn Trsiripisal followed the Law by building 200 metres back.

    Other correct information is that the Manager of Grand Condotel was asked how come VT5 was being built so much further forward and he replied that the law can be changed every 5 years. As we know this was BS. But where was the condo committee when this was going on? And I have heard that Grand Condo did and still do have a lawyer on the Committee!

  13. M. 7,300 Baht 215 US Dollars F. 9,800 Baht 288 US Dollars

    That program at Bumrungrad would be 13-14,000B. I did it 3 times.

    1 time i did it at Pattaya Bangkok Hospital and, instead of 90 minutes it takes at Bumrungrad for everything, it took 6 hours. There were periods when nobody came to me for 2 hours. Looks like other hospitals are trying to copy Bumrungrad with "me too" offer with 1 doctor.

    That may be the only drawback, I think any hospital can do the tests.

    It's just how efficient and well oiled the process is.

    And perhaps how good the doctor is at reading results. I know someone who was diagnosed with constipation by a gastoenterologist after a 3 day series of x-rays. Person had stage IV cancer. Another person showed a low normal haemocrit that was not questioned by doctor doing health check. Another doctor later said (but with hindsight, of course) that she would have questioned it. Again patient had cancer. Another patient had a left kidney op, then got right side extreme pain. Urologist said it was referred pain. Patient had ruptured appendix. He lived because another surgeon had more sense. You pays your money and hopes for the best. And that applies anywhere in the world.

  14. Tammy,

    feeling a bit better thanks.

    I have stopped all medication and just been gargling nightly with salt water.

    I feel little different, but possibly and surprisingly just a little bit better. Too early to tell if it is real and it may of course be my medication working still. I have stopped it for now as it has to stop in about 1 week anyway. I can always resume for a while, if it gets worse again.

    Your summary is correct and no pain or dizziness anywhere or any other symptoms you mention.

    Night time symptoms were worse sleep pattern and on waking a slightly worse feeling of lump in throat when swallowing. As not improved, hence I stopped all medication for now. Stopping Xanax, as it may have effected my sleep pattern and Omeprazole as I only had about 1 week left until I needed to stop anyway and I wanted to see how I felt unmedicated, being as I was actually feeling a little worse.

    No reply from Bumrungrad, so I will resend my email

    Glad to hear you are feeling a little better. I will be surprised if you hear from Bumrungrad. Try phoning and asking for Customer Relations and ask for Marcia and put your case to her. I wouldn't bother speaking with any of the others in Customer Relations.

    If lump in throat feeling persists it should be investigated further - at least that's what I would do. I had a condition for years that went undiagnosed - nothing could be found. God knows what was written in my medical record (this was in a western country with NH). Eventually I paid privately for MRI and bingo! Then would you believe specialist who had been seeing me for years refused to operate! So then I had to run around to find a surgeon quickly as I was due to go overseas. Only surgeon available was someone who had made a small error and was just back after being banned for 3 months. He found something 'the likes of what he had never seen before', and brought in another surgeon for advice (2 heads better than 1). They cut out the offending bit and that was that! Strange (rare) things do happen to our bodies and sometimes we have to be persisitent with the doctors whatever they might be thinking of us. But that said, doctors will/should look for sparrows first but have a list of differential diagnosis in their heads if the sparrow doesn't go away after treatment.

  15. The point I am trying to make is that there seems to be too many armchair lawyers around only too willing to give there two penneth of advice.

    I stated that I am not sure what the laws and regulations are. I am just being honest about this.

    You state that you KNOW the law - good for you. This is the same argument used by investors in VT7. They know the law - VT Knows the law and their Thai lawyers know the law


    A similiar set of arguments were paraded when VT7 was started

    However how many folks who KNOW the law (Including City HAll - Thai lawyers and developers) could well end up with egg on face when and if VT7 is STOPPED

    I like your view about the high inegrity of Pattaya Lawyers.

