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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. He is neither left wing, nor a socialist. His political views reflect those of a rural farm upbringing with a strong dose of christianity where people rely on their neighbors for support and help each other. Do not confuse social responsibility with urban leftism. Most of rural mid west USA and Canada farm folk share similar conservative socially responsible views that cannot be labeled by outsiders. People like him tend to have a good moral compass, although annoying at times with their devotion to doing the right thing. As a 24 year army national guard NCO he is better qualified than most to understand the basic issues of the US military as it relates to recruitment, training and support. It is very unlikely that he is not a loyal and patriotic American. He did restore social cohesion in the state and has kept the economy stable. Whether or not Vance is smarter, is irrelevant. Walz was smart enough to avoid insulting people by calling them cat ladies. He is a typical humble and decent Minnesotan who shouldn't embarrass Harris. I don't think he was a good choice, but then as trump says, most American voters don't pay attention to the VP choice anyway. I hope Trump is right in that regard.
  2. Harris picked a man who will stay in the background and not challenge her if she is president. We are looking at a repeat of the Carter presidency.
  3. Are the rioters really politically motivated or are they just typical UK criminals taking advantage of an opportunity to run wild? Reading the description of multiple accused, they share the common characteristic of being serial losers with criminal records for violence, theft, drunk and disorderly and a long list of petty crimes.
  4. The push/shove did not injure the victim. It was the fall that occurred after the push/shove. A case can be made that the intent was not to directly harm and that the resulting injury was unintentional. Should the victim die, it might qualify as "manslaughter" or "negligent homicide". The key issue though is why there had to be a shoving incident in the first place. A trained security guard avoids confrontation and violence and defuses or calms an incident. Shoving/pushing an old man in the absence of a direct physical confrontation is unnecessary violence. The operators of the bars on this soi already have a negative reputation for the conduct of their affairs and the source of the money. This incident does not help. The incident furthers the impression of corruption in Pattaya. unfortunately, like all other similar events, it will be forgotten and glossed over by next week.
  5. No. No one denies it either. Taxpayers and people in general including legitimate immigrants are fed up with the bogus refugees and economic migrants gaming the humanitarian aid system. What differentiates these people and the mob is that they express their positions through rational and responsible ways, legally and without looting, arson and violent assaults. Unfortunately, what we are seeing here is an organized disinformation campaign by domestic political groups and foreign agents with an agenda. Neither cares about constructive change. Rather, they wish there to be social tension and violence in the streets. It is to the benefit of some foreign nations to have the social fabric ripped asunder. A lack of social cohesion furthers their diabolical objectives. The recent rioting and looting had little to do with an autistic UK adolescent attacking and murdering, because such horrific crimes literally occur on a daily basis. Rather, it was an opportune time for the criminal element to come out and vandalize and loot and have a fun time, just as they do at sport events and some public social events. I expect that it will be easy to identify many of the violent mob from CCTV images because they will have existing criminal records. There is a wise adage that holds that history repeats itself if we forget the past. In the 1930's and 1940's the Nazis had a campaign of disinformation and rumor mongering intended to disrupt the UK. They were aided and abetted by local fifth columnists who shared their evil positions and who wanted to sabotage Great Britain. In the 1950's the Russian's started their organized campaign to spread false information in the UK, reaching its zenith in the 1970's with its dominating influence over some unions and student groups. Today, the Russian influence is more nuanced and strategic, easily manipulating the gullible and exploiting underlying fears. They stoke a distrust of institutions and undermine the pillars of UK society, seeking to foment civil unrest. The overwhelming evidence of Russian disinformation is out there, with the most recent example the dismantling by Dutch, Canadian and American intelligence services of a sophisticated Russian scheme. The recent events are a mirror of a strategy that was shut down elsewhere. https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2024/240709.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery Your claim of spotty record perhaps reflects the fact that some of what you believe to be true has been exposed as unsubstantiated or fabricated. It is difficult to admit to being conned and manipulated. That is why so many people continue to be conned by ponzi schemes and boiler room shills.
