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Everything posted by sabaiguy

  1. You beat me to it. But didn't have the brilliant graphic you provided. ++
  2. Or else get a COR and you don't need a yellow house book.
  3. Up to you. I think you're blowing this way out of proportion.. What do you want personal letter from the Thai Minister of Finance? If you get hit with a 7mm baht tax bill, I would just send it to BOI. Good luck trying to get a response from the Thai Revenue Department. Keep us informed.
  4. I originally opened it in 2019. With the experience I described. I forgot to mention I had two Thais as witnesses (?) or to vouch for me (?). My wife and her nephew (RTP). They never talked to them. I was away for 3 years during Covid. When I returned in 2023 I discovered BB had closed my account (I assume because of inactivity}. I went to the bank with my old book and explained and they very easily just opened a new account for me. Chiang Rai.
  5. All I needed to open bank account was pp and METV (not a long term visa). No proof of address, no letter from immigration. No TM30. They did it with a smile and didn't take long. Bangkok Bank.
  6. Who do the agents bribe at the US Embassy?
  7. I suppose you're right. I just thought someone whose been here 17 years would know the difference.
  8. I think Frank Legal and Tax don't have a clue. How many times does BOI have to say money remitted from abroad is exempt from tax. I prefer to believe BOI not Frank Legal & Tax
  9. Yeh, used to be yaba now it's cannabis. Wonder why all the cannibus demons now?
  10. Defamation laws exist in almost all western nations. They are useful and legitimate laws. It's how they are applied in Thailand that's the problem.
  11. Not that I don't believe you. Can't believe Canada treats cap gains that way. So do you have to pay income tax on income you don't receive?
  12. I applied this week at Chiang Rai immigration. Only provided 1 & 2 from your list. Told me to come back in a week to pick it up. No mention I had to pay anything. On LTR if that matters.
  13. You pay too much attention to articles and press releases. Wait till it's published in the Royal Gazette. Then it's official.
  14. Just filed for certificate of residence this week. Just showed LTR and TM30, told to come back in a week to pick it up. I don't even know what a TM47 is. Chiang Rai. About as laid back an immigration office as I can imagine.
  15. I would say yes upload any 1099's you have. I originally gave them 2 years of 1040's and 2 years of 1099's (21 &22) they then came back and asked for my 2023 1040 (this was in March 24) no explanation why. Had to explain that we aren't required to file 2023 tax returns until April 2024. Uploaded a 2023 1099R which they excepted no problem.
  16. No don't think it matters to them if you submit a joint return. I did and got my LTRWP. If that's all you got what are you supposed to do file new tax returns?
  17. Pay an agent to renew your passport. What have we come to.
  18. recommended, not required. It's also recommended or is that required to drive the speed limit
  19. My latest info is that it appears that he will get off with a wag of the finger and a slap on the wrist. Why is he being treated differently than the "kick in the back" guy in Phuket? Could it be that he speaks fluent Thai and has Thai family?
  20. Plenty of cases of GFM fraud in the States.
  21. Semi OT, Back in the early 70's when I was a wee lad, I went on my first "road trip" from the west coast to the Midwest where I met up with a couple of buddies. We continued to the east coast and back. Was gone for about 2 months, didn't even think about calling my parents. When I returned I called them (wasn't living at home at the time). They were furious that I hadn't called them. Told them I thought "No news was good news". They told that story over the years till they passed away.
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