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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. ???? They, American woman, still think the world is waiting for them.
  2. Was yesterday news on tv. The info was: no insurance
  3. Cant we just boycot all the trash thats coming from China? Nothing against the Chinese people but the products are for 99% trash. enough of it.
  4. At least he didnt drive someone else into the hospital. To bad he had only minor injury.
  5. Pick up driver wasnt insured. So he have to pick up the tab as he drove into the back. Keep distance and this wont happen.
  6. And "the Oldies" just sit, wait and watch how the "dummies" clean their path.
  7. like anywhere else in the world. Act like a Sj!the@d and you will be treated like that. It all starts with yourself.
  8. Go with the flow. (And the flow is corruption.). If you cant beat them, join them. Different country, different rules but the same game.
  9. I give you 10 thumbs up for that
  10. The kick-off of a lot of unrest in the country?
  11. So do the rest of the world. And they all play their own game.
  12. one way ticket out and never come back again.
  13. Sept 23????? Great planning
  14. Thank you for making the Farang so populair and taking a life. Shoot this b@st@rd. Can all these loonies just go home and let the relaxing people that love the relaxing Thai lifestyle enjoy their staying?
  15. That's an assumption you make quickly. But I understand it's easier for you to just label someone. btw it was a lady.
  16. Ha, no my friend. I dont reed or listen to western brainwashing anymore already for a long long time. This is information straight out a Chinese mouth that lives in China.
  17. This is, direct/indirect, already happening. And if Chinese citizens want to go abroad they have to book everything in their home country and spend as less as possible at their holiday destination. The CCP want to keep the money in their own country. Next to that is that poverty in China is rapidly growing. So i wouldnt count on the Chinese to much anymore,
  18. Then still you can react on a more mature way like " We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with our service/products. We invite you to come and tell us what you would like to see differently. We aim to make our customers happy"
  19. So drove away after the accident!!?? Hours after? Alcohol?
  20. And here we go again. Just stigmatizing away. Can't we just acknowledge that in every nationality, there are sometimes less kind and social people? I've certainly encountered them from various nationalities, at least.
  21. When they smell money ...........
  22. And so you have to search a bit more. I now buy my ham and bacon at a small wholesaler. Good quality and way cheaper. So its there.
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