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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 8 hours ago, DrJack54 said:

    So your currently in UK.

    Can you guage the public feeling.

    I realize it's not black/white question, however, do people generally feel....

    "It's about time...let's party" Or 

    "We need to be measured and vigilant"


    Can only speak for myself but I think it's about time but I still take sensible precautions, mask inside in crowded shops etc. Think the younger generation is party, party.  I'm middle the road, nice to go out and have a meal etc, but then I am double jabbed with Pfizer so have some comfort thinking I have reasonable protection from been severely ill or dying. Then there are people who are still worried about going out and mixing. Think vaccines are the way out of this at the moment though.

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  2. 4 hours ago, DrJack54 said:


    We need to watch places like UK and even USA now. As attitudes become more relaxed and restrictions of any form get thrown out the window, then cases can climb again. Add to that a very contagious variant (Mr Delta) and the 70% notion means little.

    I don't follow the UK situation. Are they not currently moving to 'lets go' attitude?

    Here the UK the government has dropped nearly all restrictions, with the onus of we must still be cautious. Basically it puts the responsibility on the population to take precautions, which as we all know a percentage will and a percentage won't. If it all goes wrong the government can say it's down the public for not taking precautions. Typical political get of jail free card, bit like Prayuth trying to blame everyone but himself for the situation in Thailand the other week.

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  3. 7 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    My wife and just about everyone around here couldn't care less about what covid does or how many die from it because they are all too busy trying to survive and there is nothing they can do to stop it.You could say they could do lockdown but it's rice planting season and if they don't plant the rice they don't eat for a year and that is less important than doing a lockdown.

    In a hard lockdown, I'm sure that would be classed as essential work, same as all food production. Believe it or not in the UK during lockdown, construction was considered an essential industry and carried on working. I spent 3-4 months just getting up, going to work and coming home again, no socialising , exercise on my own, food shopping when needed and looking after my daughter every other weekend. It's all about getting the balance right in a lockdown, essential industry keep going and create bubbles of people, work in those bubbles, eat at break times in those bubbles. I'm amazed, unless I have missed it in the publications, that you can still visit other people's condos/villas in Thailand in the dark red zones. Most transmission of virus happens in the work environment and people's homes I believe. Shut the bars, stop people drinking in groups at home but what's to stop them eating together in different homes. Like I said, maybe I've missed something in the rules? If I have, can someone please correct me?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, it is what it is said:


    this is excellent news for thailand; it took the uk, with a similair population size, 5-6 months before they started to vaccinate the over 18s cohort

    But the UK vaccinated to a different schedule, health care workers, elderly, vulnerable and then age descending. Has all the vulnerable, elderly and health care persons been offered or able to get a vaccination yet? 

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  5. 9 hours ago, The Cipher said:

    I shudder to ask this, but what stricter measures have they even got left in the bag at this point? 


    Measures taken have already turned what was a nice place into a dystopian hellhole of boredom. What is there even left to close?

    Have they put a ban on visiting other people's condos/homes, mixing with others outside your household? UK had that for months, guess what, some of my family members caught covid, one died and the reason,their friends popped over for a quick coffee and unbeknown to the visitors they were already infected with covid. You want to slow the the spread you have to stop all non essential contact between people.

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  6. 5 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

     The part of the sentence where Dr Opart added that measures would “gradually intensify until the situation is under control”, spells out one of the reasons why Thailand is in such a poor state now. Incremental measures, introduced only when the situation worsens, absolutely guarantees that you are behind the virus every step of the way. It creates a lengthy period of restrictions that never seem to work because the virus is running away from you faster than you can catch up.


    the sad part is, even now, a supposed expert doesn’t seem to get that. Maybe I am doing him a disservice and he was taken out of context, but to me it goes to the heart of the flaw in the governments policy response.

    I wonder sometimes if it's the same as UK was. The doctors and scientists advise but the politicians make the policy. Maybe the DDC and CCSA are screaming for action to be done behind closed doors but do not get the final say, that's down to the PM. 

  7. 5 hours ago, wensiensheng said:

    My son who is in the UK just had his second shot of Pfizer two days ago. He is 35. First shot was some weeks ago obviously.

    Anyone  18yrs and above can be vaccinated now. A lad of 23 who I work with has had both shots now, his second one a few weeks back. Problem will be vaccine hesitancy as like everyone, when you're young, you think your invincible and will live forever.

  8. 3 hours ago, brucegoniners said:

    Isn't this government doing a wonderful job with the pandemic? Time to lock things down completely like they did last March. Otherwise this thing will never end.

    Hate to say but until vaccination of the population is complete it will carry on, lockdown or no lockdown. Even after high vaccination governments will have to decide what number of deaths from covid is acceptable, ergo look at what's happening in the UK, all be it with 2/3rds double vaccinated.

    • Like 2
  9. 5 hours ago, smedly said:

    Pattaya is now showing almost 100 cases per day - 700 per week 


    where are they all 


    I assume it is primarily the delta variant - I hate having to assume anything - I want to know exactly what is going on in the place I live, it is shameful I have to go looking deep and hard for info - WHY ?


    PATTAYA it is now of great concern

    Just look at the timelines for Chonburi, think it was 7 in Central Festival, obviously staff in shops as times were over several days. Possible cluster emerging?


    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, RandolphGB said:

    Cases will always be found. Sooner or later the hysterical Thai population will accept that Covid is another seasonal respiratory illness that can’t be eradicated and the country will finally open up again. Those who want to hide away in their basement can. 

    One long season then, 12 months of the year. Get everyone vaccinated is the key.

  11. 8 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Thailand’s Ministry of Labor addresses an alleged cancellation order of Covid-19 tests for foreign migrant workers


    Bangkok –

    The Thai Ministry of Labor today, July 14th, explained their reasons for the alleged cancellation of Covid-19 tests for foreign migrant groups, following backlash flooding Thai social media since early this morning.


    This followed the Foreign Workers Administration of the Department of Employment, under the Ministry of Labor, yesterday, July 13th, allegedly canceling health screening and Covid-19 tests for all foreign migrant workers in the highest and strictly controlled areas, claiming that hospitals in the areas could no longer facilitate infected patients.




    From that report the officials might as well just say" Okay, it's all gone t**"s up, out of control and health system is collapsing, sorry but it's everyman for himself now". 

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  12. 4 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    I am not sure the reason or what their protocol is, but there sure seems to be an increase in ambulances rushing around Pattaya in general with lights and sirens.     

    One indicator that you know things are not great. In UK at the height of our wave I noticed the same thing. It's just one of those everyday things that you notice if it changes.

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