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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. Bring in Dutch experts on building dikes and water mannagement. Government will have to spend a lot of money.

    They were here.

    They are here.

    They advised

    The biggest fault is the building up of areas and canals meant to syphon excess water to the sea.

    If Thailand wants to do something, to start with, all the built up, overgrown, neglected canals need to be remedied.

    Will not happen.

    Then the concentration of everything around Bangkok need to be attacked.

    Will not happen

    After that all along rivers land need to be designated as overflow areas.

    And used if necessary

    Will not happen

    Why will things not happen?

    Because why should you clear land, canals & all of buildings and agriculture if floods like this one only are there 1 year out of 50?

    You loose 49 years of profit.

    And let us be sensible, the people will accept this, the memory of bad things are quite short lived here.

    Besides, accepting advise from a farang?

    That is a huge loss of face.

    No, no, no......

    I am afraid we will see the above.

    But how sad I am for all the people hurt.

  2. under the counter cash from bar fines

    They don't declare those ? :o

    Now there is a very loaded question.

    I presume, seen the honesty of Thai people in general, taxes will be paid on bar fines.

    And please, could you explain what under the counter money means?

    About the Leo beer brewery in Khon Kaen, of course it still works.

    However, as the water needed to brew the beer must come from Bangkok, it might become iffy.


    This is one of the dangers of concentrating all industrial activities in Bangkok.

    Krung Thep flounders, so does the rest of the country.

  3. Yes you need a "Schengen-Insurance". They are available for about 2'700.-Baht for 3 Month's. Thaivivat offers this. Check out the Travel Agency's they offer this service as well.

    There is no such thing as a Schengen Visa Insurance.

    However, you need a health insurance with a coverage of at least 1.5 million baht.

    AIA has one valid for a year, costing around the 3300 baht range.

    So does Bupa.

    So does AXA, Vitaya, Asia, much more.

    Prices vary considerably, so shop around

    And forget the Schengen Visa Insurance.

    Look in the website of the country you plan to go.....

  4. As I understand it, the legalisation by the Thai MFA needs the original document AND the certified translation.

    The MFA will combine the documents, put a sticker on it for the legalisation of the original signature, and a sticker on the translation also.

    The both documents will be connected by a staple and tape and a stamp, making it one document.

    And with this MFA legalised combined document the Spanish Embassy, being a part of the Schengen Area, will accept the legalised document, and will also legalise it.

    And the, presto, it is a valid document for Thailand, Spain and all the Schengen countries.

  5. so the military wants more power under an " emergency decree" . Can somone explain to me how just saying "OK now its an emergency" will make anything change. will the water suddenly run off faster. Will people instantly all get a boat to go to dry ground with? Just doesnt make sense to me. If there is assistance that the military, goverment or anyone can give what does it matter if they call a "state of emergency" or call it a dam BBQ dinner for that matter. It seems to me the military just wants to have special powers to phuk with people. maybe they will find someone they can blame the floods on and take care of him with a snipers round. Wouldnt they all be so proud then!

    As for the people that are having to deal with flooded houses I feel there pain and hope all turns out well. eventually the water will go away and things will get back to " normal".

    Some understanding needed, I guess.

    It is quite normal the military are allowed to operate freely (meaning: using military equipment) under emergency rules.

    Under civilian, non emergencey rule, army staff and material cannot be used.

    It might mean they steal work from civilians (read profit for the happy few)

    Now suppose the military would come out of the barracks uninvited, that might be construed as a coupe.

    If they come out invited, under emergency rule for example, no coupe.

    Anyway, maybe, just maybe, the soldiers might be able to do some constructive work, the government of the day is panicking.

  6. Why not "buy" the car from her now?

    Or transfer the ownership to you?

    It is possible to own a car if you are on an extension of stay or on a year's visum

    Can be done in any Land Transport Office if the "sale" or transfer is done there.

    If you have a yellow tambien baan, it is even easier.

  7. It would actually be a blessing in disguise if some areas of the capital flooded.

    some of the khlongs, San Saeb comes to mind, are nothing but open sewers filled with black,fetid water that can prove fatal if one is unlucky enough to fall in.

    Flushing out the drain system would not be a bad thing either. I hate to think what's down there except millions of rats.

    Here here ! My thoughts exactly. It's about time the sewers ( and other areas ) of Bangkok had a good flushing. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to walk along the street without the constant foul smell emitting from the drains. Shame so many people have to suffer though. Why can't Bangkok have storm drains like in the usa ? Then, when there's no water in them, overflow traffic could use them.....:whistling:

    You really think concreting over waterways is a good idea?

    So that traffic can use those concrete basins?

    Better idea, make overflow reservoirs where the surplus water can be stored till it can be drained to the sea.

