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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. "I can't believe that our children can be this stupid."

    - again bad English... he should have said 'uneducated',

    He was just being straight and to the point, which as a politician is actually somewhat admirable.

    I tell you what is stupid, when someone like me who won math contests understands calculus, statistics, differential equations... isn't considered qualified to teach math here because I left University early and didn't finish my degree. You can only help those that are ready to be helped.

    University drop outs aren't usually given teaching jobs in most countries. Part of the importance of attending university is not just aptitude at a given field but the patience to see it to the end. If you were unwilling to put in the time into your own education how can we assume you will see to the needs of pupils? I am not completely in agreement with this but it is normal. Go anywhere else in the world that isn't a complete third world joke and tell them you didn't graduate but are good at math... you won't be considered. I do not really believe in the value society places on a degree but such is life. I am very good at Japanese characters but do not expect that I would be allowed to formally teach it just because of that.

    I beg your pardon?

    Are you saying that only University graduates, simply because they the managed to complete the course, put in the time as you say, are good teachers?

    I gather you are a follower of the idea that paperwork equates ability?

    I know lots of people without paperwork who are wonderful teachers.

    But the number of graduates I know, finished the course and have the paperwork to prove their attendance, are academically educated an thinking on same levels, and are suitable for nothing.

    How sad!

  2. TATA has one model on offer.

    mitsu triton CNG

    Vigo aftermarket CNG or LPG for the 2,7 petrol

    any diesel can be run with 30-50% LPG mixed with diesel, but havent seen any bolt on kits here yet

    Which is true, more or less.

    Depends on what you want to inject (vapourised)LPG for.

    Prestation or economy.

    For prestation the amount of LPG can be as high as 50%, but this will possibly diminish the longevity of the engine.

    For economy the amount of LPG injected should be around 15-20%.

    The engine becomes much cleaner burning.

    In England and the Netherlands there are systems on the market which are switchable, economy/prestation.

    However, most can be found on trucks, the big ones.

    CNG seems to be more suitable for diesel engines, however, driving around with a 200 Ato tank in your car, not me.

    For trucks maybe ok, but LPG is safer for cars.

  3. I watched the uncensored video and it is still out there.

    This is extremely bad for the country's image around the world.

    It has the semblance of the Brits loutish behaviour in the Spanish holiday resorts.

    It is simply done in bad taste and should be kept in the bars. In fact these girls have brought the bar culture out onto the streets in full view of children and for the world to see.

    A 500 baht fine is a joke for lowering Thailand's image to rock bottom.

    I guess that the pillocks who uploaded the video onto the Internet are shiteing their pants right now and the girls claim to fame has backfired on them.

    You are joking, i hope..........

    No I am certainly not joking.

    This event may seem harmless enough, but this leads to other things and sooner or later becomes more extreme.

    For example, in Britain young teens and thugs have practically taken over the streets and this is exactly how it all starts if rules are relaxed.

    Personally I don't want to see too many Western influences in Thailand, I love the country just the way it is.

    Boundaries need to be drawn otherwise it will lead to the demise of the whole of Thai culture, just as what has happened in the UK.

    I am not a prude or in anyway against this sort of thing, providing it is done at the right places, only for adults and not as a public spectacle for all and sundry.

    It is all about "face".

  4. In an educational environment where schools will cancel at least 25% of their classes per semester in favour of Nationalistic and ceremonial activities, where assessment and attribution are an absolute farce, where class sizes can easily reach up to 50 and where how you look is more important than what you teach, the 83.000 baht 'white elephants' will have no impact. Reform does not commence with teachers, its starts with the Ministry and school directors!


  5. "Gay men remain the group most affected by HIV in Thailand, followed by housewives, men who have sex with sex workers, men infected by their wives, and injecting drug users."

    Gay men, I can see as being the number 1 group. But if you read the sentence it turns into housewives second, and then third men who have sex with sex workers, and fourth, men infected by their wives. Thus add #2 and $4 together and it appears that the "wives" are the villains.

    I suspect that the reality is Gay men as #1; Men who have sex with sex workers as #2, and housewives infected by husbands who have sex with sex workers as #3.

    Now let's look at the number of cases of female cervical cancer, including fatalities caused by cervical cancer. The virulent strains of HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) are endemic amongst sex workers. Men who have sex with sex workers and then return home to have sex with their wives infect their wives. This leads to a greatly increased risk factor to wives with men who have sex with sex workers. There is an increased risk to males but it is tiny compared to the risk to females.

    The problem here is that condoms reduce, but do not stop transmission of HPV because virus can be shed without a visible outbreak, and on skin areas not covered by a condom. Therefore men who use condoms and use sex trade workers eventually become infected with one or more of the Cervical Cancer causing strains of HPV.

    Bottom line is that epidemiologically speaking there are two killers related to the paid sex trade, HIV and Cervical Cancer caused by infection from HPV..

