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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. This case has already been to the House of Lords. It was kicked out in 2005. The people who brought the case said they were going to take it to the ECHR but had no idea when it would he heard.

    Will have to read up on Parliamentary procedures but, in the meantime, can you tell us if once kicked out that's it - can't go through Parliament again?

    When one starts work in UK does one have to pay NI or can one opt out? And having decided to pay NI is one advised that if one retires to another country that benefits will be cut and/or frozen?

    Also, what is the position for British Civil Servants? In similar circumstances are their pensions frozen?

  2. I already asked same question and Moderator replied as follows:

    "The topic in question has been locked and temporarily removed from the active forum pending administration review."

  3. SO I went to two hairdressers in the five weeks I have ben here and both wre absolute crap.<br />So many hairdressers in Pattaya around Mike shopping second road Soi Dianna and around there.<br /><br />So anyone recommend real good ones where they can do the best mens styles and coloring etc.<br />Styles like the shaved sides and the hair sticking up on the top in a square (using gel) best way I can describe it lke the army leader in the movie The Chronicles of Riddick.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />

    See example here


    I've told you - go to K. Kid at Tim Hair in Soi VC opposite White Knight restaurant. Take a picture with you or look thro his books. Am sure he can cut your hair the way you want.

  4. NOT a southern thing but an American thing! Fish and chips in big cities to attract you tourists. SS Sausage is on second road and also known as "Be Lucky" brand. I do not know exact address and they have ad on the local tv and I think also a web site. Very friendly and good quality and they will try to help with any european or american food that you want.

    Sorry to bother you again but could you be more specific. Between where and where; near such and such; right side or left side coming from Jomthien. Many thanks.

  5. I am sorry to be brutally frank but most of the replies above are of no real value.

    You can establish the quality of condo management ;

    1. Ask to see the most recent audited accounts of the condominium juristic person. That is the association in Thai law which owns the structure. These accounts should be audited, though with accounting standards such as they are in Thailand, this is no absolute guarantee of accuracy. In any building catering well to expatriate owners there will be an English language copy. Use your common sense to review income and outgo, accumulated net worth, presence of reserve funds etc. Ask to see a list detailing maintenance arrears. Be careful if the developer is the major creditor or arrears are substantial/chronic.

    2. Ask for a copy of the minutes of the most recent Annual General Meeting. As with the accounts, any well managed building will have these in English translation. Review this to see if key issues like financial viability, management quality, maintenance planning and the like are discussed. See also how election of board is conducted, if it is!. Many condominiums here are autocratically run by the developers as a cash cow with no real ownership input/control.

    3. Ask for a copy of the insurance policy covering the building. This will likely be in Thai but check with your lawyer what is covered,who is the beneficiary, for how much and with whom. Often insurance is completely inadequate, covers only fire and is with a company even for major buildings no-one has ever heard of. Strangely such companies often pay brokerage of some substance to the "manager" which should not be done for obvious reasons re independent assessment. Thailand has many reputable brokers in Bangkok who can arrange the right policy with the financially capable insurers plus advise on coverage amount which will increase over time to cover replacement costs. Check there is 3rd party insurance also though this will be rare. Good insurance companies will also offer staff fire training.

    4 See a utility bill for a condo and check the unit costs of electricity and water against those an independent householder would pay. These items should not be a "profit centre" for management.

    5. Ask for a copy of the association,s land deed which of course should be in its name (e.g. "name of condo" Juristic Association). In many cases the association will own only the footprint of the building and you can have a fun park or shophouses next year on what you thought were your clubhouse grounds or gardens. This is common. One building mentioned above as an exemplar has allocated only 2.5 rai(about an acre) for its new 33 storey twin tower. Now tell me that makes sense!

    6. Walk down the fire stairs as you leave. A sign of good management is that these will be completely clear, properly emergency lit etc. Check the maintenance plate in the elevators. Is the manufacturer the maintaining coy? Shoddy lift maintenance is a time bomb. Again commonsense viewing will give you an idea of overall tidiness and housekeeping quality.

    All this is a bit long but based on experience. I am the Treasurer of my condominium which is, I believe, capably run by the owners. We employ our own manager and security and cleaning staff and have had most of them with us since opening 12 years ago.

    We are about, with a consulting engineers assistance, to commence a full refurbishment programme which will run to millions of baht. We can face this because our owners take a real interest in the building (75%+ attended the last two AGMs) and are willing to fund transparent running and extraordinary expenses.

    So any questions or brickbats- I'm ready.