    But that would mean lot of land being designated to be inundated every rainy season.

    Now that would become very interesting

  8. This is a disgrace.....

    Five years for more trains??? Who are they trying to kidd? That isn't a plan, that is a mean joke, on the riders.

    Who cares about more commercial space? Is there a problem with people not being able to find a place to shop in Bangkok? No, I didn't think so.

    The problem is the service on the Airport Link and people need a solution NOW, not in five, or more, years.

    Since when is development of the surrounding area at Makkasan station a Transportation Ministry subject matter? Why is the transportation Ministry involved in development issues at a particular station? Moreover, if development occurs at Makkasan, it will make the poor service even worse because of the increase in ridership.

    It seems to me that the Transportation Ministry still does not understand that the Airport Link line is a commuter line for local workers and residents. The huge majority of riders are local residents going to work, shop, or leisure who need a convenient, predictable, and timely train. Tourist make up less than 10% of the ridership.

    If the line becomes more rider-friendly for locals, it will automatically become better for tourists.

    Thais: you deserve much, much better than this.

    Sir, the delivery times for trains is indeed between 3 and 6 years.

    Of course, if the Railway Company wants to spend a h*ll of a lot more the whole route can be brought back to 2=3 years.

    As for the development of the station areas, the SRT owns the ground and buildings, that is why.

    The whole upgrading business is just what you tell them to do, make the line more attractive for commuters and tourists.

    The Don Mueang-Suvarnibhumi connection seems to be the best idea.

    This could result in a true two connected-airports situation.

    Meaning the local traffic could all be diverted to DM, meaning less congestion in Suvarnibhumi.

    Not menaioning, of course, the capital loss in DM and less investment in Suvarnibhumi.

    The ideas are good.

    Now it all depends on what will really happen.

  9. Annual extensions in general

    - Would it be possible to make available a 5-year extension of stay for expats having lived in Thailand continuously for 5 years or longer?

    90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

    - Would it then be possible to scrap the 90-day notification and replace it with a once a year personal appearance?

    Retirement extension and Marriage extension

    - Would it be possible to use a (translated) letter of income from the pension fund or the employer or the tax authorities of the home country.

    This in place of the stamped by the embassy/consulate own declaration of income?

    More and more Embassies will not give you a declaration of income on official paper of the embassy, but will just stamp your own statement as legalisation of your signature.

    My pension fund will happily send me an income declaration in English, however, the Embassy will not stamp this document.

    Annual extensions in general

    - Would it be possible in this day and age of electronic banking, to show the immigration officer on line and in his office how much money is in the Thai bank account and for how long?

    Annual extensions in general and 90-day notification of staying longer than 90 days

    - Would it be possible for expats to renew their extension of stay and/or the 90-day notification in another office in case of a holiday or temporary stay elsewhere

    Re-entry permit

    - Would it be possible to reduce the price of the multiple re-entry permit and all re-entry permits to be obtainable on Suvarnibhumi.

    In case of urgent family business the available time for obtaining said permits in one's own office is NOT in the weekend for example.

    These are just a few thoughts.

  10. More healthy looking OAP's in the west?

    Well, you say it yourself, hard work under the sun.

    It is not only vegetables that make someone healthy.

    Way of life, start work early, long days, smoking, drinking the local catgut.

    Living conditions, number of childs.

    And also, less healthcare

  11. Some people live in Belgium you know. Ever heard of EU (Commission, Parliament, Court of justice, court of auditors, etc) or NATO? These are all headquartered in Brussels. Being able to jump on a direct flight is very convenient for those.

    And of course, the TGV, Thalys and ICE connect Brussel to Amsterdam, Paris, Koln, and more places.

  12. the government could not dismiss the fact that red shirts were involved in insulting the monarchy.

    Have never seen any condemnation of those involved Red Shirts by the Pheu Thai Party.

    Have never seen any condemnation of those involved Red Shirts by the Red Shirt Leaders.

    Have never seen any condemnation of those involved Red Shirts by anyone associated with the Red Shirts.


    heheeh are you holding your breath waiting on condemnation, getting a bit blue there old boy

    McCarthy, would have seen the lot of those Red Shirts in prison...we call red shirts same as these, COMMUNISTS in our own countries... a scourge in any society...

    Oh dear, here we go.

    The common people want a better life;

    They wear red;

    So it is simple, they must be communists.

    In your country, maybe, a common man wanting a better life, and (wrongfully) connecting himself to a group of polticians allegedly fighting for the good of the poor, will be called communists.

    But please keep that idea to your own country, The US of A, I presume?

    Other countries have different, or maybe even better, ideas about politicaL definitions?

    So please cancel your words "our own countries", and change that into USA.

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