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Posts posted by Tammi

  1. If you live in Pattaya, you learn the correct fares to pay with a little experimentation. I still contend it is irrational to pay double when it is not necessary. Do you pay double for a bottle of milk at 7-11? Of course not. Who are you supporting by paying double when it is not necessary or even expected? I will tell you who. You are supporting the baht bus mafia. Baht buses are my primary means of transport. Sometimes I pay 5 baht, sometimes 10, sometimes 20. I know when to do this. Any intelligent person can do the same. I am never confronted in any way about this and don't expect to be in future. The reason I am against paying more than I have to is actually that I would like Pattaya to someday have the OPTION of legal taxi meters like Chiang Mai and Bangkok. Who stops this? The baht bus mafia. So I will not overpay a MAFIA.

    Another factor is that there no TRANSFERS in the baht bus system.

    Not having some taxi meters on the streets of Pattaya/Jomtien is actually quite a bad situation. Perhaps you are having a medical emergency and want a quick aircon taxi to the hospital. Perhaps it is raining heavily and you don't wish to get drenched in a baht bus. Pattaya needs taxis!

    OK, now that I have vented, I would like to say that nine times out of ten (when it isn't raining heavily or you aren't stuck in traffic breathing in heavy fumes) the baht bus system is convenient, cheap, and sometimes even a pleasure. Very entertaining people watching. And compared to Phuket we have got it great! But it could be better yet, with the option of a limited number of taxi meters.

    Thank you for writing this - saved me the trouble.

    A word of caution to all baht bus customers: Beware of pickpockets.

    I pay 5, 10, or 20. Depends on the distance. Have had only 1 altercation in 20 years.

  2. I also suffer from an impatient, intolerant, and aggressive driving nature, which is a carry over from the USA. Since that was a problem for me there, I need not elaborate on how difficult it is for me to control here! :o

    I am, however, working VERY hard to make "jai yen yen" a part of my every breath. I am having only mild success thus far, but I am making some progress. I keep reminding myself of some of the points made here by others: I came here by choice, fully aware that this is NOT the USA. I fully understand my status as a "guest", not a citizen; since I wish that MY country learn to grant less rights, privileges, and free money to non-citizens. I sincerely enjoy the general lifestyle, and the courtesy and attitude of the vast majority of the Thai people.

    All of those factors make me regret my every "knee jerk" reaction to the frustrations noted above. In truth, when I reflect upon it all, the only thing that causes me serious delay and inconvenience on a continuous basis is the lack of a speedy internet connection. Everything else is either infrequent, or truly inconsequential.

    Long live the King, and all of his loyal subjects!


    A very good post!

    A wise man advised that one should wear a ring with the inscription "This, too, will pass" and that whatever happens, before you label it good or bad, to touch the ring and read the inscription. That way, you will always be at peace. (From the book "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle)

  3. If I ever need a reality check, then I may go to Cambodia for a couple of days and on return realise how lucky I am to be here in Thaialand :o

    Interesting you should say that. I've just spent a week in Cambodia (Phnom Penh and Siem Reap) and had a great time, loved the country and the friendly people. I even considered it to be a good alternative to Thailand as a place to live if the new visa regulations bite too hard.

    The LOS label should be transferred immediately because the really know how to make tourists feel welcome. I even had a good laugh with the Immigration guys at Phnom Penh airport.

    Cambodians have had a lot to cry about over the years, but now they smile.

    I agree

  4. Well never seen any missionaries per say in patters, seen them in BKK though. Rather amusing - preaching fire/brimstone to all that enter Nana Plaza/Soi Cowboy Ect and trying to convert the ladies to christianity. Ladies try and pull the do-gooders. I often get the feeling the missionaries come back after they finish work and well partake. :o

    I know the kind. I avoid them too. I am trying to find out about missionaries who are here doing good works with HIV/AIDS patients, poor children, the poor elderly, at the police lockups, in the slums, and so on.

