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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. Got it, thanks.

    Yes I know there are many companies but the problem is finding a reliable one :o

    Please let us know if you do find a good one. Where I stay we change frequently. Guards start out OK and quickly deteriorate and co-owners start complaining. Of course, our management is the pits which doesn't help.

  2. You should have put a full stop after involved. But do tell us why you think the birth(day) of Jesus is nonsense.

    True, that is the origin of Christmas, but how many people really give a tosh for that any more? I see it as a traditional time for celebration and enjoyment without the need to be involved in that nonsense.
    Thanks for those suggestions. I fancy the idea of Jameson’s. I’m sure I can get a Christmas Guinness there.

    Who brought Jesus into this! Let’s not spoil a perfectly good celebration and exchanging of gifts by bringing him into it.

    And what exactly is wrong with bringing Him into it.? It is His birthday bash, after all.

  3. What's the best tattooist in Pattaya, there's plenty about, but I could do with some recomendations or know which ones to avoid. Cheers.

    Wow! We posted almost at the same time! You're not also thinking about getting Mr. Pokey done? :o


    Dunno Tammi wasn't thinking of getting Mr. Pokey, well this is Pattaya, i guess you can get what you want. :D

    No just came accross some pics of a tattoo I've been thinking of for a while. where did you post?

    In that "Girl Friendly Hotels, topic. I must stop this daftness and go do something sensible like sending a donation to MERCY MISSION. How about the rest of you? Just for Christmas!!?? You can send money from ATM.

  4. Thanks for those suggestions. I fancy the idea of Jameson’s. I’m sure I can get a Christmas Guinness there.

    Who brought Jesus into this! Let’s not spoil a perfectly good celebration and exchanging of gifts by bringing him into it.

    And what exactly is wrong with bringing Him into it.? It is His birthday bash, after all.

  5. What's the best tattooist in Pattaya, there's plenty about, but I could do with some recomendations or know which ones to avoid. Cheers.

    Wow! We posted almost at the same time! You're not also thinking about getting Mr. Pokey done? :o

  6. ...... I know that I feel a bit more secure once the towel comes off.

    ...but then you see all the stretch marks, the tattoos of other mens names, the bruises, the cellulite, the beer gut......

    ........or maybe you haunt those go-go-bars where a smile is all they wear. :o

    Talking of tattoos, I once knew of a guy who had his penis tattooed "Hold me gently, Ruth, Mary, Anne, Maggie, Cindy, Betty, and so on. :D

  7. if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

    Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


    It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

    If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

    Doesn't sound like happiness all round. I really don't understand why you bother. Add STDs and HIV/AIDS to the mix and doesn't seem worth it. Get yourselves nice, steady girlfriends or stay home with a good book.

    I don't want a girlfriend, I've never had an STD and I own a whole bookstore.

    Once you learn how to handle bar girls, you rarely have bad experiences. It is only newbies, the love-starved and nuts that have all these problems.

    I was broke for years, but, when I explained in Thai that I was an English teacher with no money, the girls would go with me for almost nothing and were kind and treated me like a king - despite my age and appearance.

    Once they know that you aren't stupid and that you treat them nicely - in general - they are quite sweet and giving and... you can throw them out easily once you get bored! :D

    Dear UG, I note you write about your girls in the past tense. So now you stay home with your books and a steady gf? Good for you.

    It had crossed my mind that the OP perhaps didn't treat the girl nicely and she was maybe quite right not to stay. The female intuition is very powerful.

    But I don't like your statement "you can throw them out easily once you get bored". These girls are sentient beings and deserve to be treated as such.

    I am sure that the majority would rather not be doing the work they do. Sheeesh, can you imagine laying on your back for all kinds to make enough money to send money back to the family?

  8. We are looking to buy a new bedroom set and maybe a few other odds and ends. We have had a look at a few stores on Sukhumvit Road without seeing anything we really like.

    Can anyone recommend a good place to shop, store or area in Pattaya or Rayong?

    I definitely don't want the Index style of furniture but something made from real hard wood.

    There's so much in Pattaya now! 7 years ago there was nothing - I had to go to Bangkok, Bang Na and Chonburi. I got bed and living room furniture from ModernForm at Chonburi but I see they now have an outlet at that new place on Sukhumvit next to Big C.

