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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. It is always good to hear about a condo where the condo owners are demanding that the accounts be transparent and where the elected committee is showing monthly accounting. I wish it were so in the condo I am in. I would urge all condo owners to read the Condominium Act and the Regulations of the condo Juristic Person. The Regulations is a legal document and is on file at the Land Office.

    A good book to read is "Your Thai Condo Rights" by Tony Crossley which includes The Condominium Act, both in Thai and English, and is available from Bookazine.

  2. I’m Richard Haines who organized the co-owners at Jomthien Complex Condotel to take legal action against VT7 to stop construction.

    The 200 meters from high tide law is that you can not build over 14 meters high. For more info of this group of 10 go to http://stopvt7.blogspot.com/

    This regulation was issued for city planning to follow. No one ever tried to enforce this law in Thailand . Administrative Court is a new court formed in 1999 to fight corruption in government. See below and got to http://stopvt7.blogspot.com/ and read the case which was filed. They have a good legal team to represent them. See the Ministerial Regulation below.

    Ministerial Regulation Issue 9 (B.E. 2521)

    Issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479

    By the virtue of the Section 15 of the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479, te Ministry of Interior issued the following Ministerial Regulations:

    1. No. 1 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the followings statement:

    “No. 1. This Ministerial Regulation applies within the boundary line of the map annexed to the Royal Decree Promulgating the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 in the regions of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Khua and Tambol Nhong Prue of Amphur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province B.E. 2520”

    2. No. 3 of the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 to be amended by the following statement:

    “No 3. Setting of 200 meters measured from the map annexed to the Royal Decree Promulgating the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 in the regions of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Khua and Tambol Nhong Prue of Amphur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province B.E. 2521 at the seaside in which the following constructions shall not be built:

    Building of 14 meters higher than road level.

    The Ministerial Regulation is hereby given on the date of twenty-third of November B.E. 2521 (1978).

    General Lek Naewmalee

    Minister of Interior

    (Mr. Somchai Leelaprapaporn)

    Civil Engineer Grade 7

    Note: The reason issuing this Ministerial Regulation due to the updating of the construction control areas in Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Na Khua and Tambol

    Nhong Prue, by extending the construction restriction areas as appeared in the map annexed to the Royal Decree Promulgating the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 controlling over the regions of Tambol Bang Lamung, Tambol Nhong Plalai, Tambol Na Klua and Tambol Nhong Prue of Amphur Bang Lamung of Chonburi Province B.E. 2521. It is, therefore, appropriate to amend the Ministerial Regulation No. 8 (B.E. 2519) issued under the Building Construction Control Act B.E. 2479 governing restriction of the construction of some kinds of building within the controlling areas under the aforesaid Royal Decree.

    Copy taken from the Government Gazette No. 95 Section 157 dated 31 December 2521 (1978)

    Let's go back to the beginning. Has anybody seen the map mentiomed in Item # 3?

    BTW, I have heard that pile driving has commenced at Regatta.

  3. I agree this Blog Owner is obviously not a full shilling

    However one thing he does get over is that the View Talay 7 Project would be a big joke if it was not for the fact that the results of this clearly illegal folly will mean a lot of folks losing a lot of money

    I see the offensive articles/posts have been removed from this blog (PattayaJomTienCondos). I see the blog owner Blackpuddin is also named Mike.

    The next step? Possibly the Admin Court will dismiss the case based on the fact that VT7 is too close to the sea, even under the 100 meter rule. Then what?

    I can't see how a court of law can ignore the law.

  4. My gf and I had sex while she was on her period, she is taking the pill and it was on her 3 of 5 days of her period. The next 2 days she had no bleeding. We had sex again 1.5 weeks later and her period started again a few days later. According to the schdule on her pill she shouldn't have had her period for another 1.5 weeks. Ever since we had sex she has had bleeding every day, some days more than others. She seems to think that this is just her normal period but I'm a little concerned that it could be something worse.

    She is terrfied of going to the doctor and has never had a gynecologist exam. Can anyone recommend a good Thai gynecologist in Bangkok, I think my gf would prefer a female doctor.

    I see that Dr. Prasertsri is still at Bangkok Nursing Home Hospital on Convent Road in BKK. I think she is great!

  5. Friends say that worst offenders are farangs on motorbikes - the ones wearing singlets, having tattoed arms, and wearing those German style helmets. They have been known to swear horribly at little old ladies crossing 2nd Road.

  6. Yesterday I managed one-and-a-half somersaults without any trouble.

    It was in the middle of Second Road, outside Lo Yen (Royal Garden Plaza) and I was assisted by a speeding motorbike, but still - I've not done that for years!

    Any pics? :D:o

    (Happy to hear your ok though)

    Could do with pix of the mo'bike (that didn't stop).

    The good thing about it is that I was concerned that my bones may be getting brittle, but evidently not - so I'll be turning out for the local rugby team when I get back to Saudi.

    Quite frankly I've had worse injuries on the rugby field, but there one tends to expect them, or be taking precautions against them. Looking before crossing a main road, establishing that there were no dangers, hurrying across said road on a marked crossing point, I did not expect it. That's what really shook me up.

