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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. I have written a post twice, pushed all th correct buttons, but all has disappeared twice.

    In brief this time: You shouldn't have to wait 2 weeks for report and recommendations. I recommend you go see Dr. Chanchai and ask him <deleted> - actually you won't say that but that's how you feel.

    There should be no problem being in consulting/exam rooms if the patient is OK with it. 4 ears are better than 2 and most doctors recommend. If you are accompanying Thai patient the doctor will ask you to be quiet while he takes history and does examination, then he will talk with patient, then he will explain to you.

    Do you know what area the CT covered? What about blood tests?

  2. I also have a DSL-G604T (D-Link) and can use it anywhere in the house. Probably next door neighbours can too. So if you choose this you should password protect the use of the wi-fi.

    Definitely recommend having it secured. One fine morning I found a neighbour's photos on my computer!

  3. This may have been answered before in the Dengue thread but may help to repeat here:

    There are 4 Dengue virus subtypes

    You don't develop immunity against any other strain once you have had the disease caused by one.

    The drop in platelets is a result of this immunity that develops in the acute phase; it is an auto-immune response. In other words, your own antibodies destroy your own platelets as there is a cross or common antigen on the virus and platelets.

    Foreigners who do not live and grow up in enedemic areas will unlikely start bleeding as the immune response is not overwhelming. People who are born and grow up in endemic areas are exposed from an early age and get a massive immune response that usually leads to schock and death; even before bleeding sets in.

    Platelets drop from 450K to 25K in 2-3 days but then quickly (in 2-3 days again) get back to "safe" levels. A normal person will not start to bleed unless levels drop to below 20 or 15K. (Papaya juice or no...)

    Being in a room with a Dengue patient will NOT lead to infection in another patient or guest; NO need to isolate dengue sufferers.The effects of this disease can last months, don't understimate this; lethargy, tiredness and even chronic fatigue syndrome may result.

    Treatment for this is just symptomatic; Vit C, fresh fruits, healthy diet, excercise as can be tolerated etc etc..

    I am sure a very good chance of patients and staff getting dengue if that particular mosquito is in the hospital. The poster above was quite right to complain and was wise to keep himself covered with repellant.

  4. Am I right in thinking that the judge agreed that 100 meters is measured out to sea from MSL and then 200 meters is measured back towards land and that hi rises over 14 meters can be built on the line of that 200 meters?

    Where in the law does it say anything about measuring 100 meters out to sea?

    If this is the judge's decision is Jomthien Complex Condominium going to the Appeals Court?

    If VT7 does get built to 27 storeys it is going to be hideous and probably bad to manage and will have no beauty around it. And it will get another VT between it and VT5. 15 minute waits for elevators and constant renovation noise for years!


  5. I have TT&T Maxnet 4 Life for 1,551.50 per month. When I got it was told that only 10 users on the line. Sometimes no problem, sometimes like sludge. Maybe I'll try some tough talk with them - it worked with UBC/True - techs were here yesterday afternoon and fixed the dodgy cable and put a new thingy on the dish, this after Pattaya office saying no way could they come before Monday. Mobi, forget the sweet talk, get tough!

  6. Try A.N.G. Healing Touch, 382/26 Moo 9, Pattaya 2nd Road, opposite Caesar Palace hotel. Tel 038-420357. Manit Chularatnaphol is Chief Therapist.

    I had a good oil massage at Healing Touch for 300 baht. If the masseuse comes to your home it will be 300 plus transportation. This was some time ago - maybe prices have gone up.

  7. Phoned BKK and spoke with a very nice guy - not like the ladies in Pattaya who don't seem to know their asses from their elbows.

    Tech will come on Monday and I will get a credit for all the days I have been without UBC/True.

    I would never dream of talking to the True people in Pattaya. I always phone the True helpline in Bangkok, and I am always spoken to very politely, in reasonable English, by helpful staff.

    The same applies when I phone the technical help line for IPStar.

    In fact, there have been occasions when staff from both companies have actually called me back to check if my problem has been solved.

