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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 4 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    The prime minister has called a meeting for 10th September to discuss the cancelling of the emergency decree and to use the Communicable Disease Act instead. In addition, the CCSA would be dissolved and their work handed over to the Ministry of Public Health #Thailand




    They obviously think the pandemics over by dissolving the CCSA, or are the CCSA making too many noises behind the scenes and the PM doesn't like it?

    • Like 1
  2. 46 minutes ago, James105 said:

    Which one did you go to then?   I'm starting to think you haven't been vaccinated here (or are even in Thailand) as you continue to avoid answering this question and have zero basis for your claim.    The UK used individual appointments rather than getting hundreds of people queuing in a production line so would easily explain the difference in efficiency.   

    From my experience in the UK you had an individual appointment time of a 10 minute window, in which time you had 10-20 people arrive with the same time, thus limiting people queuing for long periods. Both my vaccinations at a local centre took no more than 25 minutes including the 15 minute observation period, no blood pressure check needed, very short form to fill taking about 2 minutes, another short question and answer from the person giving the vaccine, very efficient.

    If you look at Thailand's reported 900k a day and say centres are open 10 hours a day for example (have no idea if correct but just example) this equates to 1500 jabs a minute, 25 a second. UK managed 10 a second I think at best. When you break it down to hours, minutes and seconds you realise the enormity of what's needed to reach those figures. Without proof one can only speak an opinion as to the accuracy of figures. I for one are suspicious of the claims of 900k a day, 500-600k a day, sure, I can believe that.

    • Thanks 1
  3. 7 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Details on proposed Pattaya “reopening” plan in October, other areas also proposed by Tourism Authority


    Four more areas, namely Chiang Khan, Koh Kood, Koh Chang, and Koh Samet, are approved in principle to be added to the list of pilot areas under Thailand’s reopening plan within 120 days, according to the approval of the ministers at an online conference yesterday, September 1st.



    Why they don't just say we will bring these measures in for long term tourists, 2+ month stayers. Stop this nonsense, either open up properly or bite the bullet and put the time, effort and funds into vaccinating the population as quick as possible. Vaccination is the key to turn this virus into a manageable disease. As shown in the Sandbox, vaccinated tourists are not the risk, unvaccinated locals are. Does anyone know of any other countries where tourists have to get all these documents, proofs of stay and CoE etc? And I mean proper tourists, not countries like Australia and New Zealand who won't allow tourists at the moment, just repatriation.

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  4. The government has to open up, got to be ready for grand tourism opening. The way I see it they are unable or unwilling to support the average Thai who is suffering from business closures and pressure from the top business conglomerate owners that their billions of Baht are starting to dwindle by a few million and need to get the peasants back to earning them money. Thailand is not a poor country, just poor people within it. Why sacrifice the rich and their billions when they can sacrifice the poor.

  5. 5 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Toddlers must also be jabbed to boost herd immunity, advises virologist


    Chulalongkorn University’s virology specialist Dr Yong Poovorawan on Wednesday suggested that Covid-19 jabs be provided to children aged three and above in a bid to create herd immunity.

    "Even though children may not develop severe symptoms, they should not be virus carriers," he said.




    All this talk of herd immunity. As the professor involved in the AZ vaccine said, he believes you cannot reach herd immunity, only herd protection. You vaccinate all those vulnerable and as many of the other population as possible to reduce the severity of the infection. IMO this virus is going nowhere, as we have seen in countries with high vaccination rates. Hopefully over time it will evolve into something more benign, but untill then all we can do is protect those most at risk. If this means restrictions until vaccination levels are reached, so be it. It's down governments to organise and roll out vaccinations at a high rate and the manufacturer's to stop infighting, relenquish patents and allow worldwide production to ramp up. As usual governments have turned vaccination into a political statement. The general population are just pawns in this unfolding game and we must do what we can to protect ourselves and others who are at risk from this virus.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Thailand's got its own answers to come up with on its policy of allowing the migrant workers to infect themselves in bubble and seal work camps before demanding answers from Finland.


    Thailand demands answers over berry pickers' Covid outbreaks


    More than 200 Thai berry pickers in Finland have been diagnosed with Covid-19 since the beginning of this month.


    Thailand has demanded an explanation from Finnish authorities regarding a series of Covid outbreaks among Thai nationals working as berry pickers in Finland this summer.