    Zebra crossings don't mean a d**ned thing here in LOS.

  7. unless you are dealing with an enlightened doctor - either allopathic or naturopathic (yes there are good ones in both) then your only hope is to take your health into your own hands. Meaning that you diganose and decide what needs to be done for your own health. if you need pills, then you tell the pharmacist what you need. If you need surgery then you tell the doctor.

    Not my idea of good health management but different strokes for different folks

    its sad looking at local thai people coming out of hospitals with big bags of pills that just destroy their immune system. A relative of my wife has 3 big doctor issued pills she takes everyday and a ointment that she applies for her bad skin.

    I hated to recommend that if she got into the sun for a few minutes a day, that may do the trick without loading her body up with steroids or whatever that is just going to cause a chain reaction of sickness.

    Bad skin is a dreadful affliction for anybody but especially a lady. I would recommend dabbing the face with 3% hydogen peroxide 2 or 3 times daily and using PanOxyl AcneGel. I have also had very good results using Germolene but its not available in Thailand - have to bring from UK.

    another case was when my wife was at full term pregnancy, we went it to see the doctor and my wife had a sore throat. The doctor prescribed her a full course of Amoxicillian. good thing this was not our regular doctor and those pills went straight into the garbage. But what about the poor people who actually believe that doctors know what they are doing??????

    I am not understanding why you went to see the doctor who gave her Amoxicillin. Presumably she later went to her regular doctor who said Amoxicillin is not good for her while pregnant?

    The problem is that most allopathic doctors are too bull headed and blinded and that most naturopathic doctors are too spacey and unrealistic. One in the middle is what is truly needed.

    Fortunately I have been blessed with having good doctors all of my life. I would have died at 5 years if I had not been given penicillin by a doctor.

  8. I doubt more people die in hospital than walk out, or carried out...but still alive.

    A recent experience of mine in support of at least some of the OP claims, as recent as now actually.

    I hate to take medicines, anything other than a headache tablet I avoid and if I have to take something, I usually never finish it.

    An exception to this was morphine and whatever drugs they used on me for pain when breaking a shoulder blade and buggering up my knee, these drugs were awesome in fact....think I might go bugger up my knee again in fact.

    Anyway, i have over the last 2 years not taken any medication for various coughs, flews, colds, etc. No matter how bad they were or how long I had it. Each time it took a month or so to get over it, but decreasing each time I caught something. It knocked you around if it took a month to 6 weeks to get over something, but I figured that my body should fight it and the defence it builds up will help naturally kill it the next time.

    This last 2 weeks, everyone in our house has been sick with a bad lingering cough and flu type deal, my wife, 2 kids and nanny. Everyone coughing around me, everyone sharing drinks with the kids, even kissing the missus. I did not even catch the slightest cough or sneeze from it.

    So I wonder if it was just a fluke or whatever bugs it was I had a natural defence well built up and it killed it on its own. Worked for me anyway.

    Maybe you just wash your hands more, especially before eating. The people who get the least colds, flus, tummy upsets, are hairdressers. I know someone whose immune system is in his boots but he hasn't had a cold in years! He washes his hands before food and keeps his hands away from his mouth at all other times.

  9. I bought my beautiful pet dog from the place on Sukhumvit near the top of Thepparasit. Going up Tepparasit turn left onto Sukhumvit and I think its the second turn-off on your left. There's a big sign kerbside.

  10. VT7 as planned is completely within the 200 meters setback and is therefore illegal as is VT5. VT5 got built because nobody complained or were given wrong information and therefore didn't complain. As 'stopVT7' has said time and time again (and been ridiculed by many posters for saying so) Thailand does have Laws. I have heard that the Administrative Court was set up to look at complaints against government offices who did not follow the Law.

    I do hope that the Law wins, that VT7 investors get their money back, and that, in future, developers and City Halls know the Laws pertaining to whatever is to be constructed.

    I am presently in the process of losing quite a bit of money on what looked like a good investment now turned sour - not because Laws were broken but because nobody wants to live there until things settle down, and that could be forever. You win some and lose some. At least VT7 investors have a very good chance of getting their money back from the big, respected, and well known company, that builds VTs.

    So we can stop slanging and hope for the best which is that Laws are upheld, that investors get their money back, and that such building does not happen again.

  11. The level of tolerance in Thailand is one of the main reasons many of us chose to live here, it also works against us in many ways as Thai's can be too tolerant, they just put up with about anything, this is not only the poor Thai. An example of rich Thai being tolerant - the "Highway" to Bangkok, how long is it now? how much money does that cost some of the big companies who have Trucks snarled up in traffic day after day! Any developed country people would be screaming for blood, Amazed at the shear incompetence, here...One day in the distant future.......

    Actually I think they are doing a good job widening the highway to Bangkok. True, the bypasses could be kept in better repair. All over the world it is the case that contractors will always do the easy bits first - they need to get the work done, get their claims processed and get money so they can continue working.

  12. I assume you are referring to the trucks that are full of 'landfill' earth etc that are used in the construction of roads and housing estates.

