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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Never terminated, always transferred. Never punished, but instead encouraged for corruption.
  2. What does a job opening for a soprano have to do with this? The person lost one testicle, not both, And in any case, once puberty has occurred a man's voice does not magically become that of a child's if the testicles are lost. Is this what they call a grampa joke?
  3. The current common recommendation is to have the new Pfizer bivalent booster, (if you had Pfizer) at the 6 month period. It is now be given at the same time as the flu vaccine in North America. The reason for the change in guidance is that the updated vaccine is reportedly better at preventing serious harm from the Omicron variant. (Yes, I know there is new variant - Kracken now, but the comments from multiple health agency is that the updated Pfizer is better. Advice also applies to Moderna.) if someone was willing to put up wih the vaccines for 4 doses, one might as well take the next booster to enjoy full benefit of the vaccine.
  4. If true, then this man is truly filth. It speaks volumes that some republicans from the backward districts still support this deceitful fellow.
  5. Thank you. Appreciate the education. In respect to Thai baht exchange rate over the next 3 quarters, it would be helpful to see projections of THB against i. USD, ii. Euro iii. Pound Sterling and iv. Australian$,. More specifically, will the exchange rate remain close to what it is or whether or not it will change (significantly).
  6. I have been in Pattaya for conferences and meetings. Did you know that Pattaya is one of the most popular locations in Thailand for such events? Not everyone goes there for boom boom. I don't know why you object to a fair and honest assessment. Pattaya meets the requirements of many people who want a beachside community close to Bangkok and with many western services/facilities. If Hua Hin had easier access, it would be a close competitor to Pattaya. Not everyone goes to Pattaya to engage in sex trade or bar district.
  7. It was very easy to have run over this man and it is unfortunate those blaming the woman have not watched the video closely. If they did they would see; 1. Angle of turn with the painter very low to the ground made it difficult to see the person, especially if driver was focused on where one might expect to see pedestrians, on the side of the vehicle. 2. Vehicle tires did not drive over the man. Instead he was hit midpoint by full weight of front of vehicle and bent over. There was no thud or bump to feel since nothing was run over in usual sense. 3. Due to slowing and low speed of the vehicle, the impact would not necesarilly have been felt. 4. I don't think the driver is any less clueless than many of the male foreign drivers who all assume their driving skills are tops, while everyone else is a poor driver.
  8. Sam Roi Yot is lovely, but is not Hua Hin. There is very little aside from the beachfront low end or high cost resorts. Cicada market is at the end of Hua Hin closer to Khao Takaib than it is to Hua Hin town. Now to answer OP question, please have a look at Agoda, there are many hotels and service apartments that are at historic low cost now. I have stayed at many of the serviced apartments hotels that surround Market Village. Nothing spectacular, but they are solid 3 stars. I feel that I have received much better value at these places than when I have stayed at Intercontinental and Mariott, which are direct on the beach. The ideal zone if you wish easy access to beach is between Bluport and Market Village. There are some reasonable hotels on the beachside of the main road Petchkasem. The best value is on the other side of the road with the new DUsit mid market facility and others. Also, there are many reasonable Thai restaurants in the area. Beware that traffic can be heavy so you will need to use overwalk at market Village, or Overwalk at Intercontinental/Bluport or the pedestrian crosswalk with lights midway between the two at Bangkok Hospital (People slow, but do not necessarily stop). I mention all this because I do not know if the child has strength to walk the 100-250 meters to the beach. They are all easy walks. I recommend the zone between Bluport to Market Village because of the easy access to services, restaurants, food markets, cinemas etc. Inner part of Hua Hin is dead or dying as the city prepares to redevelop the former entertainment venues, many of which have moved towards the market Village to Bluport area. Despite all the activity, town goes quiet by 10 pm and outside of the bar district, everyone is alseep by 11 pm. It's a place I like to recharge my personal battery in. Aside from the poor accessibility to airports and awful train schedule, Hua Hin is the ideal place to stay.
  9. If you are, then why you not wear a mask since cold and flu are respiratory spread infections? You not make logic here.
  10. Unfortunately, I cannot find any reference to his contributions to the international managemnent of pandemic: No contribution on vaccine development, no contribution on treatment of covid, and no contribution to understanding of genome that allowed western countries to find solution to Asian sourced covid infection.
  11. Do not believe the hype. This is standard CCP plan to spread its Han population and politics through peaceful settlement. China controls Laos. For all intents and purposes, Laos is now a subservient state of China. Everything priced similar or lower in Laos and Chinese are treated like hiso masters. And yet, the Chinese say Thailand offers better. Not really. China does same thing with some western countries. Today it has big influence in Canada owning major companies and large values of real estate. It has influence on government. Thai people just as greedy as Canada people, maybe less greedy than German and English who facilitate some bad things all for money.
  12. It's possible if from Issan. Just speaking from experience.
  13. No. It can also mean, sailors not given enough time to safely leave ship, or sailor not put jacket on correctly, or sailor eaten by scavenger and body fall out of jacket. This terrible tragedy and I hope senior officers are held accountable.
  14. Big raise is long overdue. Phase it in, but give them 150 baht now .
  15. Sad state of affairs. If economy is bad in next year, unstable political state will make it worse.
  16. Such inanity. No embarrassment at asking such a question., says so much about the person. It is like announcing one doesn't have herpes, just warts.
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