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Everything posted by WHansen

  1. In the years people have trying to pay with their phones i have never once seen it done quickly, every time it's painful to watch
  2. Other destinations Agoda said were among the top five most popular among its users were, in respective order, Jeju island of South Korea; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia; Tokyo, Japan; and Seoul, South Korea. Agoda Asia.....
  3. Truly horrific scenes, i stopped watching very quickly. RIP to those that perished and my heart goes out to all those that were injured.
  4. The delegates from Romania arrived via horse and cart and the Thais on Honda clicks to share their combined IT expertise
  5. In my industry we get tested regulary for drugs and alcohol in the UK, when i am going to a site with a known history of urine testing before being inducted onto site, i use one of these 3/4 hours before my induction appiontment. Zydot euro blend. They are a "masker" not a system cleaner and cost about £25 per bottle, it's a powder that you mix with 500ml of water. I have used these 7/8 times in the past decade and passed each urine test. If i am going to a site that uses saliva tests, i abstain from THC for 36-48 hours and have passed every saliva test also. I can only recommend the above product for THC. Availability outside UK/Europe is unknown. Hope this helps someone.
  6. Respect and appreciation for all medical staff that have been on the front line helping those that have been taken sick from Covid in the last couple of years. It's been chaotic for them.
  7. Some might suggest you isolate at home indefinately or only go out triple masked
  8. Downloaded to take a look at the app, registered my details without issue. Tried to add a profile picture and it hung and froze while "updating profile". Now uninstalled. Thai I.T at it's best yet again ????
  9. Myself and pretty much everyone i know that are not on retirement visas come on a 60 day visa and extend by 30 days. IF it saves me 2,000 Baht for the SETV, i get a free meal and a night out ????
  10. i'm guessing the mask wearing didn't work out too well for you. Speedy recovery.
  11. Much ado about nothing. Even a mathmatically challenged hotel/hospital manager will know a high occupancy from discounted rooms/treatment is better than a low occupancy from full rate rooms or services.
  12. That is why i like the "compressed rubbish",it doesn't mong me out for too long, and gentle enough to finish off a night on the beer.
  13. Being a cheap charlie is a conscious decision and can be changed whereas your bad attitude appears to be an involntary trait
  14. I was caught out numerous times when i first started exploring TL years ago, national parks, products from markets etc, all it has done is make me very untrusting of Thais. The extra cost is nothing to worry about for most of us but what many of us don't like is having the p... taken. These days i just don't care about supporting the locals like i once did, and whenever possible choose a 'farang' shop or establishment to spend my money in. A tad bitter i know, but you just get sick and tired of the constant lying and cheating in the land of scams.
  15. Very true MisterWhisper. People are seeing the word Cannabis or weed and are making assumptions that it can get you stoned or addicted at 0.2% THC. How drunk would you get from a 0.2% beer ? 25 pints would be the same as a normal 5% pint of beer. A similar amount of intoxication would be achieved from smoking a 0.2% THC joint. Absolutely nothing to get excited or worried about.
  16. Time for choice. Those who fear the maskless or fear going maskless can continue to wear them.
  17. Whatever next.... Suggesting it's dangerous for a mother to carry a newborn in her left arm whilst steering and braking the moped with the other arm ?
  18. Who would have guessed that reduced testing, results in fewer positive numbers. Thanks for pointing that out.
  19. It's going very well as long as your not scared of your own shadow
  20. Hi Ryan. It is strange how this affects people differently. I brought Covid home and infected my healthy (non smoker or drinker)26 YO Thai girlfriend who had 1 Sinovac & 1 AZ and she had exactly the same symptoms as you have described yourself and girlfriend are feeling, which lasted 7/8 days. Myself, a 54 YO (smoker and drinker)type 1 Diabetic of 37 years who recieved 2x UK AZ and a Phizer booster, suffered from a runny nose on one side for 3 days with no other symptoms. I hope you and the girlfriend are back to good health very soon.
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