    I have read on numerous occasions about farangs tearing their hair out on these helplines, and I can only assume that they are being replied to in the same manner as the manner they adopted when addressing the operators. However annoying and frustrating your problem may be, it is not the direct fault of the the person answering the phone. In my experience, a bit of civility and politeness when speaking to people manning helplines will invariable pay dividends - as it would anywhere in the world. :o

    I am so civil and smarmy to begin with but when I get the run around I get tough and tougher. What else to do? Keep talking gentle and get nowhere ? At least I know now to get credits for days when system doesn't work (that info came from BKK office) and I can go have several beers on the proceeds.

    BKK office took me through steps to try and rectify the problem while I was on the phone, Pattaya doesn't do that - they are absolutely useless and hopeless.

    I've asked for the Pattaya boss' name but the ladies won't give so they have to take the flak. I would love to talk to whoever is above the manageress of the Pattaya set up.

  8. Phoned BKK and spoke with a very nice guy - not like the ladies in Pattaya who don't seem to know their asses from their elbows.

    Tech will come on Monday and I will get a credit for all the days I have been without UBC/True.

  9. Sorry to hear this.

    I would recommend taking one more opinion at Bumrungrad Hospital - you don't need to mention the 2 opinions already got - then go with the cheapest. Put together a list of all the questions you want answers to - much like you have asked above. Dr. Narin Voravud at Bumrungrad is very good.

    Which cancer marker (blood test) did Pattaya hospital do? Was it raised or within normal limits? I ask because I have known oncologist to test CEA and even though normal not do the other cancer markers and I think not doing them is a big mistake.

    And for everybody else reading this - please get health insurance if at all possible. Cancer treatments can run into millions of baht over just a couple of years. 12 million baht s not unusual.

  10. Many thanks to all of you for advice.

    True lady said to take card out and put it back after 30 minutes. Also did what the techs usually do first, pulled the power plug and put it back in. While doing this one of the TV cables from the wall to the box fell apart and cannot be put back together again. The plastic hole where the brass pin goes in has been eroded and is much too big. I tried putting it back together as best I could but now I've got 'service is scrambled'.

    When they were here 2 or 3 days ago they checked the satellite dish so I suppose that's OK.

    Will call them today and also call head office in Bangkok and send a fax and generally try to give them as hard a time as they are giving me - and getting good money for it.

  11. Dengue, or Breakbone Fever, is an acute febrile disease characterized by sudden onset, with headache, fever, prostration, joint and muscle pain, lymphadenopathy, and a rash that appears simultaneously with a second temperature rise following a period without a fever. A haemorrhagic fever syndrome associated with dengue occurs in children.

    There's an incubation period of 3 to 15 (usually 5 to 8 days) and, as well as above symptoms, pain can occur behind the eyes when moving the eyes.

    Fever and other symptoms persist for 48 to 96 hours followed by the high temperature falling to normal with profuse sweating. Then there is a period - about 24 hours - when temperature is normal and patient feels well. But a second rise in temperature follows usually with a lower peak than the first time. The rash now appears and looks like measles and usually spreads from the extremities to cover the entire body except the face, or it can be patchy on the extremities and trunk. The palms and soles may be bright red and swollen.

    Cases do occur without the second period of fever.

    Prevention requires control or eradication of the mosquito by spraying, making sure there is no standing water for them to breed in such as in flower pots and discarded tyres.

    Dengue is transmitted to humans by the Aedes aegypti (rarely Aedes albopictus) mosquito, which feeds during the day.

    Personal prevention consists of the use of mosquito nets, repellents containing NNDB or DEET, covering exposed skin, use of DEET-impregnated bednets, and avoiding endemic areas.

    Above information taken from The Merck Manual and Wikepedia.

    I ask all condo co-owners to take an active interest in their surroundings. Complain to management about pots and other garden ornaments and drains and dustbins and lids that can gather standing water. Ask the security guards if they are bothered by mosquitoes and complain to management on their behalf. If management does nothing take matters into your own hands by turning pots over or heavily salting the water in very large or heavy pots.

    This disease can be fatal, especially to children under 10 years.

    I have just rigged up one of those electric mosquito killers under my desk – thanks to you all for putting the fear of death in me and Daffy D for advising about under-the-desk eradication.

