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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Yes , 3 Shinawatras kicked out of office 3 times by the military. Do these megalomaniacs ever learn from history?
  2. Wow,really. Never ever happened to me, or to any other" Asean" cyclists , that I know. Did you look like a "farang kee nok", or act suspiciously? 🤣
  3. I don't know about Canada., but in this region of the world they don't give a rat's a.. about a bicycle, new or old. I have been biking/flying back and forth for over 30 years in the Asean region ,they don't care at all. The only thing that has changed over the decades is, that while many airlines would accept unboxed bicycle, most, if not all ,require you to box it up now. A major hassle.
  4. Didn't know there were wild elephants in Chonburi province. Chantaburi yes, but in Chonburi ??
  5. When the generals themselves deny, yes. Here it was the "experts ". Nevertheless, they have been announcing for decades that Thailand has " moved on".
  6. Pre boiled, maybe. I have seen, and tried, packs of instant noodles, that said not fried on pack. That was in Vietnam. Rarely eat instant noodles in Thailand.
  7. Slightly healthier:There are instant noodles made from unpeeled brown rice instead of white rice. More fiber and nutrients. Also the non prefried versions are better.
  8. Could have been a Filipino ladyboy. One of the gang that caused trouble on Soi Nana, BKk. I had my bag slashed in the Philippines 🇵🇭 once.
  9. Yes, why do we still call these clowns Republicans? Should be called the Fascist party of America( FPA) Like Hitler calling his party socialist. All he did for the working class was to provide them with an early grave.
  10. Why do they do that?😄
  11. Sometimes it's the other way round.With very rich and generous clientele, she might be holding on to him in order to not share the spoils.Like a lion not letting the hyenas anywhere near the carcass of a juicy zebra.
  12. Soi 6 might be where they first met, where they first saw each other in their birthday suits, and where they had their honeymoon. And where she returns to after their divorce.
  13. Very simple explanation. You click onto the boob clips, Google will feed you more and more of them. I came across a breastfeeding tutorial conducted by a well endowed beautiful, non pregnant lady with a doll ( started with a warning that this video was for educational purposes only, not for sexual gratification). The more you let yourself be tutored, the more of these educational clips youtube feeds you.
  14. I got the quotes mixed up. The lifetime was in the first reply , not in the original post.
  15. "was reported but not confirmed that 6 lifetime visa exempt entries provides some alert on the computer" No way, 6 lifetime exemption trigger an alert. I probably have over 100 of those, the computer would freak out ,if that was the case. They are mainly interested in recent entries.
  16. The third Shinawatra, the fourth actually, if you count Tony ' s brother-in-law. Rivaling/surpassing the Kim dynasty. Both regimes have, of course , been working tirelessly for the welfare of the people. Keep up the good work, Tony. What would Thailand be without you ? Oh. before I forget it, it's time to quadruple the visa extension charges again ,last time we were thrilled to have them rise from 500 Baht to 1900 B. May I suggest 9999 Baht as the new rate.
  17. Declare insolvency, ask them for money for food to tide you over till you recover fiscally, and make sure that never happens.
  18. Thaksin is a junkie too.Gets his kicks out of accumulating wealth and power, a drug not available to most of us. We need the weed to shut hideous manipulators like Thaksin out of our consciousness.
  19. Is that the school that used to(and maybe still does) advertise a 98.5 % success rate at skytrain stations? Only if you yourself define what success is, can you make such promises ,especially with Thai students, who in general used to have high expectations combined with an unwillingness to study hard to live up to these expectations. But, maybe that has changed. Haven't taught Thais in ages.
  20. Don't think he has.The constitutional court, dealing with holders of political offices, is the highest court in the land . Nothing above it. Unless an appeal to the same court is possible, the verdict would be final.
  21. 3 countries involved. It's a love triangle.
  22. That would be the rational choice, but he lost face, and in Thailand you can't walk into the sunset after a major loss of face.
  23. It went very well. They despise farangs even more after they had to sit through mindless training .
  24. Simone is not only a great athlete, but she is very adorable and likeable.And with that troll she showed that she is witty as well.You just can't help liking her. So she is everything Trump is not or will ever be , the very antithesis of the orange latrine. Her behind is too precious to sit on his bile spewing m....
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