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Posts posted by hansnl

  1. If my memory serves me correctly between 400-500 baht.

    Toll on top of that I think.




    The going rate for taxi-fares is around 10 baht per kilometer

    The distance between Don Mueang and Suvarnibhumi is around 40 kilometer

    And yes, add the toll for the expressway.

  2. i wonder who planted it, the government to justify the continued emergency decree, the reds or the yellows, or southern insurgents (terrorists). My money is on the fist one.

    The Government?

    Continue the emergency, against international pressure?

    What could they gain by doing that?

    The reds?

    If it can be believed the Thaksin followers are running out of steam, the numbers are dwindling.

    The yellows?


    Southern Insurgents?

    Lot of Taliban style figures over there, might be possible.

    My money on the reds, seeing the results of the poll.\

    But who am I?

  3. can we take the book to the transport office in our province and re-register it here ? maybe they issue a different number plate or something ?

    Take the book & bike to your local friendly LTO?.....Yes

    Reregister the bike?.................................Yes

    Get other plates.....................................Yes

    Keep the same registration book......................Yes.

  4. The dealer has to produce an invoice from the factory.

    If you can obtain a copy of the original invoice from the factory to the dealer, proceed to the LTO.

    There deliver the paperwork, pay the fee, get the compulsory insurance, get the plates, attach the plates to the car.

    Total time, around 1,5 hours.

    Did this also for a motorbike, same time

    Tell the dealer you have to go abroad with the car.

    Indeed, the LTO can get everything ok within the same day.

    Highly efficient.

    In fact the dealer could deliver the car to you including registration.

    If they want to do

  5. I advise you to send a complaint about this to Ford Cologne.

    Ford is bound by various laws about warranty.

    And it is indeed worldwide that service needs to be done by a renowned service point, not necessarily Ford.

    If the engine of your Ford is a diesel, it is made in Europe and falls under the European law, even if mounted in a car made in Asia.

    Just write to Ford.

  6. I wonder if they will identify the 150b international transaction ATM fee as being unfair?!...somehow I think not!

    or the charge they make you pay for changing small change into notes, and the fee i was once charged for paying in 3000 baht in small change into my account, apparently to pay for the time and energy taken to count the money that was already counted and bagged ready for the teller to put it on their money scales.

    International fee is beyond Bank of Thailand jurisdiction.

    Anyway, you people can afford it.

    Who is 'You People" HAHAH. The 150 baht is not international fee-It is charged by Thai banks. The international fee is charged by the bank of your credit card

    Indeed so.

    However, I did find out that Philippine banks also charge 150 peso.

    Seems to be a virus-like milking of allegedly rich people.

    Besides, it is not a question of being able to afford this unfair charge, but charging an unfair fee for something that incurs a cost for the bank already covered by the exchange rate.

    It is called moneygrabbing, or sometimes stealing.

    But banks are very good in stealing.

  7. Thailand has never attracted the brightest of farangs!

    You're not a farang are you!? Unless, of course, your statement has unwittingly unleashed such enormous irony!

    Thailand has never attracted the brightest of farang


    In Dutch we have a saying "soort zoekt soort"

    I presume translation is not really needed?

  8. As in any police force in the world the core business is definitely not solving crime, so it seems.

    More and more the core business is giving tickets for anything imaginable and generating fines.

    Generating fines from tourists is much more easier as getting a fine from an elephant handler.

    Also, generally there are less elephants roaming the streets in Bangkok as tourists.

    Well, what else can be said.

  9. On the other hand, if he has kids, he wil want to bring them along with his wife to England. Presuming the kifs are in school and grew up in Isaan, they will now pay the prize for this by losing their entire universe, effectively paying the prize for daddy's stupidity.

    With this in mind, if I was the judge I'd grant the idiot one more chance to remain in Thailand.


    But as you are not the judge.........................

  10. Can any Thai national apply for and get a Montenegran Passport ?

    Or is it only Thais running from justice?

    Do Montenegrans visiting/living in Thailand have to do border runs or are they exempt, like the Russians ?


    If you have enough assets, there are many countries in the world that will gladly supply you with a passport, a Nationality, a changed name, valid driving licenses, running bank accounts, credit cards, the lot.

    Not really a problem.

    For example, € 50,000 can buy you a nationality in a certain European country valid for 10 years.

    Yearly premiums are € 2500 to keep it valid.

    Guess this amount of cash would not be a problem for a very rich man?

  11. Thailand of course is not the only place where greed and corruption are prevalent.

    The whole world financial crisis was sparked by greed and corruption in the banking and finance sector starting in the USA and spreading to most of the western world and elsewhere till there are few places in the world it hasn’t touched. Talk of it being over is more BS as it is really nowhere near over, this can be seen with huge European and US debt and all the while most of those who started the whole thing have never been brought to justice indeed some have been bailed out and are still making billions.

