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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. WHAT!!!!!! Are you losing it?????? My son?...........my prins?????? How dear you even ask him to do it. And there we go again.
  2. You should do the same. See posts before!!!!!!!!
  3. Thai men and police.......the pride and joy of Thailand.
  4. yep, you are right. Thanks for the correction
  5. And that would be partly compensated with dual pricing. Seems like a fair solution
  6. Difficult one. If the guy realy had bad intentions as the story tells........Bangkok Hilton. But the money sickness with Thai people could also be in the game. He already was the boyfriend of the girl???? Why didnt mom end this relationship in an earlier stage????
  7. Ai, and he told his wife he was on a business stay in India.
  8. Finaly a bit of realism. Hard to find here.
  9. And yet another reason not to go to Star$$$$$. I realy dont understand why people want to have a coffee overthere. You can get much better coffee for a much lower price.
  10. Getting crazy of all these BS things. And it al come to "Divide and conquer". Woke/not woke, mask/no mask, vaccine/no vaccine, Biden/Trump etc etc..............Who the F cares. Just life your live and be nice for each other.
  11. They probably wont. Even if you give them money. Its an ongoing proces and as you know by now money is the only thing they care about. How many people push their daughters to the big city to make money on their back. Mom and Dad just dont care as long the money comes in. Personaly, i Sjh.t on people like that but on the other side, can you blame them? They grow up with almost no education, no feelings (losing face nonsense) and old traditions. The question here is, are you going along with this old fashion behaviour or can you cut the ropes and go with the miss your own way? I would know what i should do and what i did.
  12. And im affraid 2024 is going to be a year of escalation. Russia/ukrain, Israel/Palestine, China/Taiwan, North Korea/South Korea. It could be ingredients for a perfect storm.
  13. Spot on. But it is not only the gouvernment that have to make sure that rules are respected but its also the complete stupidity of the brainless behind the wheel. And there are a lot of them here.
  14. Leaving Thailand. After 10 years here its enough for me. Time for a new chapter.
  15. which is a wise decision. Best wishes for 2024.
  16. Then i hope that every one has a save trip and i wish all of you an excellent and healthy 2024.
  17. Why would a wealthier tourist come to Thailand? In most places, it's dirty, the smell of sewage is constant, the traffic is life-threatening, and the people are no longer friendly. In fact, many Thais dislike foreigners ("farang"). You get scammed everywhere, and the quality of services and service is declining. Yes, of course, there are beautiful places in Thailand that you can enjoy without mass tourism, so that's not the issue. As long as the folks in Bangkok drain the state treasury and don't seriously invest in their own country, the quality of tourism, and consequently the quality of the country, continues to deteriorate.
  18. if you are a man alone and looking for girls and booz, Thailand is the place to be. For anything else i would suggest to forget Thailand.
  19. And my sister is the President of the European union.
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