  6. You stated that the UK had "no cultural or historical links with Ukraine" and I showed that it did. And your response is to write that I have manufactured a reason. Great Britain is not prolonging the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The war would end tomorrow if Russia agreed to suspend hostilities and withdrew from parts of Ukraine it illegally occupies. Russia attacked Ukraine. Why are you bringing up India? It has no relevance.The border dispute is contained and does not involve China denying India's right to exist. India has neither requested nor expected weapons from the UK. More importantly, India has a longstanding policy of refusing foreign aid, including disaster relief. Nor does India have a need for weapons from the UK. China has not engaged in the mass murder and torture of Indian nationals. Both India and China are treating their dispute as a local border issue and have reduced tensions on their own without need of foreign involvement. Your position is patronizing to Indians and indicates a smug colonial attitude. It is condescending that you raise the issue of Hong Kong. Worse, it is an arrogant colonialist position. The UK had a legal obligation to vacate Hong Kong once its lease expired. The UK had neither the legal, nor the moral standing to do anything other than vacate Hong Kong at the end of the lease, to do anything else would have meant that the UK was squatting and illegally occupying land that was not theirs. The UK went above and beyond its moral obligations when it offered various protections and rights to Hong Kong residents. No other nation has ever agreed to protect 5 million + asians with the generous laws and financial support that the UK provided. You have not provided a compelling case and instead have thrown out weak excuses for the Russian expansionist policy. Why not just be honest and state that you support Putin and the Russian hatred of Ukraine, are ok with the mass murders and torture of Ukraine non combatants and excuse the Russian sponsored shooting down of the Malaysian passenger airliner with its 173 victims.
  7. Real war? Seriously? It is a real war now as hundreds of IDF personnel have been KIA, and an estimated 20,000 Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other faction fighters have died. Hamas continues to fire its rockets from the Gaza "humanitarian zone", and the IDF continues to return suppressing fire. The destruction is widespread. If that isn't a real war, then what is?
  8. There is no evidence to support your claim. NONE. Successive independent reviewes showed that 8 of the 9 guilty organizers was British Pakistani and the other Afghani. Please substantiate your claim.
  9. As you do not understand, it is best that you first educate yourself on the incident. Alberta is a province, not a state. Mr. Robinson did not lie on his visa application and was in the country legally. Mr. Robinson was arrested at the request of the Canada Border Services Agency on the basis that there was a discrepancy between his declared criminal record and the information provided on his travel authorization application to enter Canada. The discrepancy was in fact an "after the fact" subjective reading of the declaration. Mr. Robinson's criminal record had already been reviewed prior to his arrival which is how he had received the travel authorization in the first place. He attended a review and was immediately cleared and allowed to continue on his speaking tour. It is believed that the detention was politically motivated by the federal Liberal government. The political motivation opinion is supported because the CBSA had not acted in this manner previously, and the review found that the declaration had been truthful and the authorization appropriately issued.
  10. The initial riots were the result of disinformation; Multiple social media postings described the assailant as an asylum seeker, or a recently arrived refugee in Britain by crossing the English Channel illegally on a raft, or as a dangerous man on a terror watch list. The accused is a person born in Cardiff, Wales, from a reportedly law abiding, low profile family. The accused is legally a minor and is described as autistic. The end result of a mob gathering to protest "illegals" is an example of an organized disinformation campaign, that has achieved a desired result of upending social cohesion and inciting violence. Ask yourself who benefits from the UK be subject to disorder. Many of the people participating in the protests do not care about the issue of immigration or the social implications. They were there for the havoc and looting. The people who really care about the issue did not engage in violence or vandalism. This is no different than what happens at other riots and "protests" when there is property destruction and vandalism. Violent participants should therefore be treated as the criminals that they are. Vandals and looters are not patriots. Yes, many of those people engaged in unlawful activities. Their wrongful acts do not excuse the current unlawful acts of the Southport related hooligans. These events occurred in the UK. Making reference to "Kamala" and "lefties" is nonsensical. Kamala Harris had no involvement with any protests in the UK. Your claim of MSM clowns is unsupported by fact. Please provide an event that supports your statement. What happened in the USA in respect to local US events has not relationship to the events in the UK. Perhaps that is due to your own biased perception and the refusal of media in the UK to identify implicated parties. For example the recent incident involving BBC newsreader Huw Edwards was kept quiet, until his guilty plea. The Rochdale sex crimes Pakistani involvement was kept quiet for years as there was a fear of offending the SE Asian community. In Thailand, it is a national sport to identify bad farangs when it suits local needs.