    I just urge folks who are thinking of buying an expensive condo to really really take care when making their decisions - especially in Pattaya and Jomtien.

    Absolutely. Folks in VT5 could find themselves homeless if somebody goes to court to have it taken down.

  16. I did self-hypnosis. Side effect is that I go loose immediately I hear the word 'relax'!

    Reported October 24, 2007

    Want to Quit Smoking? Try Hypnosis

    (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- Hypnotherapy may be a better way to stomp out cigarettes than other smoking cessation methods, according to new research.

    Researchers from North Shore Medical Center in Salem, Mass., compared the quit rates of 67 smokers who were hospitalized with a cardiopulmonary condition. All patients were approached about quitting smoking and all said they wanted to do so. Patients were split into four groups upon leaving the hospital. One group received hypnotherapy, one group received nicotine replacement therapy, a third group received hypnotherapy and nicotine replacement therapy, and a fourth group said they wished to quit on their own.

    After 26 weeks, 50 percent of people who received hypnosis alone and 50 percent of those who received hypnosis along with nicotine replacement therapy had successfully quit smoking. That was compared to just 25 percent in the “cold turkey” group and 15.78 percent in the group that received only nicotine replacement therapy.

    Researchers report people who were admitted to the hospital with a heart condition were more likely to quit smoking than those who were admitted to the hospital with a lung condition.

    Faysal Hasan, M.D., from North Shore Medical Center, was quoted as saying, “Patients admitted with coronary symptoms may have experienced ‘fear and doom’ and decided to alter a major health risk to their disease when approached about smoking cessation. In contrast, pulmonary patients admitted for another exacerbation may not have felt the same threat. They likely felt they can live for another day and continue the smoking habit.”

    Dr. Hasan adds, “Hypnotherapy appears to be quite effective and a good modality to incorporate into a smoking cessation program after hospital discharge.”

    SOURCE: Presented at CHEST 2007, the 73rd annual international scientific assembly of the American College of Chest Physicians in Chicago, Oct. 20 - 25, 2007

  17. Tammi,

    Thanks. Couple of points

    Yes, I do have my tonsils and looking at them they are completely normal. My lump feeling is not in my mouth as such, but further down nearer the bottom of my neck, so I assume this excludes anything to do with Tonsils?? I would certainly assume so.

    No bad breath smell either thankfully ;-) No ear pain and no sore throat or bad taste. Well worth mentioning and I am having a look and going to gargle with some salt water, just for the hel_l of it.

    Actually, when I previously had my tonsilloliths (never knew the word) I had it rarely, but always in the same place and it was at the back of my mouth upper right hand side, but not on and not extremely close to my tonsils.

    How are you feeling now? Have you heard back from Bumrungrad? Have they perhaps suggested you have an x-ray?

    To summarise:

    Difficulty swallowing for over a year; feeling that food gets stuck not always but often and happening much more recently.

    Feels there is a small lump 'lower down' in the throat which cannot be 'washed away'.

    Blocked throat needs clearing more than usual.

    Whistling noise that comes and goes and UK doctor was concerned about.

    Hiatus hernia

    Acid reflux


    Has had white calcifications at back of throat. ? tonsilloliths.

    No ear pain, no bad breath, no sore throat, no bad taste.

    Prescribed omeprazole to reduce stomach acid and Xanax for globus hystericus.

    Patient is concerned about continuing omeprazole for longer than 4 weeks and feels that Xanax is not helping and in fact night time symptoms have been worse last 2 nights.

    Any pain on turning your head? Any pain anywhere? Dizziness? Sleep apnea, snoring?

    Voice alteration, cough, sinusitis, bloodshot eyes? Increased salivation?

    What are your night time symptoms?

  18. zzdocxx,

    The symptoms are about the same since taking Xanax and after 1 week, I have decided to stop taking them from today. If anything my nightime symptoms are slightly worse these last 2 nights and when I wake up it takes a few minutes swallowing, clearing my throat and water to feel better.