  5. There's lots of other things to do besides hang out with prostitutes.

    Oh dear :o

    Must be a bird-watcher! :D

    What's wrong with spending time with people ? - job preference doesnt make a bit difference to me. :D

    I said there's a lot of other things to do besides hanging out with prostitutes. Can't you guys read and understand a simple sentence?

    And, dear Brit, since you are so magnanimous, perhaps you can answer my question about missionaries and what work they are doing here.

  6. A. If the "legality of prostitutuion" is an issue for you, what the hel_l are you doing living here.

    B. Another missionary ?

    A. I've been told prostitution is illegal in Thailand. It has absolutely nothing to do with my living here. There's lots of other things to do besides hang out with prostitutes.

    B. Is there something you don't like about missionaries? Are there missionaries in Pattaya area? What work are they doing?

  7. Anyone who has lived in Bang Saen will tell you about the major problem there, and it is undoubtedly led to the clearing of rubbish from parts of the town....monkeys....more intelligent than the dogs and far more dextrous these vermin can open just about anything including your house and kitchen. And they fight with the dogs.

    Pattaya could do with a clean-up but lets not confuse this with the portrayal by certain jealots of Pattaya as undesireable becouse of it's libertarian attitudes...it is these they want to destroy. I think destroying the location and returning it to a fishing village is a bit ambitious.

    BTW....the sea at Bang Saen is just as polluted and there IS a dog problem, garbage etc, it's just that the sea front cleaning is better organised, and remember the visitors who stay in Bang Saen only come on W/E and holidays, few stay the night and this leaves plenty of time to clean up afterwards.

    Last Sunday at Bang Saen there were hundreds of cars and thousands of people and the seaside sidewalks, parking bays, shopping area, cooking areas, walkway and beach were spotless. Not a plastic bag, or styrofoam container, or plasic straw, or cigarette butt, to be seen. Your argument that there's plenty of time to clean up doesn't hold water.

    I'm glad you agree that Pattaya could do with a much better garbage collection, could be better organised. You can help, you know, by picking up garbage. If all the farangs did so, City Hall would get the message!

    Is the sea at Jomthien polluted? Is it dangerous to swim there?

    I don't remember anybody saying they wanted Pattaya to be a little fishing village again.

    Pattaya is undesirable to many people because of, as you call it, its 'libertarian attitudes' and some of these 'attitudes' do need to be destroyed and others need to be less 'in your face'. And we must remember that prostitution is illegal in Thailand.

  8. It's a strange thing about Jomtien Beach. I find that it is cleaner now than I have ever seen it. There is also a 2,000 baht fine for people who litter. Early in the morning you will see many of the vendors raking through the sand making their little area as clean as possible.

    You haven't been here 20 years. But that aside, the beach did get into a dreadful state and City Hall then decided to allow vendors who will lose their licences if they don't clean. But nobody seems to ensure that areas of beach are cleaned where there are no chairs, umbrellas, tables, cold boxes, tubes. Also at toilets. Also garbage bins.

    Does this B2,000 fine apply on Dongtan Beach? I haven't seen any notices.

  9. If it was same old topic new <deleted> I'd be interested, but unfortunately if you look at the numbers of posts that the "Pattaya Delenda Est" brigade have each made it's fair to assume that they are the least qualified to make a judgement and the least interested in getting any real info on the place....

    Whoever said anything about wanting to destroy Pattaya. We want it to grow up strong and clean.

    Pattaya is like an obnoxious brat who is like that because of bad parenting.

    It seems that City Hall does not know how to parent. Case in point: Jomthien beaches are disgusting. Not at all like the tropical paradise the area used to be.

    Two mornings ago a group of Russians came to the beach to sunbathe but couldn’t find a clean spot. One of the ladies borrowed a rake and cleaned a piece of the beach. They will go home and tell all their friends. Where is the Parent?

    The garbage bins are also disgusting as is the area around the bins. Where is the Parent?

    The toilets open at 8 am so men urinate at every tree and wall. Where is the Parent?