    A more recent example is Australia where the PM has just been ousted by the big mining companies over an excessive wealth (income) tax he proposed. Now his previous deputy is in charge and has watered down the tax and even exempted some of the big companies.

    Is there hope for Thailand? Certainly not if Thaksin ever gets back and even with the best political will in the world it will take a long time and a lot of big changes starting from the top.

    I hope that some of the initiatives we are seeing now are the start. Personally I have faith in the present PM and believe he wants to see change for the better however it will take some doing as he will come up against a lot of opposition from vested interests some of whom will use any means to hang on to what they have.

    I keep seeing in this forum how he is a liar, corrupt and only wants to enrich himself by hanging on to power but am still waiting for some examples of this.

    So Thaksin is the source of all corruption so it follows that with him gone corruption will vanish. there is hope for all yet.

    That is not what the man is trying to tell you.

    The Government of the day, against all odds, wants to do something about corruption.

    With Mr T back, that movement will simply end.

    Mr T gone from the country, obviously, did not completely diminish his & cronies influence.

  12. Walking home Sukhumvit 68 with my five year old son at 8pm last night, just as we get inside the town house hear a gun shot. Look out the window and theres a Thai youth wriggling around on the drive just the other side of our gate. Take my son upstairs for safety and hear another two shots from the policemans glock. A few minutes later the policeman knocks on the door and asks for a glass of water. The youth is hand-cuffed and another two police officers are on the scene. Turns out the kid was selling Ya Ba at the top of the soi, they chased him by motorbike to where they corned outside my dwelling. The kid hadn't actually been shot, the shots fired were warning shots apparently.

    My question is, has there been some kind of clamp down on drug dealers? What the hel_l is a cop doing firing a gun early in the evening in a resdidential area when there are children around?

    I've lived in Thailand over ten years and never seen the police act so irresponsibly in all my time here (and that is really saying something).

    Be careful out there.

    If you hear or see shooting, drop down on the floor, going upstairs is not so handy.

    If you need to flee the premises, being upstairs, where do you go, more upstairs?

    That was quite irresponsable from you and rather stupid.

    You brought danger to your son.

    Yes, there seems to be a lot of anti-drug action.

    And why would a policeman shoot, you think?

    I guess being shot at, it might seem handy to shoot back, even in a residential area.

    One might think that policemen will have an reasonable understanding of guns and shooting, while one can presume that a drugsdealer will not have that knowledge.

    Yes, all Thai policemen have firearms training.

    And yes, they will shoot, just because there is a huge amount of firearms going round in Thailand.

    Guess, if a drugdealer shoots at a policeman he is only thinking about himself, and not about collateral damage, as they say.

    One may hope the policeman will do just that, and will try to disarm or incapicitate the dealer.

    Be certain that if a policeman hits civilians, that is not viewed upon favourably.

    I really do not understand people like you, complaining about the policeman, and not about the drugs dealer.

    I rather think that a drugsdealer going on a shootings spree in a residential area is slightly more dangerous.

    And being a drugsdealer, I do have a feeling that I would not mind the bastard getting killed.

    Espescially if he operates in a residential area where there are a lot of children about(= potential easy customers)

  13. I think that this is changing. When I first came to Thailand, it seemed like Thais would usually avoid helping someone who fell down or was in an accident, but in recent years I have seen a number of young Thais helping elderly folks who had fallen off a curb into the street or been knocked over by a motorcycle. :)

    Not too long ago saw some elder lady fall down in a street.

    Nobody helped, even the policeman writing parking tickets just looked and went on doing his duty.

    Two young girls helped the woman and yelled at the policeman.

    He got on his motorbike and just disappeared.

  14. Ah well, disconnect the right lead, that is all.

    Have a look in the seatbelt connector.

    Snip, snip and that irritating light reminding you of your stupidity is gone.

    But why not just wear the seatbelt.

    Were you ever in a crash?

    I was.


    Can still tell you about, because of the belt.

    • Like 1
  15. ...the airport heist December 2008 has lasting damage that will go on for decades. Westerners do NOT forget. Way too many people and

    airlines ate their loss and were shocked to find that no yellow shirt group leaders were arrested or prosecuted.

    Instead of arriving December 1st, I hadda eat my $275 USD change to January 2009. Thanks United (UAL)!

    I was getting dental work completed in Pattaya and my intelligent, well-educated Thai dentist was shocked to find out

    that I even KNEW about the airport closure.