    A friend always used the electric gadget in Phnom Penh and, I swear to God, the mossies could be seen flying into his office and dropping dead.

    Take care, stay well.

  12. I think it's getting better and better. More opportunities, more and better infrastructure, malls, schools, hospitals, easier to get whatever you want. I agree with sweetchariot for a change and think the OP sound like an old nostalgic. If you like Pattaya in the seventies I'm sure you can find plenty of places like it down the coastline - if necessary into Cambodia.

    Right on Phil.

    In the 70's Thailand had the most expensive beer in SEA, like Bt25 for a small Singha ... say Bt 300 in todays money.

    That was much more than even Singapore.

    No Milk, No Cheese, No Bread, No Ice Cream, No Bakery Goods.

    I like the 21'st century. :o


    And trying to find a Xmas meal! Impossible.

    But the green fields and little traffic and unpolluted air were great. And Dongtan beach all to myself all day long! Those were the days. And hi-rise condominiums following the law and built 200 metres back from the seashore!

  13. Does anybody else have problem with True? I constantly get 'searching for satellite'. The technicians were here yesterday and everything was OK for the evening but just switched on today at 5pm and same old story 'searching for satellite'. So I phone them and am told technicians are fully occupied tomorrow and they might get to me on Monday! So what to do? Is there anybody better? I told the True lady that I am not going to pay their bill. She said "OK. Goodbye". :o

    I pay True 1,568.12 a month. I could have 4 nice meals out for that money and watch the TV provided by the condo which is limited but better than 'searching for satellite".

  14. BB

    A Marina you say? Now, that is a great idea and the most sensible thing you've said. Why has no one thought of that before? It would be fabulous to offer such facilities and improve the image of the area without a doubt. Another thing I thought may be a good idea is having two man made Dubai style islands just off Dongtan beach in the shape of Jomtien Complex Condominium, which could be incorporated into a Marina also. :o

    A marina would be great so long as it's done as nicely and kept as nicely as Ocean Marina. At the far end of Dongtan Beach where the jet skis are for hire the jet ski owners/employees keep the place like a - I was going to say pigsty but pigs are clean

  15. While the decision of the Court to grant a temporary injunction is clearly a sensible one (if building was allowed to continue pending a full hearing, if it was subsequently stopped significant time and money would have been wasted, plus the applicants may have suffered irreparable structural damage), it is eminently possible that the building will still go ahead.

    Although I am not familiar with Thai law on injunctions, in general terms interim injunctive relief is usually granted on a similar basis regardless of jurisdiction. The kind of factors that will have been taken into account are whether the applicants have shown a prima facie case and clearly they have.

    However, upon such an application, the Court is not really concerned with any defences the Respondent may have, unless they are very obvious, that being something reserved for the full hearing. A Court would generally be far more concerned with whether the Respondent can be properly compensated in damages in the event that the injunction was improperly granted. In fact, the Applicants may have had to give an undertaking in damages to get the injunction, that would be quite common in jurisdictions with which I am more familiar.

    In this case, it would seem to be quite straightforward to compensate the Respondent in damages for delay and thus, so long as the Applicants have a decent argument, the correct way to go would be to grant the injunction. It is a long way short of saying the Applicants are sure to win at final judgement.

    Hi the bounder,

    The Administrative Court has agreed that the Applicants were the affected parties of the coming View Talay high-rise buildings and based on the Applicant's one-sided presentation, in the Court's judgement, there is a prima facie evidence of the erroneous permit granted by the City Hall to View Talay. Therefore under our Thailand jurisdiction or even in most jurisdiction, any damages for the delay that may have caused View Talay (not the Respondent who is the City Hall) can hardly be blamed on the Applicants who rely on their legal rights to defend their property. It is the Court that requires time for due process of the law to listent to the other side's argument. Taking a legal case against officialdom is the citizens' rights and justifiable as proved by the issuance of the injunction. In this case, the Applicants were not ordered to pay any deposits to enable the Court to grant the injunction which is unheard of in Thailand.

