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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I think up my talking points, I don't rely on Russian made propaganda.
  2. Apparently, there is a bridge from Staten Island that allows Trump fans to travel to Manhattan and the Bronx.
  3. Trump fans: Any of you work for the Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg? Did you know that many of your talking points come from there?
  4. 'That's it?!' Police at Trump rally express surprise at small size of crowd
  5. Conspiracy theories are notable for their lack of something called "proof".
  6. How were these people injured? Did their seatbelts fail?
  7. The real question is how did the police knows about the video?
  8. 18 years old and out drinking at 5 am. I wonder what his parents think about that. One caveat: I would sometimes go out at 5 am when I was 18, but I was very careful, and never drunk at 5 am.
  9. Is there anyone here who doesn't know that Third party presidential candidates collapse in the polls during the last 30 days of the campaign? They don't have the organization to get out the vote, they can't organize early voting, they don't have the money for ads, and the people who say they are going to vote for them in polls are responding to name recognition, but the major party candidates are in the news so much, they have higher name recognition by the end of the campaign. Speaking of name recognition, my feeling is that Barack Hussein Obama won in 2008, partially because some low information voters confused him with Saddam Hussein or Osama Bin Ladin, and were lodging a protest vote.
  10. It's interesting to watch the Deniar talking points evolve from "there is no warming" to "there's warming, but it's not caused by humans". The Deniers don't have the self awareness to notice that their old talking points are obsolete.
  11. Some people here have never run into a right wing nut job they didn't love.
  12. An interesting approach given that MAGA types go berserk if one white woman is killed by an illegal alien.
  13. Because I have explained the charges against Trump repeatedly. Anyone reading this topic understands your trolling technique. "I don't understand the charges" is not the great defense of Trump you and @Yellowtail think it is. And there's no point, the jury will be voting soon.
  14. Can Russia bring ships down a river from northern Russia into the Black Sea?
  15. Here's a quote for you: Donald Trump 'Unified Reich' Video Leaves People Stunned That's Trump and you in support of a Unified Reich. Do you think they will revive the Gestapo uniforms? What color uniform are you going to wear? Do you think they will stick with black, or go with some sort of red?
  16. Every Russian ship in the Black Sea is going to be disabled or sunk, unless Russia encases them in concrete. As time goes by, Ukraine's reach is getting longer.
  17. Trump posted it on Truth Social. You are whining about my use of the term "Trump said", when you should be condemning what he posted. So, you agree that if he's elected, we are going to have a Unified Reich?
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