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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. I believe that anyone who is committed in a relationship should not be able to opt-out for reasons not considered reasonable or justified. If she or he does, then he/she should not be allowed to have a relationship with anyone again. Breaking the heart of another is a serious crime against another and usually causes irreparable damage. This is what a girl by the name of Somruedee Wongpanao from Pra Nakhon si, Ayutthaya did to me; she-devil that now is abroad spreading her vile persona....better for her that I never see her anywhere again, she won't be able to stand again.

    If one is in a relation and the relation breaks down, why stay together?

    And why the punishment of not being allowed to start a new relation?

    No man or woman is worth to end one's life for.

    But, I am sorry for the woman.

  2. I just wonder, is this topic meant to open another round of Yankee-bashing?

    Or maybe open an discussion about the Russian mob taking over Pattaya and Phuket?

    Last time in Pattaya I just wondered how it is possible for Russian women to work in clubs.

    Owned by Russians of course.

    On the topic of the wikileaks, I wonder why only US documents are so much pushed.

    Why no Chinese, Russian, Arab, Iran, Turkish?

    Is that becasue of a personal thing, or maybe translation is the problem.

  3. These jet fighter deals are always amazing to me. Let's review neighboring countries that Thailand may need jets to defend itself against......  Burma jet fighters=0    Laos jet fighters=0     Cambodia jet fighters =0    Malaysia has jets, but is unlikely to attack Thailand.......   Besides the King of Thailand in the fifties signed an iron clad defense agreement with America, meaning any country that attacks Thailand will be in a world of hurt.

    Wait...a.... second..... Maybe these goofy deals are to enrich some general, while the jets bought slowly corrode away at an airfield somewhere. If so, a pretty sad commentary on the Thai government. A fact lost upon the government here is that their job is to make the lives of Thais better, not enrich the corrupt few with their hands in the public coffers....

    Standard operating procedure when Cambodia gets a little upity on the border a few bullets or shells get tossed then Thailand sends a fighter plane along the border or even across and maybe it goes supersonic and makes a boom. Everything returns to calm. If you have a military advantage and you can afford to keep it you do.

    Even the UK and France which cant afford a load of the fancy stuff they have are trying to find creative ways of doing so and neither of thsoe countries is going to get attacked by any other state although they do have a habit of using it against far off countries. Similalry the US has a virtual arms race with itself and spends more than almost the whole world put together and yet the wars it gets into are ones where all that flash stuff is utterly useless. Countries the workld over and their armies love a bot of military hardware. At least Thailand in the scare Cambodia game has a use for a little hi-tech stuff.

    Oh really?

    Where did I read this before?




    Never say never.

  4. These jet fighter deals are always amazing to me. Let's review neighboring countries that Thailand may need jets to defend itself against......  Burma jet fighters=0    Laos jet fighters=0     Cambodia jet fighters =0    Malaysia has jets, but is unlikely to attack Thailand.......   Besides the King of Thailand in the fifties signed an iron clad defense agreement with America, meaning any country that attacks Thailand will be in a world of hurt.

    Wait...a.... second..... Maybe these goofy deals are to enrich some general, while the jets bought slowly corrode away at an airfield somewhere. If so, a pretty sad commentary on the Thai government. A fact lost upon the government here is that their job is to make the lives of Thais better, not enrich the corrupt few with their hands in the public coffers....

    The Gripen ordered by Thailand is the multi-role version.

    Which means that also ground support is possible with this "fighter"

  5. I have the idea that the maximum distance to the hub of 60 mm is just the maximum distance the sensor can pick up the turning of the wheel.

    Maybe it will pick up the "signal" from the wheel from a greater distance, but I am afraid it will not work properly.

    As the sensor works on magnetic waves, maybe mounting a small magnet on the wheel, near the hub, might do the trick.

  6. pathetic

    On the surface, it does look pathetic, but it's not really. It's all about saving the court's time and money.

    Plead guilty - sentence reduced 50%

    Found guilty - go to jail.

    Appeal against that and fail - sentence doubled!

    This is not always true, but it is a fair guideline.

    I believe that Singapore does something similar.

    I just wonder, if like in many police forces around the world, what happens when there is a confession?

    Does the police stop investigating, or maybe throttel the efforts down to nearly nothing?

    I also wonder whta happens if you confess in the court?

