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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. @richard_smith237 You have the patience of a saint sir
  2. From what i've seen, the Buddhist way of life is just lip service for many Thais
  3. Agreed. I buy 28 grams at £150 in the UK although i am happy to smoke the compact bush at 1000 baht for 28 grams when i get to Thailand. After a week the tolerance to the high grade smoke wanes and i get just as wrecked off the low grade smoke.
  4. Or could it be that in Thailand 5+ are employed to do the same job as a westerner. Thaiwatsadu comes to mind....
  5. In the UK you can buy a HD spycam ,remotely controlled pan and tilt from your phone for 1000 baht, and for 300 baht a month all the motion activated recordings are stored on a remote server, viewable on your smartphone at any time. I wouldn't be without mine. No doubt Thailands tech shops offer similar products. Cheap as chips
  6. A tiny airport like HH would only require an hour to check in, go through security and board. I would like to see HH airport open again if only for the Hertz hire car branch to reopen so i can drop a hire car from swampy off close to where i live
  7. Or....You can always count on some Thai ruining an idiots day
  8. And dance, hug everyone n be happy for longer than you expected ????
  9. There are a lot of copy and pasted articles shared by both publications. Aseannow has many articles every week from Mr Newton, it's only a matter of time before the amalgamation of both publications. AseanTiger or ThaiNow coming soon
  10. Lets hope Iphone and Ipad production also leaves China and lands on Thai soil
  11. Insurance companies globally (not just British) are thieves and deliberately hide what's not covered, wether it be home, vehicle, business, health or travel insurance. Yes, everybody should read and understand the policy they are purchasing but it can be a minefield if you are not fairly well educated or too young to understand that insurance is legalised robbery. The insurers will do everything in their power to avoid paying out.
  12. Expect the price of 'purchased company' to go up drastically if prostitution is indeed legalised
  13. Well done Thailand but lets not forget how dirty and rubbish strewn some of the beaches are too
  14. A heartbreaking situation for the Burmese people. They are involved in a war that the world is ignoring due to the fact that Burma has nothing the western world wants or needs.
  15. I've never watched one of your videos as i don't like the Thaiger style of mixing many articles together. One story done properly is worth ten done half heartedtedly. Just my opinion of course
  16. I would imagine the small print in the conditions section of a insurance policy is the same in almost every country.... hemetless or drunk when involved in an accident and you are on your own
  17. Regular helmet and licence checks just up the road in Cha-Am. They are so regular now in the mornings i don't go helmetless if i intend to go accross the Chao Lai/Narathip road junction.
  18. Strange. The longer a tourist stays, the more money they spend
  19. In a country that was imprisoning locals and visitors who were unfortunate enough test positive, it's not surprising that many infected people did not report test results or go to get tested when they became sick
  20. That's 11 years of electricity bills for me
  21. The picture does not look like a mobile device (radiation source)used to inspect the integrity of welds to me. In my industry the equipment is carried to the location of the weld to be inspected and usually there is a 10 meter barrier put in place before "bombing" of the weld is carried out.
  22. Soon to be expanded to the public sector at the request of the RTP
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