  11. The foreign language facilitators are there for business reasons, not for patient best interests. If the hospitals wish to sell its services to foreigners, they need to be able to service the clientele. The facilitator can explain services offered and tests recommended. A patient is more likely to agree to a test or a procedure if the patient understands the need for it. The more services and tests purchased, the greater the hospital profit.
  12. As mentioned above, Accent and dialect are decisive. When english language speakers go to parts of the USA, they have a problem understanding many of the locals or some parts of the UK, Scotland and Ireland. Some of these people are unintelligible to people outside the region. French speakers have a hard time understanding the local accents of Acadiens and rural Quebecers. Italian speakers from Canada and the USA often speak in a language that was spoken by their relatives who left Italy 100+ years ago
  13. There is overwhelming evidence of organized disinformation campaigns managed by Russia and Iran. China has a lesser involvement. It therefore follows that this forum will have members who are aligned with the disinformation campaigns. The most likely to be involved will be those who are already predisposed to supporting the policies of these countries. The messaging the countries provide is compatible with the pre-existing bias of these people and so they are most likely to promote and support the Russian/Iranian/Chinese disinformation. Examples of this are the defenders of the invasion of Ukraine and the "excusers" of the shooting down of the Malaysian passenger aircraft over Ukraine. The US cyber intelligence agencies have documented how Russia relies on 'unwitting Americans' to spread election disinformation. Russia also uses westerners who deliberately wish to spread false information, as well as commercial public relations firms in Russia to spread the disinformation. A cornerstone of the strategy relies on planting false information in social media which is then picked up by people who then repost the false information. Two Russian linked PR firms were identified in March: They created fake websites and social media profiles to spread Kremlin disinformation. The disinformation included false information on candidates, immigration, crime and the war in Gaza. Other examples are the conspiracy claims that came out after the Trump assassination attempt. There was a deluge of idiotic claims that it was a Ukraine or Biden campaign plot. When that did not stick, there were claims that Biden was incapacitated and that the deep state was at work to remove both Trump and Biden. Russian propaganda has been overtly pro Trump. In a joint operation, Dutch, Canadian and US intelligence organizations recently took down a very sophisticated Russian cyber unit. Full details available here https://www.ic3.gov/Media/News/2024/240709.pdf?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery It details the Russian operations and is a must read. China's activities are focused on its own immediate interests such as sabotaging western - Taiwan relations, or promoting stories on Covid that shifted attention away from China and its activities. It is not specifically active in US presidential politics although it has been linked to multiple stories related to the Gaza war. The Chinese strategy is to promote blame for the war on the west, and to circulate false claims of wrongdoing against the west. This is intended to cast China in the role of the neutral friend. The Iranian disinformation campaign has been bold and assertive. It has ranged from mass media posting of staged videos, to cyber attacks, to cyber hacking and to mass postings on social media of stories intended to stir up anger about the USA, France, Israel and the UK. Iran has gone one step further by directly supporting Gaza related protests as civil unrest in the west works to its advantage. The US intelligence service has documented the groups linked to Iran who have posed as online activists, encouraged protests and who have provided financial support to some protest groups. Nor can there be any denying that the Iranian disinformation has targeted Trump as he is seen as being hostile to Iran since he was against the lifting of nuclear related sanctions, authorized the elimination of a top Iranian Republican Guards general, and acted to contain Iranian military support of the Houthi in Yemen. Many of the negative stories about Trump based upon false information originate with Iranian agents.
  14. I offer that Haniyeh was not a negotiator other than in description for propaganda purposes. Western media such as BBC have also called him a "moderate", despite his history of direct involvement in multiple violent and deadly actions. The reliance on biased information by the the western media is one of the distressing aspects of this conflict. It highlights the removal and destruction of independent news media and journalism.
  15. Unfortunately, that is not the usual outcome. Typically, they run into people or animals or property, injuring or killing or damaging the property of the victims.