    The PP and th judges stop asking for proof?

    In my view, even is there is a confession or a guilty plea the police and the court must prove the guilt.

    And not assume the guilt because of a confession or plea.

    Doubling the sentence when someone does not confess or plead guilty is just a signal to other assumed criminals it is better to confess, even if you are not guilty.

    There are very many cases known throughout history somebody was condemned on the grounds of a confession of a guilty plea.

    Without having done the crime.

    Indeed, a confession gives the police the tools to wrap the case around the confession, and saves time.

    But also makes room for very bad police work.

    A guilty plea does the same in the court.

    Like I said, happens all around the world.

  7. I am very afraid that when all has quitened down after departure of these people, it will all be normal within a day or two.

    I just wonder, all those farang organisations trying to weed out sexual exploitation in Thailand, how about their own country?

    I do think that most expats heard about, saw it themselves, everything about minors in the bargirl scene.

    Try to go to the police!

    And just see what happens.

  8. Talking about blurring

    How much could one see if there are the following things, all together, in some view/

    A girl with a mighty cleavage, smoking a cigarette, gets a pistol to the head by another woman with bare breasts, smoking a cigarette, while in the background.........

    On the other hand if she pulls the trigger the resulting mess is freely viewable.

    Friend of mine, being somewhat hackerish, tells me that the Thai bureau for censorship is really going strong.

    He thinks, like many of his "mates", that Thailand is hindering more as the Chinese.

    Have no idea if that is true.

  9. I agree, reading is very difficult.

    The report is about risk assessment, NOT about the actual situation.

    This is not fearmongering, but just an assessment of the possibilities for violence, or worse.

    It is a message, and it is completely up to a reader, be it a government or whatever, to do or not to do something with it.

    But, as happens so many times, the messenger, the country of the messenger, the background of the messenger, maybe even the religion of the messenger will be condemned.

    Does not take away the fact that a lot of companies AND people read this report and get influenced by it.

    And as such it might be a negative for Thailand, or the other countries named in the report.

    It is a message, also for Thailand.

  10. Now is a time when languages will change and educators need to accept such. The ways in which people communicate are rapidly changing as are the things people do. We will see lots of change and no government will be able to stop it. There ar emore important issues in Thailand now than preventing a phrase or two entering the language or trying to stop the SMSisation of langauge from happening.

    In Thailand now there are too many old people with ideas form ther past trying to tell people livinhg in the modern world how to live without even understanding what is happening around them. They and all their ideas will end up being swept away if they dont learn to accept change.

    This language thing is just refelctive of the attitude in poltics, technological development, business etc. Just because you are old, pwerful, from a big family and state something no longer means people will naturally accept it.

    Edited to add: good editorial

    I agree with all the ideas about a living language.

    I do not agree with your ideas about older people being swept away.

    You would be quite impressed to see how much older people do understand what is going on in the world, and also see the stupidity sometimes showed in their ways by the young.

    Older people have a function: they are moderators.

    And as such they have a very important function, in effect injecting some common sense, some wisdom, some knowledge of life into the highballing young people.

    The thing is, younger people get older, and one day will be old too.

    Then they will be moderators of that time.

  11. The train will most likely be fully booked. Can you buy the ticket in Chiang Mai and send it to her?

    Best way to do,buy the tickets at CM station....but hurry.

    Ask the booking clerk in Khon Kaen, there are still some places available, sleeper 2,1 and seats 2,3.

    If she has a Thai ID-card I think she can get a free ticket 3rd class.

    There should be a possibility for paying in CM and collecting in Bangkok , but if this is a safe thing to do????????

    There is a Post Office at the main station, maybe you can send the tickets there, although what time the office closes?

  12. Perhaps you can enlightened us as to which country in the world automatically grants permanent right of stay to foreigners who buy into their real estate? Singapore, Hong Kong, USA, UK, ...?

    But I do have a few countries in mind that issue passports to foreigners if they invest enough...:lol:

    There is a difference however.

    I bought a small flat in West Norwood (London) a very long time ago.

    I could also have bought a house.

    No problem, it will always remain my property, or my children after going to paradise...or hel_l.

    Here in Thailand, you can buy a car, a condo or a house in your wife's name.

    If something goes wrong, and are chucked out of the country, you loose everything.

    If, for example I would not be able to enter the UK any more, I still own my flat.

