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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. There are many Thais, often the ones whose English is pretty shaky, who absolutely refuse to speak Thai with a farang. They pretend to not understand you , and even if they in the end can't keep up the pretense anymore, will keep answering in English, often broken English. It's their way to stick it to you, and prove to themselves and the world that their English is better than your Thai will ever be. Don't forget that many of them think that "farang ngo /farang kwaii". Farang 555. Thai ideology, farang are stupid and comical creatures Thailand no one.
  2. Get a jealous Thai girlfriend, then cheat on her, she will do a full genital amputation on you, and feed the whole mess to the ducks. Problem solved.
  3. I sort of agree. My reply was probably poorly worded and framed, and therefore misinterpreted as targeted to the farang community in general. Rather, it was an instant parody of the OP(I certainlywouldn'twork my way through 12 pages of this post), who is one the most prolific and extreme Trumpian nut jobs, with one fascist trope/tripe after another. I don't think you can be Maga and be a rational, intelligent ,emotionally stable and moral human being at the same time. Most of the Trumpians are just plain dumb and ignorant, some have serious issues of repressed anger, many are viciously racist. Majority probably a combination of all of the above. In comparison with them ,and that is a very low bar, no chance I get weeded. The intelligentsia are rarely on the far right, the ones that are, are usually power/wealth hungry opportunists, who do and say anything to advance their careers, not genuine fascist ideologues.
  4. Why are there so many farang idiots in Thailand? And why do the dumbest of these farang idiots end up on this forum starting one nonsensical thread after another? Asean.com should introduce minimal IQ requirements to weed out the chaff.
  5. No, just like Trump, you are off the scale in terms of weirdness and feeling miserable As natural grouches, <removed> and the <removed> ,regardless of what society you live in, are incapable of having a laugh, or enjoy life in any way ,shape, or form.
  6. No, he was born without a brain.
  7. It clears things up for most of us, rational and informed homo sapiens, that we are, but you are wasting your breath trying to bring clarity to the MAGA lunatic fringe. They thrive in their fantasy bubble of fascist obfuscation and lies. Their emotional stability and identity depends on their petty resentments.
  8. Exactly, just like with littering laws. Thais litter and vape all over the place, but 80 % of people fined were foreigners
  9. What an idiotic post. Why is it that the same nitwits keep posting the same ultra right wing MAGA propaganda on this forum. Probably a bunch of deeply resentful geriatrics who have totally failed, especially on an intellectual level , in life, and take out their suppressed grudges on anything that smacks of freedom, youth, change and ultimately life itself. If you sre about to croak yourself, don't take the whole planet with you by supporting a fascist movement. The Supreme Court is full of these hateful geriatrics, it's a criminal court, there is nothing Supreme about it. The American constitution is over 200 years old. It is not the word of god, neither does it represent universal laws, it is man made, and like everything made by man ,it is not infallible, needs frequent overhauls and adjustments. After 200 years it is totally outdated and profoundly undemocratic. Instead of furthering human freedom and flourishing, it has become a hindrance. The pseudo religiosity of many Americans extends to the constitution, even on the Democratic side it's considered gospel truth. Europeans don't exhibit that kind of devotion. America is in chains, and instead of freeing itself of historical contingencies, it's about to shackle itself even more by surrendering to the most laughable, clownish wannabe autocrat the world has ever seen.
  10. Yes, the only difference is you take an instant intense dislike towards Hannity, like with most of these fox jerks you just wanna pummel their hideous mugs. With Piers that takes a while.
  11. Elon, the richest a..hole.
  12. Filipinas used to be better in bed , like 30 or so years. Not anymore.
  13. Ignoramus, there is no left in American politics, they are all on the right. The left is represented at American universities, though. Many universities professors are on the left.
  14. Would a weird post. Lacks all substance. All fluff. What's a Leftie ? A left-handed person? Who cares whether the orange lunatic' s orange ear was hit by a bullet or by shrapnel.
  15. Really, there are pro Thaksin farangs? Almost like saying there are pro feces consuming people around.
  16. Thanks for the info.Good to know that running is permissible, might get myself some swimming goggles, to prevent sweat from running into my eyes while walking/jogging.
  17. Will this specimen ever go away? Like a huge turd that won't flush. And now there is a third generation of these turds?? I need to hit the WC to puke.
  18. Not a pool guy anyway. Yes, I moved from Thailand to Vietnam in 2017, and lived there till after the Pandemic. Since the borders opened again I have been biking or flying back and forth Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia. I shopped around in all 3 countries, been to dozens of eye clinics and hospitals. Decided to have it done in Vietnam, because a private hospital here is approximately the same price as a government hospitals in Thailand. Paid 14mil đồng =20000 Baht for a monofocal lens. Bangkok hospital Rayong, the Pattaya International hospital wanted 60 to 70k Baht for the same.
  19. No, only one eye, the other eye is still 90 %, Interesting that you say improvement takes a few days I was expecting immediate 'clarity ', but 24 hours after the surgery, there is only a slight improvement, it's still pretty blurry. Also I have a halo around neon lights.I thought that was a common side effect of the trifocals. That was one of the reasons, besides cost, why I picked a monofocal lens.
  20. Absolutely, although I heard that there are certain individuals with mushroom penises that don't want the world to know about their organ and its activities, and are willing to spend 130000 $ for non disclosure. What was his name again?
  21. Yeah, the one about the racist Mountain Dew, which was good anyway....pause...I love you guys. JD is so full of sh.t., it's embarrassing even by MAGA standards.
  22. That eye guard looks much better than what they gave me.I asked them for something like this ,but they said no, or they didn't understand what I was talking about. The Vietnamese are pretty much set in their ways, not the most flexible minds. Will see whether something like this is available in pharmacies. How are you supposed to sleep wearing these:
  23. Don't forget, Donnieboy has been accused of sexual assault/rape by lots of women While I am usually somewhat skeptical about rape claims against affluent gentlemen by not so affluent ladies,in the case of the orange one ,his outsized sense of entitlement and infantile egocentrism, makes them highly credible.
  24. I just underwent Cataract surgery in a provincial hospital in Vietnam. Most of the post operative instructions were given with the help of Google translate, and varied somewhat from nurse/doctor to nurse/doctor. It's unbelievable how many nurses and doctors attend to you pre and post surgery, more than 20 at least. I assume that they err massively on the side of caution. No exercise/sport for three weeks will be the Most difficult part for me to maintain. I am a very active person, and that long without it when you feel perfectly healthy ,and energetic, is almost tantamount to torture. Then there is the sleeping on your back with the protective glasses on for 3 nights. I have never been able to sleep on my back, and even if I managed to fall asleep after taking a high dose of Zolpidem, I would certainly roll over in my sleep, and the glasses would fall off. I know that there are many elderly, aging expats in Thailand that had cataract surgery. What are your personal experiences with the post operative care.Not talking about application of eye drops for 3 weeks, that is easy to comply with, and is no inconvenience. I don't want to take any unnecessary risk ,but if there is a 0.001 chance of complications, if I do sports again after a couple of days or a week, I am willing to take the risk.
  25. Exactly, a good education and minimal intelligence makes you kind of Trump proof . I can't see how a decent human being can vote for DT. But there is a lot of resentment against the mainstream establishment(Biden is a part of it), that hasn't delivered for the working class in 40 years. Trump has harnessed that resentment. But he isn't going to deliver for the working class either, on the contrary he will screw them over big time to further enrich the super rich
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