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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Because of some fairly advanced 'cognitive decline' consistent with AD, my 83-year old mother can no longer live alone. With great trepidation and considerable researching of the 'elder care' options stateside, I finally entrusted her into the care of what I believed to be the most suitable of those available (immediately prior to my last departure from the US). I was assured (and wanted to believe) that she was in safe hands and would be well looked after.

    Five days after my return to Bkk, I received an email from this facilty informing me that "she had a fall". Calls to the hospital revealed that she'd broken her hip in the fall. Subsequently - as is typical with such trauma among the elderly - her mental state has worsened as well. As I'm all she's got nowadays, I really want her over here (Bangkok or environs) where I can at least be closer at hand and play a greater role in her general sense of well-being. The challenge, of course, is finding qualified, reliable nursing/caretaking help to look after her while I work. Thus far I've heard only of possible nurse-for-hire help through a Klong Toey-area hospital (apparently Thai speaking only) but hope for other options (i.e. experienced, private elder care nurses/caretakers with some english language abilities who may be seeking full-time employment).

    Any suggestions (or personal experiences) from anyone on ways to find such 'qualified/reliable' help would be TREMENDOUSLY appreciated.

    I feel so sorry for you and your Mum. I know of 4 elderly farangs living in Thailand who needed/need help with everything. One 97 year old broke hip and after repair was looked after at home by his companion and a Thai woman; another is probably 80 +, in a wheelchair, and is looked after by a Thai woman; the other is 88 and is looked after my his servants - a married couple - and a nurse from local hospital who comes in every second day. The 4th has had a stroke and is cared for by 2 Thai ladies. What I am saying is that all these elderly farangs were/are being very well looked after by Thais who I think have no previous nursing experience.

    Do you have a servant who can perhaps recommend another family member(s) or friend(s)?

  2. Hi,

    I have been a quite reader for some time and I think it is time to share my experiences and opinion on plastic surgeons for face lifts in Bkk. I have had facial surgery with both Dr. Poomee and with Dr. Preecha. To be frank - Dr. Preecha is by far the more skilled surgeon. It was him who corrected my nasolabial folds, not with fat injections but by a state-of-the-art facelift. The facelift done by Dr. Poomee did not last too long, I had to get a touch-up which was done by Dr. Preecha. I am still very happy with the results. I think, Dr. Poomee is too conservative and doesn't touch the more complicated cases.

    Hope this is of help to anyone looking around for a top surgeon for facial work.


    How long is "not too long"?

  3. Imp not sure if I have GERD but I have some similar problems. About 3 months ago I had a bit of a binge drinking session (very silly I know), this lead to an awful hangover where I couldn’t eat anything for 2 days without throwing up (very embarrassing). Anyway, I vomited quite a number of times and ever since then I have been getting food stuck in the top back of my throat, almost like its stuck in my sinuses. It usually happens when eating stuff like rice, it goes away after a day or two but by then I have usually eaten something else which gets stuck. Even if I drink lots of water or try and dislodge it, it won’t budge, I have to wait for it to break down. Is this a result of scar tissue as well?

    Thanks for any help.

    Doctors were put on Earth to sort out our medical problems. 3 months is long enough to have a problem. Go see a doctor. Start with ENT who will hopefully direct you to gastroenterology if he/she thinks your problem warrants. Best that you should ask if you should see a gastroenterologist - I like Dr. Virasak.

    If you decide to go to Bumrungrad Hospital you'll find plenty of otolaryngologists (ENT) - the hospital is awash with them. I have no experience of this department but would probably choose Dr. Prayuth Tunsuriyawong because he's got western experience and is at the hospital every weekday.

    Dr. will probably start you off on Xanax or similar! :D:D:o:D Couldn't resist.

    Good luck!

  4. Twix38, Sheryl is right - be careful not to get hooked on Xanax. When I said 2 mgs of Valium can sort a lot of things out for me I should have said that I take 2 mgs maybe 6 times in a year!! No way I want to get hooked. But that said, doctors will prescribe for a short time to see if it will settle the patient. If it doesn't then further investigations need to be done.

    What happened to the whistling noise you were complaining about?

  5. Tammi, this may depend on whether you are domiciled or non domiciled in the UK.

    Being non- domiciled is not the same as being non resident for tax purposes.

    If you are non resident but domiciled in the UK, you will avoid tax on your offshore income, but your world wide estate will come into the UK Inheritance tax net.

    If you are non resident and non domiciled, you world wide estate will escape inheritance tax duties.

    The eligibility rules for being non domiciled are harder, and not the same as those for being non resident.

    If you are non resident and 'non dom', then that might explain your will being made 'offshore'. Otherwise I see no reason for it.