  9. if you are going to take a girl, always make it clear what you want and find out how much it's gonna cost. Some BG's will make any excuse to go home early, overcharge, change the plans, almost everything that is probably different from what you were thinking it was going to be like. Choose the girl, agreed a price/activities, timings take her home. If she changes anything previously agreed tell her the price changes with it. Seems harsh but you will avoid all the games and crap that goes with this kind of activity.

    Well done for posting the issue as it makes others aware.


    It can take years for punters to learn all the in's and out's of BG's. The easiest way to illustrate to newbies what is going on is to mention an obvious fact. These girls are hookers doing a job. They are looking to make as much money as possible for as little work as possible....just the same as people in most other jobs.

    If a punter never loses sight of the fact that he's with a hooker, he'll be in a better position to make educated decisions.

    Doesn't sound like happiness all round. I really don't understand why you bother. Add STDs and HIV/AIDS to the mix and doesn't seem worth it. Get yourselves nice, steady girlfriends or stay home with a good book.

  10. going to pattaya first time 21/12to 12/01,me/wifey/two kids 17/19 ,stayin a-one royal cruise hotel .are there any bars suitable for familys ? :o just looking for good fun,dont need another woman!we are not prudes just want good music and alcohol(beer)thanks in anticipation/trales9 :D

    Consider the Ruen Thai on 2nd Road. Family oriented (little touristy), serves alcohol and has classical Thai dancing. Also Captains Corner (Thappraya Rd.) has a small band and bar. Outdoor buffet and bar. Keep in mind you must be 20 to enter a bar and drink so your kids are underage.

    I stopped going to Captain's Table as I always got sick if I had the buffet. Perhaps because you choose your raw meat, then it is cooked, then put back on the same plate.

  11. This walk on shame is crap,

    if you are leaving a hotel with a gogo girl in the morning and around are mainly farang couples. The farang lady will be furious because she will think her husband can see what he can have, and the farang mans mind will be running riot, how can I get away from my wife for 2hours to roll around with quality like that. While saying to his wife “its disgusting that pervert sleeping with a woman half his age”

    Not a walk of shame, more like THE MARCH OF PRIDE

    Paying for sex is a mark of pride? :o

    Every man pays for sex, always has and always will, thats the way it is. It is never free,

    Why should it be shameful, it is obvious the only way a 50year old man is going to get a 22 year old babe of good quality is by paying, where is the shame in that.

    Look at all the worlds old rock stars with younger super models, and paying a fortune in divorce settlements, never mind the high mainanence running costs while they are together.

    I read that the Women & Children Protection Agency people from Bangkok with police were at Sunee Plaza a few days ago and took people into custody. It was also reported that prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

  12. Don't be lazy and ask us!

    Get yourself out there and find out from first hand experience, dedicate your life to the task.

    Take a different lady, suitably dressed in a bargirl school uniform, each night to a different hotel in Pattaya and find out, there are a lot of hotels and also a lot of girls so you will need to have good stamina. In many mens eyes though you will become a hero.

    The added benefit is that not only will you find out whether the hotels are 'girl friendly', but you will also be able to benefit future guests by rating them for user friendliness, were the beds comfortable, did they make a lot of squeaking noises, was the room sound proofed enough, could you hear other guest and could they hear you, was the shower room big enough for two, was there plenty of toilet paper, were the mirrors strategically placed, did the hotels staff snigger when you did 'the walk of shame' in the morning.

    These are important questions that need to be looked into and I think you are the man for the job. :o

    Why do it if that's how you feel in the morning? Get yourself a nice steady gf who you can take home to Mum. But if you must, please be sensible and sober enough to use a condom.

  13. Me Too.

    The Bang Sarae Club was recommended to me, and last week I went down there and gave it a looksie.

    It was very quiet when I was there, and difficult to tell whether it would be a good Christmas venue or not.

    Apparently it gets quite full.

    I would appreciate anyone who knows the place well who may be able to confirm that I will have a good lunch as I am entertaining my sister and her husband who arrive a few days before Christmas.

    Or is there anywhere else that is tried and tested?


    Dok Krai didn't work out?

    I am going to Royal Cliff for the buffet lunch. Have been there last 2 years and excellent. Father Xmas and a Fairy, too!! :o

  14. I also heard that the main pump had 'blown up'. But that was days ago!

    Shortage might have something to do with new pipes being laid. An engineer type person told me that these pipes are not for drainage as I had thought.

