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Everything posted by thecyclist

  1. Death stamp or miracle cure? The real experts seem to think the latter: Single dose of LSD provides immediate and lasting relief from anxiety, study says https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/07/health/lsd-anxiety-fda-breakthrough-therapy-wellness
  2. Would be great to get a more detailed account of what went down. Did she call him a farang khee nok or a farang waterbuffalo ? Been called that many times by Thais for no other reason than that I am a farang. But I always restrict my reactions to fantasizing violent reprisals . Some aggressive personalities have a hard time controlling their violent impulses, a lot of them are Thai, now we learnt that some of them are Swiss. 😊
  3. Don't the Chinese have the death penalty for drug smuggling?
  4. Well ,it all depends on how you define prostitution and sexual relations.The most cited Clintonian (Bill ,not Hillary)nomenclature requires vaginal penetration. Most of the LBs are not capable of living up to these lofty requirements. Therefore no sexual relations ,therefore no prostate. It's that simple.
  5. Many probably relocated to Pattaya .Indians beware ,more goldchain snatching expected at the eastern seaboard.
  6. What is it with the Swiss these days? They are outdoing the Russians and Brits in the outrageous behavior department. They do it fully clothed though.
  7. Pretty sure that was the reason, not the alleged theft. These katoeys are like dogs in marking (not with urine I hope) and fiercely defending their territory.
  8. Would be interesting to know where he and his cash went after the deportation. Philippines, maybe. Also, if they had clear evidence, especially for the human trafficking part, why was he merely deported, and not charged and jailed .Either the evidence wasn't conclusive or ,more likely, many higher-ups would have been implicated, leading to some of the evidence being swept under the carpet. Ulrich was a "Pattaya celebrity " back then.Everybody knew that he was a godfather with lots of support from Pattaya authorities.
  9. She will be banned from Switzerland.
  10. Bkk and Pattaya full of Russians in the eighties???You gotta be joking. Can't remember coming across a single one ,let alone "full of them"back then. They started coming in significant numbers in the mid to late nineties.
  11. Sedatives and sleeping tablets, like Stilnox/Zolpidem haven't been OTC in Thailand for at least 25 years. Pharmacies aren't even allowed to stock them. Only hospitals are legally allowed to prescribe them. In Cambodia they are still sold freely.
  12. Her neck has been measured for a suitable neck brace, the police hospital suite is empty, and has been fitted with a dressing table for her feminine needs. She got luck in her name. Let's welcome back the only and most successful ,female PM the land of the free has ever had.
  13. How much was it? Did you have to stay in the hospital overnight, or is it possible to get it done on an outpatient basis?
  14. Yep ,just like Putin. Although he doesn't poison the opposition, but that could be because his secret agents lack the skills. Or because it's not a Cambodian tradition. In Cambodia you lock them up.
  15. Wow.Could it be that the great corruption fighter ,general and ex PM Prayut Chanocha is dirty too? The mind boggles, as the greatest journalist Thailand ever had, the immortal Bernhard Trink , used to say. TIT.
  16. Anti liquor network??What the hell. Nobody is forcing them to drink it. Live and let live.
  17. That's true for 80 % of humanity. Why do you think most working class stiffs hate Mondays and look forward to Fridays.
  18. A proverb about meat and poison springs to mind. Charming for a tiny minority, a nuisance for most.
  19. Ideal prop, neck braces are easy to take off ,and to put back on again when visitors with cameras show up.
  20. No problem at all ,as long as there's enough money in your account to pay the bank fees. The banks don't whether you are in or outside of Thailand.
  21. A wheelchair collision in the luxury ward of the hospital might account for this. Or they regularly snuck him out at night to get some rest at one of his hotel properties, and there was an accident on the way. Obviously, Mr T wouldn't fake anything. He has always been the real deal. Now it's time to make the land of the free his (sorry, meant great) again. Very soon he might be able to work hand in hand with another political wizard, his orangeness.
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