    We're about ready to throw the building management out of our condo but working on Plan B (self management). Can a foreigner be the building manager legitimately? I assume he can not take a salary but can recover expenses etc or maybe receive a compensation in other form? We have a couple of residents happy to take the job, with a thai staff member to control contractors etc but appreciate any feedback from others experiences.

    The Condo Act does not specifically say that a farang cannot be a condo manager. But the Act does say under Section 36 that the manager will have the following powers and duties: (4) Other duties as prescribed by ministerial regulations.

    I would think that under ministerial regulations that a farang can not be a manager. Ask your lawyer.

    But you must remember that the co-owners shall set up a committee to supervise the management of the Condominium Juristic Person which shall have a manager who may be a natural person or a juristic person and, if the manager is a juristic person, that juristic person is to install a natural person to act as manager in place of the juristic person. (See sections 35 and 37 of the Condo Act.)

    You should make absolutely sure that the committee and manager are fully conversant with the Condo Act and also with the Regulations of your condo. These Regulations are a legal document required by the Condo Act and is filed at the Land Office. I think I wrote a while ago that Jomthien Condotel have been good enough to put the English translation of the Condo Act on their web site. You can also buy a little book prepared by Mr.Tony Crossley that gives the Condo Act in both English and Thai. Tony's phone is 087 149 4364.

    The Condo Act rules over the Regulations. I know of one condo where Regulations say someting different to Condo Act. That's a definite no-no.

    I'm glad to see this topic being visited again. It was suggested to the Moderators that the posting by "Sattahip" be pinned. It was a good suggestion and I too would like to see it pinned, together with more recent input by me on what to look for/at in a condo before buying and which all boils down to how good the Committee and manager are.

  6. Best fish & chips I've had in Pattaya is at "Neeroys" (Soi Chaiyapoom - off Soi Buakhow opposite Crazy Daves).

    Fish & Chips 99 bht; mushy peas - (HOME MADE !!) - 25 bht.

    More than you can eat - usually 2 pieces of fish - and "batter bits" if you're lucky.

    Well worth a visit. (They do indian food as well).

    I was boat owner and commercial fisherman for many years along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico. Offshore of Alabama, Mississippi, and Lousiana. The red snapper is way overrated, but that fish keeps well on ice and is a beautiful fish. The very best fish are the deep water fish and not necessarily cold water fish. Although deeper than 200 feet is cold in most oceans. The deep water grouper is one of the best fish in the world and every country has a grouper. The cod is very good.For anyone who cooks at home SS Sausage has frozen cod that is a reasonable price and fairly good quality. The secret is the batter which is usually a beer batter. In America we call the same dish "fried fish and fries." Any questions on frying fish I can prolly answer.

    Where is SS Sausage please?

  7. Best fish & chips I've had in Pattaya is at "Neeroys" (Soi Chaiyapoom - off Soi Buakhow opposite Crazy Daves).

    Fish & Chips 99 bht; mushy peas - (HOME MADE !!) - 25 bht.

    More than you can eat - usually 2 pieces of fish - and "batter bits" if you're lucky.

    Well worth a visit. (They do indian food as well).

    What are Neeroy's hours of busness? Every time I go it is closed.

  8. just a quick note..if you decide to go with Bumrungrad you can choose the doctor and book and appointment slot online via their site. Its pretty much instant and they will send you a confirmation email.

    Good luck. :o

    Not so - at least not at the moment - they are fiddling with their site. After doing on-line and then emailing to info, and waiting 3 days, I had to phone them. Phoning is always best. And you should get a text message reminder day before appointment so make sure they have your mobile number.

  9. I don't understand Britmaveric's input but then I never have.

    Yes, there's good golf courses in Cambodia - too expensive for me to play. Phnom Penh must have the highest number of SUV Lexuses per capita in the world.

    At marriages of the sons and daughters of the rich and famous the other rich and famous toss car keys as wedding presents into a silver bowl.

    Yes, if you marry a Cambodian you will be expected to build parents a new house, hire a teacher to educate innumerable related children, start off a piggery, buy a generator and keep it running, change your wedding dress several times, have innumerable beautiful wedding photos taken in the park, at a studio, and on the honeymoon bed, send your wife to English classes, and take her back with you to UK.

    And you might find that girl's parents have borrowed money at 5% per month from another relative and if you don't pay it off the other girls in the family will be taken to go work in said relative's home until trained to work in bar.

  10. And fellow TV members, before teasing him any further..if you know of some books or threads he should look at, i think the honourable thing to do would be to post suggestions and/or links.

    Good luck to you Sir.

    I think his bank book would be a good start... :D

    :o ....couldn't resist...

    Anyways, eek's post was good advise, can only second that one! Sad but true this kind of relationship has a rather short shelf-life and turns out to be rather costly in most cases.

