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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. A drop in the ocean compared to many we read about
  2. Well done for spotting the health risk this posed to the gentleman but.....a four year old with bad eyesight could have worked out there was something wrong with him
  3. Joking aside.....it wouldn't surprise me if he tested positive for Yaba or Amphetamine
  4. Slowly but surely things are changing.
  5. I'm suspicious, does he know something we don't ?
  6. It seems as though interpol should be renamed - Incompetent
  7. Some good points being discussed. Although i do believe the industry needs to be reigned in because it's a free for all at the moment, i would like to see more done to combat alcohol and Yaba abuse. Every day we read about the carnage on the roads from drunk drivers and Yaba users falling asleep after being awake for extended periods. It is not just on the roads, the sensless murders that seem to be reported daily are probably due in part to alcohol and Meth abuse. Prolonged use of Yaba (crazy medicine in Thai) messes with the brain inducing severe paranioa which combined with fragile Thai psyche is a dangerous combination. I'm not knocking alcohol or weed, i use both in moderation.
  8. To be followed by tomorrows drought warnings.
  9. Well said. Won't be long before there is no one left to see the troll posts.
  10. Fragile attention seekers in my opinion. Doing more harm to their cause than good with all these claims of persecution and shouting at the top of their voices. We get it, give it a rest.
  11. Hopefully the Thai workforce get paid a decent wage instead of the peanuts they normally have to work for.
  12. Lets hope Thailand can find a balance. The UK and US are in a massive woke mess.
  13. The Thai's were trafficking illegals into malaysia breaking their laws i would guess.
  14. In a country where the average wage is so very low, it is easy to understand how so many people get caught up in this type of scam. The promises of a great wage and a better standard of living seems to make some forget about the risks. I hope they manage to get their money back from the scum agents.
  15. Agreed and possibly asked to download software in the form of a media player laced with spyware
  16. It normally takes many dumb or offensive posts for me to put someone on 'ignore', you have managed it with one post !
  17. It needs to be reclassified, it is out of control. What most smokers fail to realise is they are a small minority and weed is only tolerated and not accepted in countries where it is legal. His arguments for weed not to be reclassified is stretching the truth massively. And before i get slated.....i am a daily smoker of nearly 40 years and have spent a great deal of time in the Netherlands where as mentioned, although legal, is only tolerated.
  18. There was me thinking a 1000 million was a billion. I should have spent more time at school
  19. Must be doing a fantastic job......between the sheets
  20. Who cares about his past, what he is doing NOW is bringing heat on the filth that run this country and the scumbags with snouts in the trough. He gets a thumbs up from me
  21. I personally don't care what anybody does or what they want to be. What is very annoying is the constant anger shown by this group and the woke response worldwide to a minority with a confrontational loud voice. I will call a person that looks like a man a man, and a woman a woman, if it upsets a fragile trans or a confused different pronoun seeking individual.....so be it.
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