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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. There are ladyboys on Soi 6, not as many as there used to be, but still more than I would like there to be. One went for my crotch, and, when I brushed away his/her / its hand just before the hand reached its target, the individual complained : " Why you touch me" The Pattaya katoeys are huge and aggressive. Why do the biggest of Thai males find they are in the wrong body? You rarely see a small one. 🤔
  2. Fascists of a feather flock together. That said, Meloni has style, the orange fart is the antithesis of style, his somnolent flatulence in court a wonderful illustration of his essence.
  3. For your limited intellect, yeah. For well read, more intelligent folks there is a lot more to say.
  4. Chanta is one of the most "spread out " cities in Thailand. never seen a real traffic jam there, nothing like pattaya ,where traffic can be worse than Bkk on a long weekend.
  5. Unfortunately, Sominar is effective only for a few days. At least, that is my experience. Zolpidem works for a few weeks. Mirtazapine for years.
  6. Not really. There are pharmacies (not many) that break the law and sell them, but they risk losing their licence for just stocking these prescription drugs. (only hospitals are allowed to have them on hand) To make up for the risk they charge 5 to 10 times of what you pay for them in Phnom Penh.
  7. Go to Cambodia, all sleeping pills and sedatives are over the counter.
  8. Not only a Thai thing. In Cambodia and Vietnam you have to endure the same crap, well fewer canines howling though. Thailand loves and feeds their street dogs.The Vietnamese eat them.
  9. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  10. Walked down beach road last week. The foreign hookers occupy the last stretch of the road, from Mike Department store down to Walking street. Not a single really attractive one. Neither were there many appealing Thái professionals at the "Coconut bar" The hot ones work in bars, or tout their talents on thaifriendly.
  11. Next step, upgrade from cleaver to firearm.
  12. 89 Baht a can at seven.
  13. Yeah, standing in line at the Thai embassy in Vientiane in the hot sun for 3 hours, great fun indeed.
  14. It's called a pussy visa. 1900 Baht for a one day pass.
  15. Exactly, they are more than willing to do the provoking themselves. The very existence and presence of a "farang" can be enough "provocation".
  16. Why is it called Brazilian anyway? How about Kardashian butt lift.
  17. Yes, you can.
  18. The worst that LOS has to offer in one place. Makes you want to puke.
  19. Some try to, usually unsuccessfully, cover up their stretchmarks with tattoos. When a dancer has tattoos solely on her belly, you can bet she has offsprings that left off putting marks. Tattoos are inversely correlated with attractiveness.
  20. Been there a few times ages ago. Unfortunately it closed at 7 pm. Much too early, most parks close 9pm. Has that changed?
  21. This dead python I found years ago next to Khlong Saen Saeb. Probably injured by one of the boats, and managed to crawl out the canal before it died.
  22. Mirtazapine works wonders for sleep. Much safer than Benzodiazepines.
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