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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Yep, and with the Thai penchant for gambling, why not start a little lottery about in which province it will pop up first.
  2. 2 countries :people in Laos have no problems with Thai. Useful in Cambodia too, especially along the border. Some would consider Isan a separate country. So usefulness of Thai established in 4 entities :Thailand, Isan, Laos, Cambodia. ????????????????????☺️????
  3. From what I have been hearing and reading on various forums, it seems that of the 4 western vaccines AZ appears to result in the most severe and most frequent side effects.
  4. How far apart were your Pfizer shots. CDC says 3 weeks. I got my first shot 2 days ago, so far no side effects.
  5. Not necessarily for medical advice, but other's experiences. The average doctor probably doesn't know that much about Covid and the vaccines.
  6. A friend of mine had almost daily headaches for weeks after the Moderna shot. Also unrelated?
  7. Nok used to carry bicycles for free. So did Bangkok Airways and Thai. If they still do that, the weight of the bicycle doesn't really matter. It is one bicycle, and the rest of your stuff is weighed and charged separately.
  8. More like a 4 year old. An 8 year old kid knows that people who can swim often drown.
  9. Money Money Money:that's all they ever think about. Just bring us the cash, you can stay home.
  10. That is interesting. I left Thailand for Vietnam 4 years ago, so not really up to speed. Zolpidem used to be the sleeping aide of choice in Thailand (and many other countries) Why was it taken off the market? In Vietnam Zoplicone is the only sedative that is available OTC, maybe because they have a cheap locally produced generic version here.
  11. Let me get that straight , Mirtazapine and Trazodone worked for you for 15 years,from 2003 to 2018, and then suddenly in April 2018 stopped having an effect? Alprazolam should not be taking as a sleeping tablet, it's an anxiolytic. Zolpidem or Zoplicone are bona-fide sleeping tablets:They are much less addictive, tolerance to them builds up only after prolonged use. Withdrawal symptoms are usually just recurring insomnia.
  12. Have you tried a micro dose of Trazodone for sleep?
  13. That is just so totally wrong and uninformed and overgeneralizes. While sedatives just mask symptoms, SSRIs do not. They have lifted millions of people, some longterm or even permanently, out of a deep black hole.Minimal side effects for most, been around for decades, so pretty much as tried and tested as any medication. And they do not lead to a downward spiral. It's either an upward spiral or they often are just ineffective. They can change your brain chemistry and neuronal networks in a way similar to meditation. Obviously mindfulness meditation is way better than pills, but it takes a lot of time and effort to make that work. Vipassana,yoga or breathing exercises are something that you start when you feel normal and they might help you to never suffer from depression in the first place, but to start meditating when you are right in the middle of a severe bout of depression is either impossible or ineffective. It's like starting to exercise when you are in the middle of a heart attack. You exercise and eat healthy foods to prevent a heart attack, not to short-circuit one that is in progress.
  14. Off and on it for ages. Was off it before the lockdown. I am in Vietnam right now and the hard lockdown with not even outdoor exercise allowed - I need my daily jog or bike ride - Was driving me nuts. So back on it. You don't take antidepressants just to get you through a rough patch, sedatives (finely calibrated and slowly tapered off are for that).Minimum is 6 to 12 month. All side effects (mainly insomnia and for a week or two increased anxiety) are temporary. The only exception is a marked delay of orgasm/ejaculation. Not libido or erectile function (which in my case improved), but it just often takes you forever to come. By the way reading up on the subjects was sort of therapeutic in itself for me. It puts you in charge of your own treatment, and learning about all the different treatments available instills optimism and improved mood.
  15. Exercise and meditation (I do both) are very helpful, but they are unlikely to be enough to get you out of the acute phase. You have had it only for a week, so it might just clear up by itself. But the deeper you sink into that black hole the harder it will be to get out and stay out. There is something to be said for nipping it in the bud. Andrew Solomon makes a case for that in his brilliant book "The noonday demon"
  16. There is a good chance that the depression is secondary to the panic attacks. The panic attacks cause you to lose control, you constantly worry about having another one, and that makes you depressed. Once you get the panic attacks under control the depression will subside. The Pattaya Bangkok hospital used to have (and probably still has) a good psychiatrists. The choice of anti-depressants is still hit and miss. About a 50 % chance that the first one will hit the spot. For me Sertraline worked wonders. It takes a couple of weeks to take effect. During that time the anxiety might even get worse. They will prescribe you Alprazolam to tide you over.Minimal side effects. Insomnia for a couple of weeks,treated with Zolpidem. The only side effects that stays is delayed ejaculation, probably not a major concern at your age. If you are lucky you feel like like a new human being,you wake up one morning and Depression has turned into elation
  17. Although Sinopharm is recognized by THE WHO. At least you are not getting the Cuban (Alibaba or something) one, In Vietnam, where I am right now, they purchased a couple million doses, and acquired the license to manufacture it locally.
  18. Bar girls: the only Chinese you see in bars are from Singapore, Malaysia,Thailand,Taiwan, America..... Russians are a rarity too.
  19. Thais are super superstitious. As one of the real monks (the late Buddhadasa Bikkhu of Surathani's Wat Suan Moke) used to say and write, the average Thai has a total misconception of what Buddhism is all about. Buddhism is for sure not about prostrating yourself. Back in the eighties I spent some time in Wat Suan Moke where devotees would come to prostrate themselves before Buddhadasa, and you could see the dislike and distaste that the great monk had for this 'miscarriage' of the Buddha' s teaching.
  20. Yeah, remember that scandal, the venerable Yantra Bikkhu, aka the sex monk. Was one of the few monks revered as enlightened, a status that comes with huge donations from the Sangha eager to ensure good Karma and a more profitable rebirth. The venerable one then spend the alms on prostitutes in Australia, where he was on 'spread the four noble truths' tour.
  21. Yeah, I saw that video too.Most of these destitute foreign teachers were in Saigon, where they had a super hard lockdown for 2 months. You couldn't even go out to buy groceries. Total insanity.
  22. In Southern Vietnam, the epicenter of the 4th wave, all schools are still shuttered, so, if there is any teaching it would be online. There might be some provinces in the north, that remained largely unaffected by the Delta wave, where teaching might have started already. Hanoi is debating whether to gradually open in November. Saigon the most likely opening date will be in Jan. But there has been a lot of hemming and hawing on the part of authorities. Nothing definitive yet.
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