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Everything posted by sabaiguy

  1. He only wants to stay for 6 months. Why not a METV. Assuming it's convenient to do a border bounce.
  2. I think you are absolutely correct based on my experience.
  3. Did my border bounce there about a month ago (June 8) and I was worried until the last moment that they would close it. But it was business as usual and very smooth.
  4. Exactly correct based on my recent experience with LA consulate. Although my return was only 4 months not 11(?). How did you get away with that? DavidH51 is incorrect based on my experience. Guess every embassy/consulate is different, like every Thai immigration office is different.
  5. Yes things have changed, back then in person now online. That's my point. Difference between a SETV and METV application is minimal. Maybe METV requires more financial documentation. Was just giving a personal experience. Calm down and move on.
  6. When I did a border bounce in Mae Sai 2 weeks ago it was business as usual.
  7. Originally in service during WW II with US Navy. My father was a junior officer on one preparing for the invasion of Japan when the war ended.
  8. I recently did an evisa application for METV with LA consulate. I had many of the same issues you did. Very, very picky. The system is very rigid with no flexibility. Just upload this. Don't know why they insist on jpg not pdf (no big problem). The old days when you walked in was much easier except for the drive there. Once I walked in handed all my visa docs to the visa officer (a farang) he glanced over them and said there was a problem with my bank statements (back then only needed 1 month not 6 months) my name was not on the statement (I had printed from my online account), I looked at him and said REALLY! he shrugged his shoulders and said my bank has a branch down the street get another statement. I did but had to come back after lunch. Passport with visa mailed back in 3 days.
  9. sabaiguy


    Chiang Mai is not a big city? I live in Chiang Rai.
  10. Yes, he is just a front man for other powerful, influential elite who prefer to remain in the background and well rewarded for it seems like.
  11. I think we went to school together. But if I was good boy my Mom might sneak in a twinky.
  12. I was about to bring up the US conspiracy laws but think you killed it. Unless you're Trump who can declassify documents by thinking about it.
  13. I'm perplexed with this Thai obsession with waterfalls Where I live (Chiang Rai) there are highways signs everywhere directing you a nearby waterfall. I've seen a few, usually a little less than impressive.
  14. I live in Chiang Rai as well, but the southern part of town so maybe a little further than you (you in Ban Du area?). It's not a bad road (for cars) but I have problems driving some time. My hats off to you.
  15. You rode your bicycle from Chiang Rai to Mae Sai? How long does it take? Allow you to just take your bike across the border? You're a better man than me, don't think I could ride a bicycle around the corner to the 7-11.
  16. Exactly my recent experience. Except they specifically said it would be 500bt, I countered with $10 and they had no problems.
  17. Sorry Dr. Jack here is a more accurate report of the process at this border. I arrived at the border. Went through Thai exit immigration, got stamped out. Crossed to Myanmar Immigration entry. Ushered into a room with Myanmar IO and some other guy (not in uniform) who basically served as an interpreter. Asked if was going shopping or just turning around. I replied just turning around. They said 500bt. I said $10. They said OK. Stamped into Myanmar. Turned around went through Thai entry immigration with my METV. Then went to buy my new underwear. Is this what you wanted in terms of the process at the border?
  18. With due respect I thought I did do a report of the process at the border. Perhaps you didn't read what you wanted to hear.
  19. Ask Finlaco the backpacker expert. Just following his advice.
  20. I promised a report of my border bounce at Mae Sai which I did this morning. It was exactly as my last one 3 1/2 years ago (pre covid), with one exception. This time I came armed with the advice of my new friend Finlaco. When the Myanmar IO told me it was 500bt I countered with "$10?". A slight smile came to his face and he said "sure". So I saved $5 (closer to $4.50 something) and didn't put any extra money in that sob's pocket. So thank you Finlaco! I marched right back to the Thai side and bought a pack of 10 new underwear for 160bt with the money I saved.. Couple of side notes. I thought the TM 6 was history. Maybe it is via airports but at land border it still seems to be a requirement. At least they made me fill one out. Also I got to thinking why don't the Myanmar IO's insist on 500bt? I mean like 500bt or no entry (doubt the $10 is Myanmar law). It's more money in their pockets. Only thing I can think of that there's a robust black market in Myanmar for US$. Is Myanmar under US financial sanctions? So maybe $10 is worth more to them than 500bt. Any opinions? Oh, and there's the female Thai IO who kept giving me the "eyes" but that's for another day. After all I am a hansom man.
  21. Not sure how to post a link (I'm a digital dumbbell) but It was under the thread title METV, your post dated Apr. 30. Looking again maybe it's apples and oranges. There I think you were referring to MOFA and here the airline. There (MOFA) you responded yes, here (airline) you responded no. Whereas my recent experience is no and no. Hope this clears things up but probably not.
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