    So in short, those Jomtien co-owners can continue with their celebration during these festive days, the victory may be temporary but certainly a sweet one. If View Talay dares to continue with the construction despite the court's order, then their management and workers definitely would be put in front of the Court for jail sentences. They have to wait until the final deliberation of the Supreme Administrative Court. It will be a long-drawn wait for View Talay. If they want to seek for damages for the delay, then the party they should aim at is the City Hall who has issued a permit which is disputable. This is a great case for Thailand to show that not only justice shall be done but it shall also be seen to be done.

    As to the future outcome, it is depending very much on the presentation as to the distance of the View Talay building to the sea by both legal counsels. However, the issued injunction is a good sign that the Applicants' case against the City Hall for the wrongful act is credible and now up to the City Hall to reveal under what basis they issued the building permit. So, again in short, the Jomtien co-owners can still be cautionary optimistic and should co-ordinate with their counsel closely in building up their case. It is quite a comfort to realise that the Respondent (the City Hall) has no financial benefits in winning or losing the case and if the Court favours the Applicants, they can always blame on the interpretation and/or misunderstanding.

    With that background, I do not think the future for the co-owners is bleak at all and I would still cry out a big hurray for the co-owners!!! It is the View Talay and their customers that are not in an enviable position.

  16. Hi,

    You are spot on with the Administrative Court. They are fresh air to Thai system with quick justice for the aggrieved who receive unfair authoritarian oppression from the government or semi-government departments. The Court is the European ombudsman of Thailand even better than the US (see the film on Erin Bockovich with time-consuming justice).

    The first surprise in Thailand was the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand in attempting to privatise its entity and now had to put on hold for ages. The major benefit from the existence of the administrative court is that now the authority has to be more careful and giving more respect to laws, rules and regulations. I am so happy for small men.

  17. Can anyone reccomened a Paternity test Business here in Thailand? I've Heard of "DNA Resolutions" here in Pattaya, is there any reason I should use a Stateside Testing service instead? Furthermore has anyone had a first hand experience with "DNA Resolutions". Any help Appreciated

    Maybe you'd get more response to your question if you post it on the ThaiVisa Health Forum.

  18. I would have chosen to lose my seaview, because I don't think I would be able,

    as a farang, to tell the Thai how they should behave.

    He chose to try it, and now lost both his seaview and perhaps a lot of other things.

    Farangs don't tell Thais how to behave - Thai Laws do.

  19. A sad day

    The court has ruled

    No where in the world as far as I know measures 100 meteres out to sea and 200 meters back again

    There will be much discussion - as for now well the steel is going up and I am going to look for a new location away from this building and this piss poor Thai attitude.

    View Talay may win in the short term but there reputation - if they ever had one is well and truly f***ed

    Any one ANYONE investing in property in Jomtien/Pattaya is a fool - there are no rights there are no laws that are worth the paper they can be pissed on unless your name is big business or your name is View Talay

    And investors in VT7 don't spend too much on the celebrations - it is not over yet

    Can this be true? If it is it is a big blow to Thailand and its courts and laws. :o

    How ridiculous - 100 out and 200 back!!!

  20. A small tip if you are heading to Jomtien, get the bus from the right lane on Pattaya Thai rather than going to the line of buses around the corner, the ones about to turn the corner will go straight to Jomtien irrespective of how many passengers they have the ones waiting in the line will not budge until they are overloaded, this can mean a 10 minute wait.

    Enjoy your shopping adventure.

    Recently I've been using these buses again and have found they fill up very quickly. The air con seat beside the driver is a plus as was the driver last week who told me I am beautiful, especially my nose. :o

  21. Last time I bought ink cartridges was at that place in South Pattaya - what's it called? Tok Com or Com City or some such - next to Kasikorn Bank. Colour was not good but I persevered with it. This morning put in the black ink and machine would not accept it and looking at it I think it's been filled with water!

    So have been out and bought new cartridges from Watana in Pattaya Klang and no problem - machine says authentic.

    I paid 2,500 at South Pattaya for duds and 2,230 at Watana.

  22. A beautiful festival has been ruined. I will be out of the country or at home - well away from the very good chance of filthy water, ice cubes, being hosed off my moto by brainless farangs.

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