    I would characterise my symptoms as not feeling urgent, but a persistent feeling that my swallowing process is a bit forced and no longer completely natural and at times either a feeling of food getting stuck and needing to be washed down or a small lump which does not swallow down even after 2,3 or 4 swallows.

    For example, in the past I have had white deposits at the back of my throat, only very very occasionally, which I think is a Calcium deposit and it is common to just knock it out and away. They are hard. Well, the feeling much lower in my throat could be the feeling I imagine I would have if I had a white Calcium deposit at that place, stuck in my throat. However I am certain this is not the case, but the feeling is something similar that will not swallow down. I also have a blocked throat, which needs clearing more than usual. Maybe due to my asthma, though, as I think my Asthma as well as my Hiatus Hernia is linked into this issue.

    I didn't really notice any symptoms or changes at all, that I could ascribe to Xanax, unless my last 2 worse night's - throat wise - has anything to do with it. My dosage is rather low at 0.25mg

    Prior to starting Oemprazole about 2 weeks ago, I used to use Pepsid 2 just as and when needed. I will revert to that after stopping my Oemprazole.

    I am about 76kg and 171 cm, I think (or in old money about 13 stone and 5 foot 8 inches)

    Do you still have your tonsils? You seem to be describing tonsilloliths, aka tonsil stone or caculus of the tonsil. You probably will feel that you have a foreign body in the back of the throat. Do you know if you have bad breath? Any pain in ear(s)? Sore throat? Bad taste in back of throat? If tonsil stones you can prevent by gargling with salt water or cider vinegar. But if you do have a stone that you can't see and 'knock away' then you need to get an ENT to do it. And he should also consider what it could be if not a stone. It is usual for doctors to start with the most common diagnosis and work their way up to the rarer. It is also common for both patient and doctor(s) to let existing disease(s) get in the way of a proper diagnosis of a new complaint.

  19. I live in an older condo complex in Jomtien that is not attached to the municipal water main that goes along the soi out front. We rely year 'round on trucked in water, and it rarely is without odor, and often is dirty. I have seen a truck that suspiciously looks like one that services our condo block parked alongside the edge of the soi by a roadside stagnant pool with its hoses dropped in.

    I thought this was an exception to condo water rule in Pattaya, but I read in a recent thread a comment about someone living in View Talay 2 not receiving adequate response when he complained about dirty water coming out of his faucets.

    I also read a comment in a thread about Nirun Condo something about paying less fee (tax?) if utility hook-ups to the building were never completed, hence they never tapped into the municipal water supply.

    So now, I'm wondering: is not being attached to the municipal water supply a somewhat common occurence for large condo blocks? Is it because of some break on taxes? I can't believe that municipal water would be more expensive than paying for tanker trucks of pond water. I was always secretly jealous of other condo blocks, like VT2, for having cleaner more dependable water supplies. Is that not the case?

    I have a countertop water filter at the kitchen sink, and I cook and wash dishes with filtered water and brush my teeth there. The filter cartridges rarely last three months. I have to clean the screen filters in the faucets and at the washing machine inlet on a daily basis sometimes.

    How awful! My condo is attached to municipal water AND has filters. Water Bill for general use at this condo was about 300,000 baht last year and then, of course, each condo unit pays for own usage.

  20. Hi,

    I have been a quite reader for some time and I think it is time to share my experiences and opinion on plastic surgeons for face lifts in Bkk. I have had facial surgery with both Dr. Poomee and with Dr. Preecha. To be frank - Dr. Preecha is by far the more skilled surgeon. It was him who corrected my nasolabial folds, not with fat injections but by a state-of-the-art facelift. The facelift done by Dr. Poomee did not last too long, I had to get a touch-up which was done by Dr. Preecha. I am still very happy with the results. I think, Dr. Poomee is too conservative and doesn't touch the more complicated cases.

    Hope this is of help to anyone looking around for a top surgeon for facial work.


    How long is "not too long"?

    5 years

    That'll do!

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