    It was my turn to be shocked.

    I replied:"...you close a major hub anywhere but in Thailand would've resulted in abject slaughter of the participants."

    The airlines are still trying to recoup their losses with that stunt.

    Airlines have quietly and assuredly shifted their hub and spoke routes to KL and safer airports.

    Thais fail to grasp this.......

    Maybe the tourists still remember the Airport thing.

    And maybe they stay away about that.

    And I am absolutely not sorry for the Airlines, that tend to think it is normal to charge 20% extra if you depart from Thailand.

    However, memories of people are short, very short

    I think there are two main reasons for the tourists staying away.

    That is the red shirt clashes that showed that against all ideas, that Thai people can be hugely violent.

    And the most important, the decline of the economy which slashes the number of tourist from western countries by 25%.

    And Thailand now finds that tourists from Asia also stay away, and if they come stay shorter and spend very much less.

  16. if somebody working at immigration is reading this forum :

    why you do not make it possible again to get a re-entry permit at SUVI airport ?

    that would be an improvement in stead of going somewhere far far away ....

    that is my suggestion for improvment which would make a lot of sense, as it is true the airport that you leave the country

    and you have to begg and pay to re-enter, even you paid already your dues at immigration for 'staying' and spending all your money here


    That would be quality.

    If one is in a hurry, for example family matters, waiting for your friendly neighbourly immigration office to open might mean departing one or more days later.

    Not waiting means starting the whole rigmarole for the extension again.

    So if anyone from Immigration or the Ministry is looking, please make getting a re-entry permit in Suvarnibhumi Airport possible again.


    Thank you!

  17. Can you mention any case?

    Normally, a marriage or partnership will only be recognised if formally notarised or registered.

    In most countries a religious ceremony alone is not ground for a validity of partnership or marriage.

    In fact, in most countries the civil ceremony (marriage by law or partnership by notary description) must come before the religious ceremony, illegal to do it the other way around.

    The non registration because of concentious objection is just what is says, someone does not want to register the marriage because he has objections against registration, in that case a marriage can be and will be valid under the Hague Convention.

    The Hague convention prescribes where and when a marriage or partnership is valid.

    And that is only the case if duly registered by local law.

    And in most cases, if a marriage is done by law, or in an Amphur or Ket, it is a legal marriage in Thailand and most countries will recognise that marriage.

    But, there are countries that also want to have the marriage registered in both countries to make it valid.

    If Australia thinks that living together for two years without any legal form is in fact a (legal) partnership, is contrary to the Hague Convention.

  18. Try Ratchapruek Medical Centre on Mithraparp Road.

    Opposite Central World.

    Not so expensive as RAM, and not so busy as Khon Kaen Hospital

  19. If you have an address in Thailand (Embassy letter or yellow Tambien Baan) the car can easily be registered in your name.

    I presume you have a Thai driving license with a Thai ID-number?

    The change of ownership can be done in a couple of hours, car needs to be brought along for inspection.

    The cost is very low.

    In your case it might be that the numberplate must be changed, due to the change of province, can be done while registering the car.

    Again, low costs.

    The insurance should remain with the car, when in doubt take out the government insurance for a year before you hit the road.

    Later have a chat with the insurance company that insured the car before.

  20. I was told, but could noy yet check it out, if you go to Laos via Nong Kai it was possible to obtain a temporary insurance for Laos just across the border at the Laos side.

    But, I wonder, lots of trucks, buses, minivans and cars cross the border on a regular basis.

    I presume they have insurance cover for Laos.

    My agent told me it was possible to get cover for Laos (not Cambodia) with some Thai insurance companies.

    But not all!

    Thai insurance is one of them.

  21. There are a few Dutch banks that operate a kind of service card.

    Which actually means that you can use ATM's abroad and don't pay a fee for the transaction to the Dutch bank.

    The ING one will cost you a few Euro every quarter, but ther are more extra's to this scheme.

    However, you still have to pay the 150 baht for the Thai bank.

    I do know ING has that scheme, also ABN/AMRO, and I guess RABO can't stay behind.

    Have a look in their websites to find out.

    If you transfer money to a Thai account from the Netherlands, transfer Euro's, don't transfer THB.

    Taking out money from the ATM the rate is ok.

    Take some cash with you, but do not trust hotel safes!

  22. It is such a shame that this young woman thought that Thais are such easy pushovers. I am not as much saddened by the crime as I am about her possible sense about and discrimination toward the people of Thailand.. She has no respect for the culture or the people of Thailand.

    Oh come on, she tried to scam her travel insurance.

    Please tell me what thew possible link to having no respect for the culture of the people of Thailand.

    But of course you are joking

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