    It does not disappear.

    The rules for not owning land in Thailand are outdated and not really helping the trust in Thailand.

    What would be wrong for a farang to own a plot of land for a house?

    Ah well, who am I?

  13. As you say, the problem only manifests itself when the engine wakes up first time of the day.

    Seems to me Toyota should test the ECU when it starts up first time of the day.

    Tell them to read the bloody thing out before they start the engine (contact on, start reading after the plugs are warmed.

    Then start the engine and read again while starting and keep on reading for a few minutes.

    Good luck.

  14. almost unbelievable how mazda has f-cked up this one :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


    When I saw this a month ago, the very first thing I thought was "Who was the focus group for this design? A group of 15 year old Japanese school girls?" :lol:

    I wouldn't be caught dead in the thing.

    but its still going to sell more in LOS than Ford Ranger :rolleyes:

    Oh really?

    Could you please explain where you got this wisdom?

    You must be worth quite a lot for the marketing people!

    The outgoing BT50 sells a lot less as the Ranger.

    And this Mitsubishe like design, will that help?

    Also interesting if the same engines will be shoved in as in the Ranger.

    The 2.2 4 cyl or the 3.2 5 cyl

  15. I think it might be wise to inform with the Thai Customs if it possible to export temporarily a Thai car for a period as you mention.

    I presume temporarily importing a car in Burma for the same period will be only possible if there will be made a substantial security.

    But on my money, don't even try it.

    I informed about the same possibilities into Laos.

    Laos will give me, when I go for the first time a 7-day permit, second time a 14 day permit, and after that only 30 day permits.

    But every time the car has to leave the country for the same period of time as the last permit.

    I have no idea what the Thai custom will do if I tend to be a regular visitor to Laos.

  16. and if the building was never constructed the red shirts could not have burned it down, etc etc etc

    You should have been a lawyer! "Your Honor. If the bank was never built my client wouldn't have help it up therefore it's the banks fault!"

    You seem to forget that these repairs were required as a direct result of a criminal act therefore some blame has to lie with the perpetrators.

    Not at all, the chain of causation would have been broken a long time ago, the cause of this accident was not the fact a building burnt down (as yet we we still don't know who torched it, there are conflicting versions), the cause of this accident was based on either the failure of the scaffold or human error in it's construction.

    I have said it a couple of times in here, but to blame the reds for this is simply pathetic.

    The reason for my comment about not being built was to point out the stupidity of the argument, if it wasn't built, if there wasn't a coup, if thaksin wasn't born, if the airports were not taken over etc etc etc.

    How far back do we want to take this chain of causation? if it wasn't for the coup then the reds would not have been out etc etc etc, do you see how pointless it is?

    Now if an of you legal eagles would like to show me the chain of causation I will happily show you a break in the chain of causation.

    If you know something about history you would know that things happened in the past can spread their influence for a very long time.


    Ah legally!

    Legal is just like justice.

    Something written down but not really understood.

    Not by those who wrote it, not by those who have to use it.

    And how far you must go back you ask.

    Something that happened 1-2 years ago is a very short time ago.

    If people are condemned or executed for crimes 20-30 years after the deed, I think that people can be blamed, if even only morally, for deeds done 1-2 years ago.

  17. I Certainly hope the dodgy construction company and the RED Shirt criminals can be made accountable for these unfortunate alas additional victims.

    What did the red shirts have to do with it?


    The red shirts had not firebombed the building.......

    There would not be any (re)building necessary......

    There would not have been any scaffolding necessary.......

    Which might fall down (and did) for any imaginable kind of reason, as there are.........

  18. The 7.5% interest rate jumped out at me, considering the current rate of interest in Thailand. Then I found this;

    In case of a loan of money, the Thai Civil and Commercial Code, Section 654, provides that “interest shall not exceed 15% per year. When a higher rate of interest is fixed by the contract, it shall be reduced to 15% per year.” Ok, so the judge was less harsh than was allowed. Unfortunately, these people will be unable to pay off the debt at an interest rate of 7.5% What’s the point? Yes it’s good that slimey fraudsters are punished, but if the goal is also restitution, then the judgement won't accomplish that. I agree with harsh penalties and all that, but I still find it odd that property crimes seem to be treated much harsher than crimes of violence and human exploitation.

    Which might draw someone to the conclusion that money is more important as a life?

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