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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Thai business sector objects to sweeping restrictions to cope with new wave of COVID-19


    Thai Chamber of Commerce (TCC) Chairman Sanan Angubolkul disagrees with raising the COVID-19 alert level to the extent that business activities are locked down again, saying that such a decisive measure would drive the country backward.


    Sanan pointed out that the situation is very different from last year, because most of the population are now vaccinated, with many fully inoculated. Last year, however, only a small number of people had received vaccine shots, which were also in short supply.


    He said that sledgehammer measures, such as a complete lockdown, may stop the spread of the virus temporarily, but the impacts on the economy will be devastating.



    Think what a lot of people are overlooking is the number and type of vaccination. It is becoming clear now that two shot vaccine has less efficacy against Omicron than 3 shot and also Thailand has mix and matched it's vaccines on double doses or two Sinovac and one AZ. Pretty sure Oxford stated that vaccine like Sinovac does not protect with Omicron and even 2 shot AZ did not fare well. Even Bojo said a lot of people going to hospital in UK only had the 2 shot and no booster. Time will tell if this is the case in Thailand.

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Kinnock said:

    It's an early report, so not peer reviewed, but seems to show ATK is less effective with Omicron compared to earlier strains.


    "Overall, we have found a tendency towards lower sensitivity for Omicron compared to pre-VOC SARS-CoV-2 and the other VOCs across tests"



    Read a few articles along those lines in UK. They are leaning toward the thinking that the nasal only swab kits are not picking up the infection until quite late as Omicron manifests itself in the throat rapidly. Saying throat and nasal swabs combined are better at detecting Omicron.

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  3. 19 minutes ago, Cherrytreeview said:

    To be fair, the UK slowed considerably over the Christmas holiday period but was hitting it out of the park before that.

    Like him or loathe him, Boris seems to spend most of his time at vaccination centres when he's not in Downing Street.

    He is banging the drum for boosters on a daily basis.

    Thailand has nearly a full booster campaign to roll out, let alone getting 70% of it's population double jabbed.

    Either fatigue is beginning to set in or else "who cares about the peasantry" syndrome.

    Maybe the peasantry syndrome. The government hit it's 100million target, big fanfare, haven't we done well, photo shoot and speech and maybe now it's move along, forget about that now.

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  4. 57 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Such a point of view might be considered unhelpful  and rather infantile. All over the world medical authorities  are trying to open society  up again and deal with the consequences. I think  the Thais deserve  recognition that they are doing a difficult  job but doing it well compare to Holland  and France with their massive lockdowns, China  with it starving citizens,  The USA with its scandalous high death rate. The never ending Thai  bashing is as ever tedious and misplaced especially  when put into context of the actions of governments around the world

    Of other countries tested same amount as Thailand the world figures would be looking much better now.

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, The Hammer2021 said:

    Well in this case the system  worked! Testing led to Covid-19  infections  being discovered  and actions taken. No infectious  disease  control system is perfect. The alternative is another blanket lockdown

    But the story states "after infection found in 10 tourists" who have to test as part of their entry requirements after so many days. Doubt there was much testing going on of locals before they were discovered. Just look at daily case figures, majority of cases, in fact nearly all are from walk-ins still so not much proactive testing going on I believe.

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  6. 1 hour ago, Bkk Brian said:

    They're just not getting it, closing for cleaning does nothing to stop the spread..................


    Bangla to close for deep cleanse


    PHUKET: Venues on Bangla Rd are being asked to close for 24 hours while the renowned nightlife street undergoes intensive cleaning, and sanitising, to help stave off more COVID infections in the area.



    Looks good though, a sort of "we are doing something to stop this virus, look it's all clean and virus gone from road".

    In my opinion it's all BS. Carry out useless cleaning propaganda stunts at what cost which looks good but reluctant to test publicly because they know it will look bad. Nearly all of the official counted PCR lately have been from walk-ins so shows that officially they are not looking for it, only using ATK where they have to because those figures are not officially counted in the world stats. And as for the "restaurant" rules does anyone believe that every premise is checking customers, highly unlikely and you can bet a lot of the staff infections are going unreported too.

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  7. 40 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Wait were folks not having to show they were vaccinated and show a negative test taken 72 hours prior or take an ATK test on site? Ambulances were also supposedly standing by.


    If thats the case, then this does not bode well for the Pattaya Fireworks or Phuket Countdown festivities held.


    Operators are standing by to take your reservation for a room at the Inn.......sarcasm.

    Think we all know that's not happening at the majority of "restaurants".

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  8. 10 hours ago, bang saen guy said:

    Meanwhile, the governor is laughing his butt off thinking "I wonder what hoops I can make these fools jump through next?" All about control. Face it, folks, Covid can not be stopped completely.

    Think everyone knows you cannot stop it. It's about stopping health systems becoming stretched and over run. Like a dam, hold the water back and control the release and rivers below are controlled. Open the dam or it collapses and rivers below flood and cause damage. Time will tell if lack of testing in Thailand is the correct approach, just watch the hospital numbers over the next few weeks. If they are manageable then Thailand got it right.

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