  16. I am ambivalent. I was previously situated there prior, but left several years ago. Had not been back since Covid. We went for a visit about a year ago. Really shocked by what I saw. It has lost the little Thai flavour that it once had. Too much traffic for the inadequate infrastructure. Over developed.
  17. You are not providing complete information. For Canadian residents, they can qualify for Old Age pension at 65 years+, are a Canadian citizen or a legal resident and have have resided in Canada for at least 10 years since the age of 18. For Canadian citizens living outside Canada, they can qualify they can qualify for Old Age pension at 65 years+, are a Canadian citizen or a legal resident on the day before they left Canada and have have resided in Canada for at least 20 years since the age of 18. In addition is an old age guaranteed Income supplement, and the respective Canadian or Quebec work pension plans, which are relatively generous. If the 20 years applies to you, it is because you were not living in Canada and most likely not paying taxes sufficient to fund the pension obligation. In respect to the spousal visas they are difficult to obtain because of the risk of human trafficking. The US and Canadian approach is the same and it is based upon there having been a problem with women trafficked in until the visa rules were tightened. There was a big problem in Canada with eastern European women brought in for sex work, and that resulted in restrictions put on many visas. Some eastern Canadians travel to Cuba and the Dominican Republic where they meet a spouse. (It's usually western women seeking out husbands). The past experience was that these were spouses of convenience. People would divorce shortly after receiving their landed immigrant status. The UK has had similar issues with women coming back from North Africa with questionable partners. The expenditure of tens of millions on repatriating wives of ISIL terrorists and their children from Syria, and the former misuse of the visa particularly by Haitians, North Africans and Indians and SouthEast Asians did not support continuation of easy spousal visas.
  18. PM Johnson made 26 foreign visits during his time as PM. The UK has had an historical relationship with Ukraine since 1945 when the UK actively recruited Ukraine workers. There were multiple visits between their leaders. Even PM Thatcher visited Ukraine. The UK could not have close relations with Ukraine while it was still under the yoke of the Soviet Union's tyranny. However, once the Russian tyrants temporarily withdrew , relations grew. You seem to forget that the UK was involved in the Ukraine giving up its nuclear weapons. Your fixation on the PM's visits to the Ukraine are irrelevant. PM Johnson visited 3 times over 2 years. prior to the war, President of Ukraine president Victor Yuschenko visited the UK 3 times in one year. The visits to the Ukraine were important because Russia had invaded Europe and violated previous agreements. The invasion put European allies at risk. PM Johnson also visited nations who had been targeted by Russian military threats and incursions. These visits included; Poland, Estonia, Sweden and Finland. PM Johnson visited India at a time it was facing border tensions with China and Pakistan. He also visited Rwanda and the UAE (2X). Why would you expect the PM of the UK to visit the Congo? The UK did not have a significant relationship with the country. Belgium and France are the Congo's key allies. The UK has 34 agreements and MoUs in effect with Ukraine dating back to 1991 when diplomatic relations were restored after the Russian occupational forces influence diminished. Until then, Russia did not allow Ukraine the freedom to establish relations with other nations without Russian approval. https://uk.mfa.gov.ua/en/partnership/881-ukrajina-velika-britanija/593-dogovirno-pravova-baza-mizh-ukrajinoju-ta-velikoju-britanijeju
  19. Don't be so sure of that. Trump claims he knew nothing about it despite it being steered by close confidants who served in his administration. When MAGA talks about a deep state, this is an example, except it is the Trump faction acting as a state within a state.
  20. Perhaps you imagined. The bond is $175 million and is underwritten by Knight Specialty Insurance, which only holds a B++ A.M. Best rating. As reported by Forbes, Trump secured his bond with his Schwab brokerage investment account as collateral. The Schwab investment account "allows you to buy and sell a variety of investments, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs. " I mention the B++ rating because it reinforces the refusal of bond issuers to underwrite the trump bond because of underwriting concerns. Almost all lending covenants with well financed financial institutions require insurance to be placed with insurers who have no less than an A or A- rating.