    You'd think that the Pattaya Mail and Pattaya Today could keep their readers informed - Im feeling p***ed of with them too!

  15. A few weeks ago somebody wrote on this forum that we should not rubbish Pattaya because tourists looking for info could come across the forum and be put off.

    I think that having no water is the straw that's maybe going to break my back and maybe same for a lot of tourists.

    On this page there are: Overpaying baht buses because some are afraid not to; suicides at shooting range; gas scams; a robbery; a crazed Englishman.

    Go to next page and we get: Double charging; sex with minors; food poisoning; another crazy man; German accused of prostitution ring; coconut danger; tourist drowned when boat capsizes on way to Koh Larn.

    And now NO WATER!

  16. This is a very bad situation. Hands up everybody who has no water, is running out of water in tanks, is paying for water tanker.

    Does anybody know reason no piped water being supplied?

    Does anybody know what to do about it? Who do we phone or go see.

    Is it just some areas that get cut off?

  17. I have friends who eat at Sizzler all the time. One is strict vegetarian. They have had no problem. I avoid the place because I think their main meals are not so good anymore and I just cannot eat from the salad bar - all those people breathing and talking over everything. But who can say where you get the runs from! I spent 24 hours at good old Bangkok Pattaya with a severe dose (25,000 baht of which 1,600 was for food I didn't want). I suspect it was a trifle concoction from Starbucks but really don't know.

    I've been in Asia for 33 years and used to have problem all the time until a driver advised me to stop eating chilli. That was 1989. Since then just a couple of events.

  18. Would you condone or participate in a double pricing structure

    in your home country if it was based on the color of ones skin

    and assumption of wealth?

    This is a follow up to the "Would you pay 5 or 10 baht for a short baht bus trip poll"

    The previous poll showed that most would just pay the extra 5 baht to avoid confrontation but there were alot of people who just thought that only a "Cheap Charly" would even think to question the practise, and that whore mongers of questionable virtue have no right what so ever to question it.

    So if this was happening in The UK or US.... would it also be OK? Would it be OK with you if your goverment charged double the price for entrance to a state park to any one without white skin with no regard what so ever to whether they lived there or not?

    If you owned a bar or a disco would you give your staff the power to decide who is a local and who is a foreigner and then charge them double or more for a drink?

    Some double/inflated pricing examples:

    1) Baht Bus

    2) Motorcycle Taxis

    3) Koh larn Boat Trip

    4) Koh Samet park entrance

    5) Tonys, Lucifers, Exzyte. Entrance fee and drinks

    6) Thai boxing at Thepprasit stadium

    7) bathrooms in beer bar complexes

    The majority of these are obviously private ventures. Pattaya after all is a tourist town but some of this IMOP is way out of hand.


    Tony's charge double/inflated to farangs? Sheeeesh!!

  19. whats the deal with the pic and the dramatic finger pointing women ?

    makes it look like they are milking it for all its worth

    Police always take a picture like this for all sorts of crime. If you have a burglary and report it to police they will take a picture of you pointing to the place where the missing article(s) used to be.

    And this picture is not of a woman - it is of an underage girl

  20. It's a strange thing about Jomtien Beach. I find that it is cleaner now than I have ever seen it. There is also a 2,000 baht fine for people who litter. Early in the morning you will see many of the vendors raking through the sand making their little area as clean as possible.

    You haven't been here 20 years. But that aside, the beach did get into a dreadful state and City Hall then decided to allow vendors who will lose their licences if they don't clean. But nobody seems to ensure that areas of beach are cleaned where there are no chairs, umbrellas, tables, cold boxes, tubes. Also at toilets. Also garbage bins.

    Does this B2,000 fine apply on Dongtan Beach? I haven't seen any notices.

    Perhaps you are the one who is confused. I just happen to own a condo there. Where did you come up with the 20 years? Are you sure you are talking about Jomtien?

    I don't hang around gay beaches so I wouldn't know about Dongtan. That beach is disgusting regardless whether it is clean or dirty.

    Yes, I'm talking about Jomthien & Dongtan Beaches. 20 years ago it was so beautiful. Now? As you say Dongtan is the gay beach and a lot of folks find it disgusting but, I suppose, the gays need somewhere to strut their stuff. I must say that I find it more objectionable to be in a restuarant with them pawing each other.

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