    When I first moved to the Mabprachan area, there were very few trucks on those roads, but for the past 18 months or so they are everywhere, almost 24 hours/day collecting landfill from the reservoir and delivering it all over Pattaya.

    Not only do they cause congestion and accidents, but they have totally destroyed the roads - from Siam Country Club, right round to Pong and the 3240? that goes back down to Sukhumvit. They even sometimes thunder along the little country lane, past my house, taking a short cut to the 36 Rayong Highway.

    Lucky that the Golf Club had an international tournament, and had the budget to rebuild that section of the road, as for sure as H..l no o else was going to pay for it.

    Yes, every time I get stuck behind one - or two - or three - of them, shaking along the road, disgorging their sand and mud everywhere, cracking the roads as they go and terrorising pedestrians and motorcyclists, I have to take a long, deep breath and remind myself that TIT, and there is absolutely nothing, I or anyone else in this country can do about it. :o

    I agree that for the good of one's health this is often the best thing to do. But interested parties can write to City Hall and can write to the press. There will be laws against destroying public roads.

  13. As to being off topic - Replying to Jomtien Condo Owners Sue For Sea View

    We are exploring the moral and business ethics of one of the parties in this case and calling into question wether VT7 is legal or not

    If View Talay cannot be arsed to follow the law about safety helmets, kids on site then how can we expect them to follow simple, clearly defined land restriction laws

    Do the owners/investors of VT7 and other projects care a toss how their money is spent.

    In Europe and of course The States consumers are increasingly voting with their dollars in favour of goods manufactured in an ethical way.

    So a couple of question for VT7 speculators - we know you don't give a toss about Jomtien Complex owners losing their sea views or losing millions of Baht in condo values.

    1. How does it feel to have blood on your hands of workers killed on YOUR site because of a total disregard for safety standards.

    2. How does it feel that young kids are allowed to wander unsupervised in and out of dangerous construction zones.

    And Finally

    How does it feel to coming one step closer to LOSING YOUR MONEY?

    We can add VT5 block C or D whichever is closest to the sea. Can also perhaps add VT5 block A or B (yet to start construction) whichever will be closest to the sea.

  14. However one thing he does get over is that the View Talay 7 Project would be a big joke if it was not for the fact that the results of this clearly illegal folly will mean a lot of folks losing a lot of money

    If VT goes bankrupt I will feel sorry for these folks if they don't get their money back. I will feel happy that we won't have to see anymore 'cereal boxes' which have the potential for becoming slummy and are eyesores.

    Oh you are such a snob Tammi

    I visited the "Comedians" site also this morning - he has a new posting basically repeating the same stuff about VT7 and MSL but also some disturbing observations about

    Children on site, no safety helmets, no safety netting, all par for the course here in Pattaya/Jomthien. One would think that Building Construction Safety Standards are lawful nationwide.

    And it's not just the danger to children from debris, tools, etc.; they are at risk of sexual molestation while parent(s) are working.

    As regards being a snob: I reiterate that VT's are eyesores and have the potential to become slummy. I add that this is especially when kitchens are set up on balconies.

  15. However one thing he does get over is that the View Talay 7 Project would be a big joke if it was not for the fact that the results of this clearly illegal folly will mean a lot of folks losing a lot of money

    If VT goes bankrupt I will feel sorry for these folks if they don't get their money back. I will feel happy that we won't have to see anymore 'cereal boxes' which have the potential for becoming slummy and are eyesores.

  16. I was able to get on this site this morning. It's great! Very well written, easy to read because of sentence construction, spelling, punctuation. And a great service to the community.

    I wonder what Marekm1's problem is?

    So the whole of VT7 is inside the 200 meters and is only 87 meters from MSL.

    In talking with 2 people in the past couple of weeks both have wondered what will happen to VT5 - as one said the clock is ticking and interested parties just have 5 years to ask for it to be removed. Does anybody know, is the 5 years from beginning of construction, or from completion of building?

  17. Glad to hear that you're OK. But perhaps you should be checked by doctor. What about tetanus injection? Your wife is quite right to keep you quiet for a few days - an experience like you had shakes anybody up and especially as we get older.

  18. I found most pharmacies in LOS will sell you any drugs that you ask for that are normally only on prescription in UK. Years ago I was on Ativan (thank god no more) which is banned now, but I had no problem obtaining in Phuket and BK.

    Do you know why it was banned in UK? I have heard can be got here OTC (not at Fascino though) and must be one of the most prescribed drugs for insomnia.

  19. Pay no attention to TheMook - he's just jealous that he isn't 23 and good looking.

    There's a tennis club that uses the courts at Jomthien Condotel. I should think you will be able to find out more if you go along reception at Jomthien Condotel.

    Have a nice time here in Pattaya.

  20. I find private hospitals especially the ggod ones very VERY expensive. And I definitely wouldn't have heart surgery here in Thailand. No offence to anyone but I for one do not trust Thai doctors for the more serious stuff.

    Just my two cents.

    I know farangs who owe their lives to Thai cardiac surgeons.

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