    Let me know if you need further information on the subject of "Non doms".

    Dear Mobi,

    Many thanks for your reply.

    I have a letter from UK Inland Revenue dated 1983 stating that "can be regarded as both not resident/not ordinarily resident -----this situation will continue for as long as (you) remain in full time employment overseas with no UK duties and visits to this country do not amount to 6 months in any one tax year or 3 months or more per annum on average." That, I think, takes care of the non resident bit.

    Re domicile: My domicile of choice is Thailand. I have had a condo here since the 80s. Have never worked in Thailand. I have rarely been in the UK since the early 70s and then only for very short times such as for funerals and marriages.

    So I think I am non domiciled and non resident in the UK. So I should probably keep my Will offshore.

    If there is anything left to give to my nearest and dearest in the UK will they have to pay tax on what they get?

  6. I am intending to make a new Will for estate outside of Thailand. Present Will is in the Channel Isles. Is it important to have it in the Channel Isles?

    Sorry if this is the wrong forum for this topic BUT I am comfortable with the knowledgeable folks who follow the Pattaya Forum!

  7. I was on statins up until about 3 years ago. I had sore everything - hips, fingers, shoulder, feet. Doctors of course said aches had nothing to do with statins. I was scheduled to have an op on my shoulder but stopped statins instead. Now I have no problems! I stopped checking cholesterols so have no idea what goes on there. I exercise and eat low fat, no meat, just veg, fruit and fish. At bedtime I take 58 mgs of CoEnzyme Q10. One can only buy 29 mgs capsules in Thailand but if I go to Phnom Penh or Singapore I stock up on 200 mg capsules. You should read Duane Graveline M.D. and former astronaut and NASA scientist on the internet re statins and CoQ10.

  8. This is one drug I know very well. The 10mg dose you are receiving should not produce this effect on its own. What I suggest you do is as follows;

    1. Make a list of all the medications you are taking. (Include anything you have taken including OTC pain relievers, antacids such as Tums, Rolaids malox, etc.)

    2. Make a list of all physical injuries you have sustained in your torso and shoulder such as deep tissue injuries, breaks etc.

    3. Make a list of all existing medical conditions.

    Then sit down with your doctor and show him or her these lists and discuss them. The ailment you are experiencing may be due to a drug interaction or a pre-existing condition. I am assuming you are caucasian and not asian or african. This is a drug that has race specific results. (e.g. asians can take a smaller dose and enjoy the same benefits as caucasians that require a greater dose.)

    As a general comment, it is not uncommon to see some patients treated by one doctor for a chronic condition requiring lopinavir /ritonavir to also be treated by another physician that prescribes Crestor. Neither doctor is aware of the other's prescriptions. (Hence the need for a common pharmacist that can usually identify the contradicting medications.)

    Please do not change your medication on your own without consulting your doctor. Don't be shy in making your concerns know. And if the doctor seems clueless, see another physician. Some doctors rely on the pharma reps for education and don't completely read the product monographs themselves.

    Statins are truly a miracle life saver for millions of people and if prescribed properly can add many years of life to people that would otherwise be doomed to an early death by heart disease.

    As an aside, a chiropractor can worsen a medical problem. For prevention and effective treatment please consider the services of a physiotherapist in conjunction with your physician.

    All good advice and I've already done much of what you recommend, with the exception of sitting down with a doctor to discuss and I will do that soon. Since there are no other medications involved and no injuries, I'm trying to learn more about the possible CoQ10 link and in doing so I've discovered a camp of opinion that does not feel the same way about Protease Inhibitors as do you and I. The "anti" camp makes all kinds of links between PI use and a range of ailments and some serious conditions. I'm not sure why the camp exists but it;s probably worth me learning more so I can make an informed judgment.

    As for Chiropractors, I'm afraid I am a big believer although I recognize the potential risk. Many years ago I was diagnosed with two prolapsed disks and surgeons wanted to perform a disectomy - I saw the MRI of the ruptured disks and had been bedridden for many weeks. Three days before the op I hobbled into a Chiropractors office in great pain and left there a well man 45 minutes later, never had a problem since.

    Who and where is your chiropractor? Please let him/her be in Thailand because we really need!

  9. TT,

    If by "palpitations"and "PVC"you mean that you can feel extra or skipped beats in your pulse, accompanied by dizziness, you need to be seen by a doctor at once. Suggest a cardiologist and do not delay!!! This could be quite serious.

    Will do. Any recommendations on who to see?

    I use Dr. Visuit at Bumrungrad - he was recommended to me by another doctor. Dr. Visuit has USA experience.

  10. back from Bumrungrad Hospital visit.