    Don't put any money in it, pretend that you have none and see if she is still interested.

    Best advice yet. And don't leave your wife and kids for her.

  11. OK pattaya Related only please.. you just add 3 words see where the story leads.

    Here we go. ( started it so I get more than 2 words)

    "I was in walking street when I saw a farrang wearing black shirt

  12. Hi Guys!After 10 years of traveling to Thailand, finally we have decided to move to Pattaya next March, 2008.Big change for us.

    We went to Pattaya last month to look at few condo and think we found one condo that we like a lot, located about 20min's from Pattaya downtown.

    Asking price is 14M bart and size is135SQ M, 3bed, 2bath and have great ocean view from living room and master bedroom.Is it fair price for condo like this in Pattaya?We just love the place but since we don't know anything about Pattaya housing market,,,

    Any advice from you guys in Pattaya would be a big help.

    And one last, we are thinking about taking few things with us, CDs,DVDs, books and HiFI, home theater and among others..What is the limit for the goods that we can bringing(by ship) into Thailand without paying tax? (we are both gonna get retirement visa)

    :o Thanks guys! and Hope to see you soon in Pattaya.

    I did a random condo prices chart back in May 2007 from adverts in Pattaya Today. Prices psm ranged from 39,000 baht to 75,600 baht for 18 condos. Average price psm was 55,506 baht. But I don't remember if any of the condos were sea view, on the beach, high floor. You will pay more for that.

    Best advice is to rent and take your time looking around. Also search this forum for advice on what to look at in a condo before buying. You could find that the condo is run by committee members who refuse to be transparent in financial matters, are out of the country for many months in each year, don't know the Condo Law and Condo Regulations, and the staff are poorly supervised and directed.

    How much are the annual fees for this condo you have looked at and love?

  13. The only good fish and chips in Asia was at the Ettamogah in Phnom Penh. Sadly closed. Anyone remember the blackboard detailing flights out of PP after the coup? Heading was "Flights to Boredom".

  14. I have met a cambodian girl in Pattaya, who was it seems freelancing a bar in walking street, although she claims to work in a restaurant in Laem Chambang, she has shown me this and her home is nearby, I suppose she has a work permit for this. Has anyone had any experience with these cambodians working in thailand?, she seems very sweet, but you can never tell right?

    Right! As my dear departed mother used to say "You never know a man till you live with him." I suppose same goes for women.

    But do let us know what the point of your post is.

  15. It's the L'Oreal hair salon on the 2nd floor near the entrance to the supermarket right next door to the Baskin N' Robins ice cream shop and opposite the bank

    I've been going there for the last 6 years and the only place I trust to cut and colour my hair - The staff are definitely experienced too as most of them have been there as long as I've been here :o

    How much for cut? How much for colour? If you don't mind me asking.

  16. Bad luck 'wcr'. I think almost everyone gets some kind of gastro-intestinal complaint when living in Thailand. The hot weather and the local water contribute to this. Food quickly spoils, even in the best restaurants. I avoid salads unless I prepare them to my own standard and try to eat only hot foods at restaurants.

    Meanwhile, persistant gastro-intestinal problems should be investigated by the medical profession. A stool sample can reveal much and antibiotics are not always the answer.

    A stool sample usually reveals nothing unless its absolutely loaded. Its usually a waste of several hundred baht.

  17. So anyone recommend real good ones where they can do the best mens styles and coloring etc.

    my gardener is quite good using the hedge clippers. don't know of his colouring abilities though.

    Try K. Kid at Tim Hair Beauty Salon in Soi VC. Salon is opposite White Knight restaurant. There's only K. Kid in the salon. You can have a great buffet dinner at White Knight while watching K. Kid do his stuff then decide. Clientele seems to be all male except for a couple of old farang ladies.

    Also, you could try Keow at Starlight hairdressers near Simon's Fish and Chips on the road down to Dongtan police station. Again only Keow and her sister (who doesn't cut, style, colour) in the shop. Keow seems to have more male customers than female. Both ladies very nice and good looking. Also, have massage shop next door.

    Both these places open late - Kid about 1 pm and Keow at about 11 am.

    Tel Kid: 089 760 1224

    Tel Keow: 081 686 8039

  18. I, too, use Nuern Plub Warn Animal Hospital. Found it after carrying my very sick dog all over Pattaya one night. Another vet recommended it! Was able to get barium meal and blood tests done about 11 pm. Dog had a tick bite disease and died. Wish I had known about this hospital before. I have a mobile # 081 437 9620 and name on card is Dr. Padet Siridumrong D.V.M.

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