    Chalk and cheese, pot calling kettle black comes to mind and hypocrisy on Thai part. Thailand thinks it's perfectly ok to lock up together a few thousand migrant workers but complains when just 200 Thai migrants get covid in work place and I'm pretty sure the living conditions in Finland would be better than the migrant worker camps I'm Thailand.

  7. 1 hour ago, mtraveler said:

    I'm not sure where you are getting this "amber group" data.  I just went to the CDC website, and Thailand is in the top (worst) category for travel, the red category.  Their recommendation for this category is "avoid travel to these countries".  (So is the UK, by the way, just to be fair.)  Can you tell me where this amber rating is from?

    In the UK an amber country is listed as a country that should only be for essential travel, not a holiday. As with everything re. Covid guidance in the UK it's a bit of a murky area. You always have to cross check with FCO country list as to whether you're insurance would be valid, the main consideration I would think  

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  8. 3 hours ago, sungod said:

    Just using the figures you provided, 650,000 jabs among the 200,00 (can you send me a link for that number?) is 3.25 each, reckon thats doable.


    The lady who did mine was retired and came back to help the effort as has been many the case.

    Exactly same as UK, they recruited thousands of volunteers, retired doctors, nurses, army medics, St John's Ambulance ,etc, as well as many others carrying out roles in administration such as organising the flow of people through the vaccination centres. It is do-able and I believe the UK hit 800k one day if my memory serves me correct.

    • Like 1
  9. 33 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    from Johns Hopkins Aug. 13 COVID newsletter:


    "HERD IMMUNITY IMPOSSIBLE Consensus is forming among public health experts and scientists worldwide: the highly transmissible Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 changed the COVID-19 pandemic, dashing hopes of widespread vaccination creating herd immunity that could protect people from infection and guaranteeing the novel coronavirus will become endemic.


    While the vaccines are highly effective at preventing serious illness or death, they do not fully protect the vaccinated from infection. Additionally, people who had previous SARS-CoV-2 infections are not necessarily protected from infection from future variants. And because infected people can in turn infect others, whether vaccinated or not, the concept of herd or population immunity with COVID-19 “is not a possibility,” according to experts who recently spoke to the UK’s All-Party Parliamentary Group.


    However, the vaccines still work, and work well, protecting those fully vaccinated from death and keeping them out of the hospital, and vaccine doses should be urgently distributed to "where they can have the greatest impact," especially to countries in need, Professor Sir Andrew John Pollard, Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group, urged."




    Thailand: only about 7% of the population fully vaccinated thus far, and many of those are with the Sinovac vaccine, which has questionable effectiveness against the Delta variant.


    Exactly what one of the professor's at Oxford university who was involved in the AZ vaccine project said. Herd immunity is probably not attainable now but we can get herd protection, whereby you prevent serious illness and death from it.



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  10. 23 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

    In Finland all infected people are in home isolation first! If you dont have symptons, after 10 days you not isolated anymore and they NOT TEST YOU OTHER TIME! You not spread virus anymore so why use test again! Only family members are isolated 14 days and tested 2 times! If you get symptoms you call ambulance which take you to hospital! Yesterday in Finland 83 covid patient in hospital and from those 19 in icu!

    Similar in the UK, 10 days after testing positive or symptoms showing or once fever has gone if longer than 10 days you are deemed non infectious and are freed from quarantine period.

    • Thanks 1
  11. 6 hours ago, robblok said:

    Problem is that we don't have an alternate earth somewhere where the Thai government did not lock down on 20 July so we could compare. I am convinced the numbers would be higher without a lockdown. I am not saying that the lockdown is carried out well. But I do know it has stopped a lot of people from having contact some people i knew still went out had parties but that is now done because of the lockdown. 


    Talking about larger parties here 15+ ppl. But now nobody goes out at night anymore. People stay home more. So it is limiting contact for sure. 



    But I'm sure people are still meeting for drinking in each others homes, just now they stay overnight because if the curfew. My GF doing so tonight, only 4-5 of them but until they make a rule to stop people going to others homes it's going to continue to happen. Can see how it spreads even with few people, 4 meeting, 1 infected, possible 4 infected. A few days later those new 3 go to other homes to see friends, infect 3 more each, so from 1 person to 13. This is what the authorities need to consider.

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