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Everything posted by sabaiguy

  1. Don't know about recently, but back in the day (way back), Penang was the place to go.
  2. Following this story one thing puzzles me (one?). One of the issues they are going after him is the "illegal" staircase to the beach. In fact I think they have already ordered him to destroy it. Yet throughout the story they describe him as a renter. Wouldn't the owner be responsible?
  3. Exactly. Leukemia is a cancer, probably pre existing not an emergency.
  4. Believe that's correct in US as well.
  5. The only thing consistent between Thai embassies/consulates and immigration offices is their inconsistencies.
  6. Nope. Not my experience.
  7. I guess when I was filling out the application it automatically down loaded the declaration form but I didn't know it. When they instructed me to upload the declaration form I thought what declaration form? I accidentally found the download, luckily soon and separately uploaded it.
  8. What email are you using? I found out that the main email for the consulate they are totally unresponsive (don't remember right now but could find it) There is another email for the visa section which I used for the application. They were responsive but still had some issues. Never tried calling, think I knew better.
  9. I believe the "declaration" form is downloaded for you to sign and resend to them. But don't quote me. I had a go around with them earlier this year for a METV. But they were responsive and kept in contact. For me good and not so good experience with them.
  10. Thanks Lorry. Your 3rd paragraph is the only one relevant to my stupid question. I only mentioned transfers from my personal foreign account to my personal Thai account not 3rd party transfers.
  11. Since this has turned into a tax thread, I have a question that has bothered me for awhile. Just a general question not directed to any post or poster. If I have had a foreign bank account for many years (30+), That I have put money into and taken out of during those years and then transfer to Thailand, How the hell does anybody know what year it was earned. I don't even know. Stupid question?
  12. A few years ago when the the new western bypass hwy (131) was under construction near our house a portion of the road was fully graded and appeared ready for paving but all work was stopped right in front of a house. Very interesting sight. Was thinking the homeowner probably wasn't happy with the gov'ts offer and was holding out. Next trip house was gone and hwy completed. Don't know who won that standoff. Probably Gov't as usual. But maybe homeowner got more than Gov't originally offered.
  13. Calm down and move on
  14. I hadn't paid much attention to this milk crisis till I read this thread, other than noticing that supplies were low but was always able to find what I needed. Checked 2 places today NOTHING. Chiang Rai.
  15. Called eminent domain in US. Common by Gov't for transportation and other projects. Pay market value to the private owner.
  16. Two peas in a pod
  17. Couldn't agree more. Hwy 1081 wow along with others. Turned 70 couple of months ago and my abused body can't handle an extended ride on two wheels like that. But had great trip with Thai family and friends in comfortable vehicles.
  18. Happy that you've got it all figured out.
  19. Just passed through Pua recently on my first (I'm in Chiang Rai) road trip around Nan. Fantastic area. Oh yea, the milk situation seems a little sketchy here as well.
  20. Just east of Thoeng there is a big bridge construction over the 1021 hwy going towards Chiang Kham. Locals told me it was for the new railway. Surprised because I didn't realize that there that much work already being done. Makes sense as crossings (elevated and at-grade) are more costly and time consuming than just laying rails.
  21. I flew in and was also not asked for TM6 when exiting at Mae Sai. But was required fill out TM6 when entering at Mae Sai.
  22. Exactly. Many people just say pop on down to your immigration office and get an extension, easy. Some people don't want to waste a day or depending on where you are, multiple days. Better things to do than dealing with Thai bureaucracy.
  23. Sounds about right. Been coming here for the last 10 years on METV, never filed TM30. Owner of the residence (my wife) where I stayed never filed. Never came up Not an issue.
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