    Cigarette butts are everywhere and as “Mr. PollutionSolution” points out the cellulose acetate in the filters plus nicotine is toxic to sea and bird life. Where is the Parent?

    And let’s not forget the laundry lines strung across the balconies at the new View Talay. Doesn’t exactly make the place look good. Where is the Parent?

    The brats race their motos (no helmets, of course) on the walking street when it is opened to motorized traffic, weaving around the manhole covers. I fear for my life. A brat will, one day, hit a pothole, lose control, and cause serious injury to himself and/or pedestrians. Where is the Parent?

    On Sunday I went to Bang Saen and I swear did not see one plastic bag. I inspected the garbage bins. All had obviously been washed. Walking path was spotless. I counted 8 falangs and there were thousands of happy Thais. So all of you who say Thais are messy, that’s not true. Bang Saen obviously has good parenting and the Thais have responded to it.

    So stop knocking the folks who point out the things wrong with Pattaya and start doing something to improve it - such as collecting and disposing of garbage on the beaches.

  10. Welcome to Thailand, I always wonder what idiots they have there?

    my guess is they are drunk, well pissed, or maybe they are sitting there like bevis and buthead

    "Hu hu hu Farang, hu hu hu film, hu hu hu" while sitting in their own filth....

    Jeeeez! Who are you describing? I hope not our hosts. If you are it's a wonder they put up with us farangs. Problem is we might all get tarred with your brush.

  11. Good Morning Mobi...have a look at their website. There is a map showing you how to reach Dok Krai going along the road to Rayong from the Banglamung intersection in North Pattaya'

    Dok Krai

    Thanks Artisan, it looks lovely :D

    Tammi, any idea what sort of New Year's party they are planning?

    Will you be there? :o

    I don't know what they have planned. Phone John - he is a very affable Welshman. Linda is Thai.

    I would love to be there but other commitment.

    Best, Tammi :D

  12. Mayor Niran insisted that no pressures whatsoever had been brought to bear on him and that his decision to retire was taken in the best interests of the future of the resort.

    but I have to say that the venerable Kamman ran a much cleaner, safer and better ship in Saensuk municipality (Bang Saen) than dear Mayor Niran has manged to do in Pattaya.

    It will be heaven to get the beaches here cleaned and Beach Road safe underfoot. I was really impressed during my short visit to Bang Saen.

  13. :o

    thought i sen a thread on this topic not to long ago but the search produced nothing, looking for a dentist to re-line my current dentures here in pattaya, thought some one mentioned a dentist across from marine disco, went there this afternoon, nothing that i could find, thanks in advance


    Seems that nobody has problem with their dentures. You could ask lady dentist at Pattaya International Hospital. Everybody seems to love her. Apparently, she sings while she works.

  14. I can't face another piss up at home, and anyyway, I would imagine my guests would rather hit the town.

    I know the major hotels all put on a big bash, so it's a question of does anyone recommend somewhere special for a good New Year's party?

    A hotel? or is there anywhere else where I can be assured of a good time.

    I think we're a bit old for the disco clubs - at least I am, anyway. :D

    Thanks in advance for any suggestions - which may also help others to plan.



    Looks like its too dangerous in town, too dangerous at the beaches. Hotels are too expensive. We're too old for discos. Don't want to stay home.

    How about a small resort out of town? Won't cost an arm and a leg. Resort that comes to mind is Dok Krai. Nice setting on a lake. Party room. Good host. And John will send minivan for you and take you back home. Out in the middle of nowhere but very beautiful. Your guests will love it, I'm sure. Some other night you can take them to see the sights of downtown Pattaya when they are less likely to lose eyes and eardrums!

    I like your change of atavar. This one and last one are beautiful!

  15. Tommi, another suggestion which may help you - Get Hoyles Card Games on CD-Rom, it has a good Bridge game on it. Now to get back to my crib game on the pc

    Thank you for your reply. It reminded me that I could download The American Contract Bridge League lessons, so have done so and if I can be disciplined enough to go thro' all the lessons I just might feel OK about joining a club here. Of course, I can always go online and play there for a while. I had forgotten all these options I have! But it's always better to play with 'real' people and hopefully make friends.

