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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. What about Trump claiming he never said "lock her up"? Is Trump lying?
  2. Actually, the Republicans DO control the purse strings now.
  3. Per your linked article, illegals contribute $13 billion into Social Security, and drain $1 billion from scams. 180,000 illegals out of 52 million recipients tells you all you need to know about how little a problem this is.
  4. So, what's your opinion on Trump claiming he never said "lock her up"?
  5. Actually, I agree that every country has the right to defend it's borders from illegal entry. The Republicans should fund Border Patrol so it can do it's job.
  6. I am 100% fluent in Spanish. Remember that I made my living as an itinerant guitarist in central Mexico. And I can kind of get by in Russian, and Portuguese. It's my Thai that's the problem.
  7. The Cult of Trump. Trump cultists literally ignore negative stories about Trump - they don't see them. Like the "lock her up" story, not a single Trump cult member has commented on it. Including you. The correct response is: "of course Trump said LOCK HER UP and he encouraged his fans to chant it. Trump is just making noise to deflect from his 34 convictions."
  8. I suspect that the "swindle" was that she said she loved him, and he showered her with money. There doesn't seem to be a crime there, just a very stupid Farang.
  9. You are correct, it's 186 days out of Thailand. I have spent about 4 months out of Thailand this year, but every day not in Thailand counts. Since I have a condo in Thailand, every day I travel costs me. If I can save a day tonight, all the better for me.
  10. What do you think about Trump claiming he never said "lock her up"? Are you so deep in the cult that you can't even think about it?
  11. I am the person who posted the original story, and tonight, I return to Thailand. When I departed Thailand, I used the automated gate, so I don't have an exit stamp in my passport. I will see if the Immigration officer has a problem with my re-entry permit, due to the lack of an exit stamp. Or whether my re-entry permit has been cancelled. Report tomorrow.
  12. I am doing the 180 days out of Thailand approach this year. The major inconvenience is that my return flight tonight arrives at 23.55, so I have to dawdle on my way to Immigration, and then make sure the Immigration officer logs me in tomorrow, not today.
  13. The government has lots of objectives. Nothing ever comes from them. Taxing worldwide income wouldn't impact US citizens, we are already taxed worldwide AND have a tax treaty with Thailand. So Thailand would get 0 baht from us.
  14. They could, if they want to. Like for an audit.
  15. Great. You can tell your Republican friends to cut Federal funding for Catholic Charities. Actually, that would be a good idea. Socializing private charities ultimately corrupting.
  16. I tend to post large amounts of data, not anecdotes. You know, like this: Majority of independents and 'double haters' think Trump should end 2024 campaign: POLL
  17. Wow, you still believe an illegal alien is getting Social Security benefits. Because he says so. The more likely story is that the child is getting some Ohio State benefits, which the nutjobs calls "Seguridad Social", which is a different thing in Latin America.
  18. Live by the early poll, die by the early poll. Biden wins among likely voters who are paying attention.
  19. What was the point of your comment? Your Internet friends sent you a story about some nut job illegal, and you believe what the guy is saying. That's the real story here.
  20. It's a classic case of him hearing a family story about some relative, and repeating it. Happens a lot. The relative probably absconded to New Jersey with a lady of low repute, so the family made up a story. But, here's your Dear Leader making a shocking lie: Trump told Fox News he never said 'lock her up.' See video of him saying it Because you are in a cult, you can't deal with this story. So, you will ignore it.
  21. This is classic Low Information stuff. Your Internet friends send you an anecdote about a single offender, and your panties are in a bun. You'll forget about it after the election.
  22. So, you have let some nut job influencer convince you that illegals can collect Social Security. Good for you.
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