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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Trump campaign was not organized well enough to collude with the Russians.
  2. Yes, you departed from actual reality, where masks and lockdowns didn't have the impact you think they did.
  3. Did you know that FOX doesn't show Trump live at his rallies anymore, only edited snippets. Trump is too far gone to show live now.
  4. F-16s have the capability of launching glide bombs much further from the front lines than Russian aircraft. At some point, the Russians are going to have a very bad day.
  5. Corruption in Ukraine? It has always existed, and will continue for a long time. Is that the theme of the day that your troll farm is pushing? If you keep up your pointless propaganda posts, you might incent me to send Ukraine's army a donation.
  6. That was a zero content post. Nations at war don't conduct referendums. So your position is bat sh*t crazy, something that Lord Haw Haw would broadcast back to Britain during WW2.
  7. You are concerned about life saving preventive measures? Did you want more kids to get Long COVID?
  8. Is that what they are telling you on your troll farm?
  9. Mueller did not find evidence of campaign-wide collusion with Russia, but plenty of individual wrong-doing. As for what dreams you have of future Hunter Biden indictments, I'm not interested.
  10. Remind me of general elections held in the UK during WW2. You are trying to deflection from the mass casualties suffered by the Russian army.
  11. Why should we talk about your latest fixation? There is already virtual martial law in Russia today, you should worry about that.
  12. They were convicted for the coverup. Happens a lot in big scandals.
  13. Forgot what? He recruited fake electors, or at least participated in some aspect of the scheme.
  14. Another plummet in share price for Truth Social. Low volume trading days seem to produce drops. What will probably happen is Trump backers will try to organize a short squeeze, which is characterized by higher than average trading volume. This stock is going to the pink sheets, the question is when. Anyone who holds this dog too long will suffer.
  15. Paul Manafort went to the slammer for his Russian collusion and related acts. You know, Trump's campaign manager who handed the Russians confidential campaign data so they could influence the election. Roger Stone was convicted for lying about Russian collusion. Lots of other mooks were convicted of collusion acts. You seem unaware of these facts, so I ignored the rest of your post.
  16. Try protesting the invasion of Ukraine on Russian streets these days. Then you will understand.
  17. If you were a US citizen, you might know that Abraham Lincoln did the same during the Civil War.
  18. It is how western Europe has been spared a major conflict since WWII via collective defense.
  19. Do you think the people of London wanted to surrender during the Blitz of 1940? Do you think the Ukrainian people are less determined that the Londoners?
  20. BTW, the 51 intelligence agents were worried about the chain of custody for the laptop data.
  21. Biden's book was used to show he was on drugs. Nobody ever doubted that he was on drugs.
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