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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Comparing cockroaches to Trump is an insult to cockroaches. Although being hideous creatures, they do serve some valuable purpose within the ecosystem. The orange retard is a wrecker of ecosystems, a merely destructive force, an imminent danger to human life, so hideous inside and out, that extermination is a moral imperative. A similar case could be made for the Floridian Neofascist and liverwurst.
  2. Avoid Soi Buakao, they seem to have a high season surcharge :just a few months ago they were all still 120 Baht, now all up to 150 Baht. There is a very professional one on Chalermprakhiat, coming from Central Pattaya road it is about a km into the Soi on the right side. 100 Baht a haircut.
  3. They always do that. It's the Thai way, they keep kicking until there is no more movement. Never seen a Thai fight where they stop when the guy is down but still stirring.
  4. As the Red Bull brat incident illustrated : any amount of alcohol is nullified by the presence of cocaine in your blood. Or if you are entering a space - time wormhole by racing at a speed 200kph on Sukhumvit you are beyond the reach of the law.
  5. Actually there are still a lot of unvaccinated potential travelers around, at least in western countries. Around 20 % adamantly refuse to get vaccinated.
  6. The questions is for how much longer? Not looking forward to the Chinese mass invasion of Pattaya. The Russian invasion (of LOS) has already driven hotel rates up, and filled many of the budget hotels.
  7. The spread is not much larger if you go to the Superrich main branch. I was not aware of the fact that rates (at least for the Vietnamese đồng) differ from branch to branch. Went to the Siam Paragon branch, noticed that their rates were worse than the ones on their website. Was told that the website rates I had were the main branch rates. Packed main branch, spend about 40 minutes waiting. So not worth it if you have only a small amount.
  8. Yes, it was with my Thai debit card (KTB). Pretty sure it was the ACB branch in Phan Thiết. Will not do it again, because, while the official fee was reasonably, the hidden charges were enormous (lost about 10 percent on the XE midrate. You will get more detailed information on this topic in this FB group :https://www.facebook.com/groups/expatshcmc/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT
  9. Depends on the bank. Up to 5 mil for sure (done it personally), but read reports of people withdrawing 7 mil, but forget which that was.
  10. Yes you can but you will probably lose big time. I tried it 3 times over the last 6 years, always at different Vietnamese banks, with my Krung Thai debit card, and the hidden charges were enormous, losing between 7 and 10% on the midrate.
  11. Very few, if any, banks will accept Baht.Most money changing goldshop will either not accept Baht or offer you a lousy rate. If you are in Bangkok go to Superrich and change your Baht to đồng. Note that their main branch has the best rates. It is not very likely that you will get as good a rate anywhere in Vietnam. Last month on my way to to the airport In HCM I stopped by one of the best money changers in Saigon. While their Dong Baht rate was better than other goldshops, it was still well below the Superrich rates. So I took my đồng to Bangkok and changed them there.. There is a caveat though. I went to the best changer in Can Tho, where I live and inquired about $and Baht. That was at the time when the đồng was losing in value almost daily. The dong to USD/Baht rate was lousy, probably with the falling dong they wanted to hold on to their foreign currency. She then told me that if you sell Baht I can offer you this rate-a rate so good that had I changed my dong to Baht in Thailand and then sold those Baht to that goldshop I would have made a slight profit.
  12. Totally wrong :Vietnam is not Cambodia. Except for hotels in Tourist areas where they often accept dollars (which is illegal now), you will have to pay in dong for everything. Of course if you offer a local 100 bucks for a noodle soup that costs 2 $, and say keep the change, you might see a lot of glee. I have been in Vietnam now for 5 years, and never paid for anything in dollars.
  13. The Burmese scapegoats come in handy when the real culprit is The Burmese scapegoats come in handy when the real culprit is a local of means and influence, a Hi-so Thai. Doesn't apply here. The serpent is Indian /Vietnamese. Not even a real Farang. Even Farangs are not provided with Burmese scapegoats unless they are of the Elon /Jeff /Bill kind with vast amounts of money to grease palms.
  14. The clown show called Thai politics continues. An endless source of amusement. Have to amend a previous post :Most of them belong in the circus.Much too entertaining for the garbage can.
  15. No, they do count all visas in your current passport. The only way to keep alternating would be to regularly get a new passport, as embassies are not linked to the immigration department website. But even then it's only a matter of time before you get interrogated at border, because they can see all your arrivals.
  16. Yes ,Mr Keo is still around .He reopened a couple of months ago after a long Covid hiatus.His new agency is very close to where he used to be.He is the one who told me that the rejection rate is higher than it has ever been, but that was 2 months ago,might be better now . I will be in PP in a week or two : might be able to provide with an update.
  17. I have been riding a Giant ( MTB XTC) for 3 years. Frame is all right .Brakes suck .And rearwheel hub gave up the ghost a couple of month ago,was very hard to find a replacement. Had a Merida before that,which developed cracks in the frame.Never had a frame cracking before ,so I stay away from Merida.
  18. They are all over Pattaya and Jomtien. fewer of them as you head towards Naklua.
  19. Should be scrapped for good, but the reasoning behind it is probably that there are often long lines at the airports, where the big spenders arrive (you want to make a good first impression there). Land border lines tend to be shorter, and no need to impress the cheap Charlies on visa runs. The more they get hassled the better.
  20. NOT during an armed robbery, he shot an undercover drug agent, who was probably just staring at him for a little too long."What are you looking at? Do you know who I am?, kind of scenario. One of the most unsavory families in Thai politics, which is full of the dregs of Thai society.
  21. Have you ever been to Pattaya???? PROBABLY not, or you would have noticed that the out of shape farangs outnumber the in shape farang by at least 2 to 1.
  22. Has been an 'unfriendly' embassy for a long time, but found out recently that this unfriendliness has reached new heights. Was in PP 2 months ago and had a talk with the agent I used, always successfully, for 15 years (before my departure from Thailand in 2017). He told me that they now reject 60% of applications.
  23. Not necessarily retarded. I know of several people who overstayed for years, then booked a flight out, went to immigration, paid the fine and left the country. They saved a lot of money, compared to those who did regular visa runs. Of course, that was before they introduced the automatic blacklisting for lengthy overstays. Nowadays this can only be done by people who don't mind not being able to return.Also the risk of getting caught is somewhat higher nowadays.
  24. It's Sisaket, the heart of Khmer dialect speaking Isan. No smartcars there. You have that confused with sin city. They utilize their smart armory only in Farang dense regions.
  25. Did you get a refund? Your lifetime membership didn't last very long.
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