    Saw Dr Khemchart. Rather had the feeling he wanted me in and out as fast as possible, but also felt he did enough to be worthwhile.

    Told him my symptoms and medication (Oemprazole at 1 a day 20mg and food gets stuck in my throat and have to wash it down frequently and uncomfortable. Have Hiatus Hernia and Asthma. Don't have swallowing symptoms always, but often and much more recently. Had Barium Swallow in Uk and result was ok).

    I also asked him to visualise my Larynx and farynx, thanks to advice here or I never would have asked. For a minute I thought he was going to sit there meditiate and visualise, but luckily next......

    He asked me to sit on a chair behind him and sprayed both nostrils and the back of my throat. He told me he would look down my throat, so I opened my mouth and he told me to shut it. Charming

    He then passed the tube down my nostril and eventually I helped to swallow it down. This was on the 3rd attempt as disconcertingly he had to remove it out of my nostril 2 times and clean the lens, so it was 3rd time lucky, as the nurse rubbed my arm to comfort me. This was surprisingly good at taking my mind of the discomfort.

    Now a question. there was no picture on a screen. He just looked down one end of the tube and the other end, with a light on it, was down my throat, so this was not, I presume a Gastroscopy or anything more than just a look down a tube with a light on the end?? Can this test diagnose any narrowing of my lower esophagus/Esophageal narrowing (stricture) or Achalasia etc?

    After this the Doctor said a word which I now know to be globus and prescribed me a months worth of Xanax and a total cost of 1,620 Baht and that was it. the end of my 20 minute appointment and no need to return.

    Three points

    1. the cost (and the testing) were both lower/less than pressumed.

    2. I still have some very mild discomfort swallowing. The Oemprazole has indeed helped over the past 10 days or so, before my doctor visit.

    3. My diagnosis is explained below (looked up by me on the internet, as I had no idea what the word meant). I don't really agree with it, but I guess it could be right, so I am taking the pills, which are for anxiety, although I don't feel anxious, have not worked for the last few months and simply felt my food got stuck in my throat and first noticed it nearly 1 year ago and ever since on occasions, getting rather worse recently. Could he have missed something or not checked something. I plan to just wait and see how I feel.

    oh well, I may just report the problem has vanished on my 2 medications (Oemprazole and Xanax), so never say never.

    Thanks for all the help offered here. Really appreciate it.

    Lump in your throat (globus). Some people feel the sensation of a foreign body or lump in their throats when, in reality, no foreign body or lump exists. Stress or excitement may worsen this sensation. Oftentimes, resolving the stress alleviates the problem. Actual difficulty swallowing usually isn't present.

    Thank you for updating us. Keep us posted - will be interesting to know if the Xanax works. I am amazed at how many things 2 mgs of Valium sorts out for me!

    If I need a doctor I usually scour Bumrungrad site for a doctor who has had overseas (western) experience. I have used Dr. Virasak for gastroenterology problem.

  11. There are no taxi meters in Pattaya. There is a strong need for taxi meters in Pattaya. The reason there are no taxi meters in Pattaya is the BAHT BUS MAFIA.

    Baht Busses are great. 10 Baht will get you almost anywhere.

    10 baht providing you are just jumping in the back of one and on one of the "routes" around town.

    If you are going off the beaten track then chartering one will cost you more.............but never more than 100 baht maximum.

    To hire to get to BPH from Jomthien usually costs me 200 baht, sometimes 150.

    And all dressed up for business meetings, and drivers knowing you are green, God alone knows what they might charge.

    BTW if you speak about "baht bus" to Thais chances are they won't know what you are talking about. Thais say "rot sawng thao" (that's how it sounds to me).

    Have a nice stay here and take my advice and hire a car and driver. I can give you 3 phone numbers of very nice guys who will probably charge 200 baht per hour, maybe less.

  12. I was travelling from here to Manila via HongKong and was refused boarding at HK because passport validity was less than 6 months. I had to catch the train into HK and get a new passport. I caught my flight - Consulate did new passport real fast. Dreadful passport photo.

  13. I got chatting to one of the jetski guys, and they are in fact farang owned. I also did witness the damage shakedown four or five times over the two weeks, a couple of which turned really ugly.

    Our intrepid news hounds from our local newspapers should be out there investigating and reporting!!

  14. Get City Hall to licence them - licences to be displayed - same as a farang beer-bar.

    I would be surprised if jetbikes are not already licenced by City Hall - it is too good a source of revenue. And the money is needed to clean up the beach where these jet bike operators hang out - last time I looked at Dongtan the area was a tip.