    C'mon Public Health--epidemiology is a science, let's have some bottom line facts and not double talk about housewives being the villains here because they aren't.

    All poppycock.

    Of course all Thai know that it is the farang who are to blame.......

  6. Looked it up.

    Holders of an International Driving Permit can drive in Cambodia.

    The Kingdom recognises and accepted the conventions of 1926, 1949 and 1968, and the use of the International Driving Permit of all other countries party to those conventions.


    Thailand seem not to have signed the Vienna Convention on Road Traffic of 1968.

    Maybe that might be a reason for the Cambodian Authorities not to accept a Thai IDP.

    However, the new style Thai driving license is also in English, and thus acceptable in Cambodia.

  7. You might hear differently should some genuine Mukdahanian chime in but last I checked -- which was about 3 days ago -- you would only find buses to Mukdahan at the large Bus station near the government buildings ... no VIP. Buses run every 30 minutes starting at 6 AM and cost 146 baht ... you just have to show up and wait until you can pick out one that you like.

    I was assisting an Aussie couple who wanted to go to either M. or Ubon and then in to PDR Lao and based upon the above info decided to get the bus from the AirCon terminal to Ubon. (252 baht)

    Well, not entirely true.

    There is, twice daily, a VIP busservice from the Airco Bus Station direct to Mukdahan.

    The departure times, as the wife seems to remember, were early in the morning (very) and late in the afternoon.

    We just threw away the leaflet, so sorry!

    Tickets and info available inside the busstation.

    And indeed, from the State busstation every half hour, most of them airco buses.

    Price however, is more or less depending on the time of the day, the type of bus, or maybe the mood of the staff, who knows?

  8. Thanks for your replies,I have done some more research and I think its between Udon Thani and Khon Kaen.

    I want somewhere with some life but not where i am swallowed into an urban mass.

    Also, its obvious i have got to kick my own butt and learn some thai language,no excuses this time.

    Is there any reason why I should settle in one place over the other ? I would be really interested in your thoughts.

    Many Thanks

    Why not try Udon for a week and Khon Kaen for a week?

    Then decide where you like it most?

    Send you a message too.

  9. What next?

    The government won't be able to handle it, Its different fighting with another country as opposed to slaughtering your own civilians, the army will come out and say the government don't know how to handle it, and then fast forward to the coup that we all know is coming based on the reds coming back into power at the next election, and a desire by the elite to stop that at all costs.

    Just ask yourself who might be behind the shooting?

    The reds coming back in power?

    That is if they get 51% of the votes.

    Otherwise it is coalition time, just like the former and the ongoing Government.

    And I am really afraid you have no ides whatsoever about the capabilities of the Thai military.

  10. odd, one might think that if inflation is a concern, interest rates (and the baht) would go up? What do I know, I aint so phositicated financial analist

    You are partly right that if interest rates go up then Baht should strengthen because more money flows in. But there is a massive outflow as foreign investors take the huge profits they've made over the last year or two. So they are selling the Baht and buying aother currencies. So this will push the Baht lower. It also depends what's happening with the other currencies. It's a very dynamic situation and not as strightforward as you suggest.

    I would think that overthel onger term (next 10-30 years) that the Baht should strengthen. Europe, USA, etc are not going to grow as fast as Asia and other developing regions. But everything can change, so it's not set in stone, just a general trend. But there will always be ups and downs withing the longer trends.

    The Baht, the Yuan and all the other Asian currencies could strenghten, indeed.

    The Asian countries are mostly depending on export to the US, Europe, Australia, the higher exchange will also mean less export.

    Maybe the growth of the western countries might be less fast as wanted, but do remember the culling of the import from Asia, already started in Europe, will mean that products will be manufactured in Europe again, based on price and quality.

    Same result, less export for Asian countries.

    Developing economies are depending on export to "developed" economies.

    Developing economies do not and can not depend on exports to other developing economies.

  11. Does it really matter what gender the person may be ?

    Personally I think not.

    Lady girl Manly man or Lady boy ,.

    Who gives a hoot ?

    I sure don't

    I do not mind either.

    However, there are lots of people that for any reason, be it religion or personal conviction, pretended or real, who will not accept 3rd sex persons.

    A very low price might do the trick, up to a certain point, but those travellers will be a very difficult type of passengers.

    And whatever the airline in question has to prove, or whatever, it will cost them.


  12. Made to measure trouser

    Depends on what you need?


    Soi Chata Phadung 15

    If you come from Chata Phadung, halfway on the left there is a row of houses, one sporting a Dutch flag and a big satellite dish

    Two houses before, or left of the Dutch flag satellite dish sporting house lives the tailor in house no 182/253

    Made me trousers, shirts, the lot.

    Not expensive.

    And when he makes something, it fits!

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