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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. I read and understood it. It's looking like the junta and its supporters will try by hook or by crook to stop the will of the people. The international observers must be shaking their heads in disbelief.
  2. Well done and keep it up. Make big waves and cause international interest in the scandle as it unfolds
  3. Third world rules for a third world country. A developing country....don't make me laugh
  4. I had to have a rabies vax and boosters before being allowed to work in africa. You still need extra shots if bitten whilst vaccinated
  5. Good luck to them in finding well paid work in Thailand, most westerners earn a months Thai wages in a day or two
  6. What other options are there, African and Indian food. The 5th favorite food is not something worthy of praise.
  7. He's trying to tidy up the idiotic policies the junta bestowed on the people from what i can see.
  8. A number or percentage of under 12 month old fatalaties or serious illness caused by Covid might be helpful. We have the 1,581 per 100,000 infections for under 12 month olds and 647 per 100,000 for over 70 year olds in the given period. There we 68 deaths of which 97% were over 60 years old or had underlying diseases..... 3% of deaths were below 60 years old and had no underlying diseases. No reports on how many of the 3% were in the vaccine target group of under 1 year old. It's hard to imagine many under 1's have underlying diseases. I'm no anti vax, had 3 for work and travel but for the under 1's, i'm not sure unless there are underlying health problems.
  9. A doctors letter shouldn't be hard to obtain for personal use. We all need a doctors 'fit to drive' cert when we want a driving licence or renewal, "Name ?" - "you feel ok ?" - blood pressure test > "40 baht please" - Medical cert provided. Hello Dr, a fit to smoke cert please......
  10. Years ago while driving through Bangkok, i pulled up next to a lorry with a bulge in a back tire that was the size of a rugby ball, i managed to get the drivers attention and pointed to the problem, after taking a look i received a smile and a shrug. Road safety is secondary here. They also need to address all the overloaded pick ups that we see everyday, saw this one on the way to Surin, looks like the pick up was sitting on its suspension bump stops.
  11. Sensible move. Most of the educated world agrees that whilst still dangerous due to the nicotine, vaping is less damaging because you are not inhaling condensed PM25 for 2 minutes 20 times a day which also contains a plethora of nasty chemicals. Lets face it, most long term cigarette smokers don't want to smoke, but they are hooked on one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Vapes offer a slightly less harmful way of delivering nicotine with the benefit of reducing the nasty smell, on the smoker and in the home
  12. Unless i'm stuck in a survival situation, trying to stave off dehydration, i'll give it a miss thanks
  13. Read this report earlier in a different publication. Seems like the Songkran celebrations allowed the numbers to start climbing and then all the voters having to travel back to their home provinces has seen the infection taken from the cities to rural locations. It may well get worse before the numbers of hospitalized start to reduce again.
  14. You need to get out more pal, stop looking at the world through a crack in your curtains
  15. I hope the increase happens. Seeing my girlfriend work 12 hour days for 300 Baht is heartbreaking
  16. The piece was by the Thai Enquirer
  17. A personal opinion only, i wouldn't believe one word that comes out of a Thai policemans mouth.
  18. If they don't make waves now, the tsunami can arrive later
  19. If true....he deserves it for being a donkey. 10 transfers 555
  20. I bet they are devastated by that news
  21. It will be an expensive lesson learned in trying to beat the competition and jumping on the band wagon before policies have been set in stone. It was always going to be a gamble, some may lose the bet.
  22. Get away from high tourist destinations and rent is peanuts. The "luxury apartment" description could be from the eye of the beholder
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