  16. So tell us, dear Brit, where should my Thai lady friends go to meet nice men.

    Tell them to meet dvk1951 and I at TQ2 at 2200 on Friday. :o

    2200 hrs is too late for a first date. Now, if you said T42 at 1600. How will we know you and are you nice? I am chaperoning.

  17. We know there are bridge clubs here in Pattaya but it's scary playing with folks who are much better. Sometimes: "Why did you play that?" they yell, faces red and eyes bulging. And the mediocre player has no idea what he played so can't answer.

    Is there any group one can join in Pattaya where the above sort of thing won't happen? Where people won't get p***ed off and yell ot mutter about one to the other players? :D

    When I belonged to clubs a few years ago it was quite common to arrange private games at home with the ones who you found were of a similar standard and fun to play against.

    If you don't have the time to do this, you could maybe just go along, watch a duplicate session or two and introduce yourself to any likely candidates in the interval.

    I agree with you about the scary ones. Some people take it waaay too seriously :o

    Yes, that's a very good idea. Thank you. Maybe there will be a chair going begging and I'll have to play and they'll be so happy to see me that they won't say a bad word! :D

  18. Newbie: A lot of people are going to tell you to stay away from the bar girls, but my reaction is don't get tangled up in a relationship.

    Hey,"why buy a cow when the milks so cheap?"

    Bewareof STDs and HIV. Always use a condom. But you know all this, don't you?

  19. Learn to Speak Thai

    Stay away from Bars, the foreigners in them and the girls who work in them, and you will have a much happier time here. It just simplifies your life.

    There are so many nice young women in this city who speak English, have some edcation and have never been near a bar. And, they want to meet foreigners, too.

    But how to meet them?

    :D How do you normally meet people??? :o

    I know several attractive and educated young Thai women who do not have boyfriends and would very much like to have. So there does seem to be a problem in getting to meet. I have heard of cafes in Bangkok where one can go and meet different people by changing tables. Young unmarried Singaporeans had problem until the government (?) set up social evenings. So I don't think my question is tooo stupid.

    So tell us, dear Brit, where should my Thai lady friends go to meet nice men.

    If you Pm me there phone numbers, i can pop around and service them if you wish.

    and do the washing. :D

    Dear Icecubes, how sweeeet of you but really don't think you are the right type. Service indeed!! Consider yourself a bit of a bull, do you? dom

  20. Learn to Speak Thai

    Stay away from Bars, the foreigners in them and the girls who work in them, and you will have a much happier time here. It just simplifies your life.

    There are so many nice young women in this city who speak English, have some edcation and have never been near a bar. And, they want to meet foreigners, too.

    But how to meet them?

    :D How do you normally meet people??? :o

    I know several attractive and educated young Thai women who do not have boyfriends and would very much like to have. So there does seem to be a problem in getting to meet. I have heard of cafes in Bangkok where one can go and meet different people by changing tables. Young unmarried Singaporeans had problem until the government (?) set up social evenings. So I don't think my question is tooo stupid.

    So tell us, dear Brit, where should my Thai lady friends go to meet nice men.

  21. We know there are bridge clubs here in Pattaya but it's scary playing with folks who are much better. Sometimes: "Why did you play that?" they yell, faces red and eyes bulging. And the mediocre player has no idea what he played so can't answer.

    Is there any group one can join in Pattaya where the above sort of thing won't happen? Where people won't get p***ed off and yell ot mutter about one to the other players? :o

  22. Learn to Speak Thai

    Stay away from Bars, the foreigners in them and the girls who work in them, and you will have a much happier time here. It just simplifies your life.

    There are so many nice young women in this city who speak English, have some edcation and have never been near a bar. And, they want to meet foreigners, too.

    But how to meet them?

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