  21. Context matters. The last time illegal border crossings really peaked was in 2020 during the last year of the Clinton term. it was a period of civil unrest and economic problems in Central America. The numbers started to increase again with the Trump administration. This increase accompanied civil unrest in migrant nations. Had it not been for Covid, which allowed the legal closing of US borders, the USA would have seen a massive influx of migrants. Once the border closing was lifted, the pent up migrations came back and surged. Border walls could not stop these migrants. What was needed was increased personnel and processing potential to legally remove the migrants quickly. That was why there was a bipartisan effort to fund the border. Everyone knows that the border is screwed up. President Bush (the son) had a decent border agreement ready to go, but extremist Republicans blocked it. It was a progressive, effective piece of legislation and would have prevented the problems we see today. the only way to address the border problem is a combined bipartisan approach. The Trump faction trying to impose its solution that can be challenged in the courts isn't going to work. nor will the "pathway to citizenship" free for all for illegal migrants work. Go back and reconsider the Bush era legislation. it will require give and take from all interested parties.
  22. The simplistic labeling of various interest groups only serves to support your biased views. How about you deal with the existing facts; Iran is a supporter of international terrorist groups. The October 7 attack on Israel was in large part intended to prevent the normalization of relations with KSA and continued building of a relationship with North African Arab states. Iran is not an Arab nation and has always been at odds with most Arab nations in large part because it is Shiite and the Arabs tend to be Sunni, the original Islamic faith. When the Arabs were at war with Israel, Iran was a strong Israeli ally. When the Arabs started making peace, Iran was an enemy of Israel. it also warred with other Arabs. Iran is an international troublemaker, meddling in the foreign affairs of the Arab world and supporting reactionary Shiite groups. The hand of Turkiye is not far removed either. As the former colonial oppressor of the Arab world it still harbors designs over regaining its influence. It is Turkiye that is one of the principal reasons why the Arab world was left in a mess. It was the Ottoman Empire that controlled what we now call Syria and Lebanon today. Israel was a department of Damascus and there was no "Palestine". There was Arabia. The Arabs rose up and with the support of France and Great Britain gained their independence after WWI. Jordan, the land now called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, (carved out of Ottoman Assyria), and the current nation of Israel all owe their creation to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the ensuing British, French and Arab agreement. Erdogan mourns his nation's loss of influence. He is angry that Israel is developing the oil and gas fields in Israeli territorial waters with Egypt, Greece and Cyprus. Turkey uses Iran to further its own political interests as disorder in the Arab world gives Turkyie an opportunity to have influence. The despotic mullahs are the source of the problems and they must be removed. The Iranian people have been denied an opportunity to have anything other than an Islamic dictatorship since the overthrow of the Shah. Give the Iranians a chance to choose, and they may very well remain an Islamic state, but they would most likely choose to have their oil revenues directed to social services and development rather than terrorism and war. if there is a war, it will be because of Iranian aggression. The Arab world for the most part won't care if Iran is neutralized, and on the contrary will most likely covertly assist.
  23. Come back and ask me when the arrest warrant is issued. What exists now is the opinion of Karim Khan, a prosecutor.This opinion is legally questionable and is not final. As a reminder, in his capacity as ICC representative leading prosecutions against ISIL in Iraq in 2021, he did not bring any significant islamic jihadists to justice. He did however, achieve his fame defending mass murderer Charles Taylor, the despotic cannibal strongman of Liberia. He also represented Sudanese rebel leader Bahr Idriss Abu Garda in the case where Garda's group undertook a mass murder of OAU peacekeepers, and he was the Lead Counsel for Saif al-Islam Gaddaf, the Libyan murderer. No doubt that he is a competent counsel. Unfortunately, he seems a man of curious actions.
  24. And how many of them have done so? Why would anyone wish to open themselves up to IRS tax filings? The trend for the wealthy is to avoid USA tax exposures. So, answer honestly, how many of your Thai middle class friends have purchased land and houses in the USA?
  25. FYI, the original Jamaicans are believed to have been Arawaks an indigenous people who migrated from South America. The Europeans brought slaves from Africa to work their farms. Therefore the term Afro Jamaican to describe a person of African heritage is accurate.
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