  15. Please beware, if you are thinking of hiring a jetbike on Pattaya beech bring plenty of cash becuase the chances are you will return to the shore and have to pay a huge amount up to 100,000 bht for the damage you did not do. I feel so sorry for the tourists who are conned each day. I spend alot of my days on the Pattaya beech and witness heartbreaking scenes every day. The Bully boy Mafia gang up and demand money for a scratch or bump that was already there. If the police get involved guess whos side they take. Please advise your friends, it could spoil thier holiday.

    Jetskis are great fun, but it's not worth the risk really. To avoid this you'd have to both go over the jetski with a fine tooth comb before you went out on it and get the owner to sign a form indicating all the damage on it.

    I have never been on one because I just don't see the point zooming along all by myself and doing "wheelies". Anyway I have heard that they are bad for the testicles.

  16. Has anyone heard anything recently about the Designated Entertainment Zone (EZ) plan by City Hall to confine adult entertainment to central Pattaya?

    A speaker at one of the expats meetings was explaining about this a few weeks ago and gave out small maps showing the zone.

    The zone is the area inside Beach Road, Walking Street, Third Road and Pattaya North Road.

    As he explained it no new entertainment licence would be issued for an establishment outside the area.

    By 'new entertainment licence' he seemed to mean when there is a change of owner.

    The only exception to this is when the ownership changes but stays within the same Thai family.

    What exactly is "Adult Entertainment"?

  17. Has anyone heard anything recently about the Designated Entertainment Zone (EZ) plan by City Hall to confine adult entertainment to central Pattaya?

    A speaker at one of the expats meetings was explaining about this a few weeks ago and gave out small maps showing the zone.

    The zone is the area inside Beach Road, Walking Street, Third Road and Pattaya North Road.

    As he explained it no new entertainment licence would be issued for an establishment outside the area.

    By 'new entertainment licence' he seemed to mean when there is a change of owner.

    The only exception to this is when the ownership changes but stays within the same Thai family.

    So Pattaya North Road is the north boundary. Where is the south boundary?

    Anyway doesn't seem to be any change from what is though it would be nice if it means so called adult entertainment won't be allowed in Jomthien,

    Send it all to a new city in the boonies!

    For Brit: :o

  18. This is very bad publicity both for the jet ski owners and the police and should be kept at the top of the forum topics until these guys wise up and City Hall too.

    There's been too many horrible accidents due to jet skis. I think they should be banned for the noise pollution alone.

  19. The incoming mail through the post office is not that bad but the outgoing is atrocious and, as Sheryl said, your better getting it delivered to a hotel or business address. Also they will probably try to hit you with a delivery fee of a couple of dollars and forget about small provinces or outlying areas for post office.

    IT positions available and teaching positions in IT also available and net cafes saturated but does not seem to stop the customers, big income for net cafes is their voip phones but these are officially illegal but everyone still has them anyway.

    Thanks for both replies!

    Re outoing mail from Phnom Penh: Take to main post office; The clerk will tell you a price; you say you have never paid so much before; she will give you another price; She will put envelope(s) in drawer, you say you'd like the stamps put on the envelopes; she will put stamps on envelopes and put back in drawer; you say that you'd like chop put on stamps; she will chop and you will put in post box.

    In truth, maybe it's better now - I did notice a supervisor at a desk behind the clerks.

  20. Maybe I am just easy to please but vegetarian cooking is no big deal - just cook veggies you like the way you feel like. But nice to have jars of pickled things, and stuffed olives, and tomato pesto, etc., to jazz it up when you feel like it. And you will feel so much better not having bits of dead animals in the house!

  21. Thanks for all the good info.

    I'm a single 47 y/o computer geek who's tired of high pressure jobs. I pretty much have enough saved to retire to Cambodia, but I'm really too young to just do nothing. My ideas include trying to run an internet cafe and trying to teach computer programming. I wouldn't need to make enough to cover all my expenses at either one; if I could, for example, make enough money on the cafe to pay the rent and otherwise break even that would be cool, I could live upstairs with my rent paid by the business.

    I also have quals to teach Comp Sci at the college level if there's any chance for that (teaching CS in English that is).

    Any chance to any of this? Or is the cafe business already flooded in PP and Sihanookville?

    Googel "Trevor Sworn" and "Yejj Info Co. Ltd" which is run by Trevor who is a computer geek too and runs classes - at least did last time I saw him.

  22. Anybody know what is happening in Hua Hin? Any buildings over 14 metres being built within 200 metres from the seashore?

    Maybe one zero to many. It's rather 20m from the seashore.

    In Pattaya, looks like bigger distance but still.

    1 - Hua Hin

    2 - Pattaya from Pattaya Park Tower

    My question was: What is happening now? I heard months ago that Hua Hin City Hall had stopped issuing permits for buildings over 14 meters within 200 meters from seashore. Just wondering what is happening over there now.

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