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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Not for the Arizona cases. The suspects were not charged with storming the Capitol.
  2. Gee, fake electors were charged in Georgia, Wisconsin and Michigan. And now Arizona. Guess what, they were charged with being fake electors.
  3. I guess the Trump fans think if they fill the topic with nonsense, then the impact of the trial will be lessened. Yeah, I don't get that either. Trump got illegal campaign support from the Enquirer, he made illegal campaign payments to various parties, and he covered it up by claiming it was a business expense. Anyone doubt this?
  4. I normally will buy just 1 battery on Lazada and then test it. If it's good (high capacitance), then I will buy more. These days, 90% of 18650 batteries on Lazada are fakes. A lot of solar panels on Lazada are shown with exaggerated wattages, they will try to sell a 20 watt panel as "100 watts". Lazada has no rule that the cited price for a pictured item be the actual price. So, they will show a 500 watt solar panel with a price of 200 baht, but if you try to buy it, the price is 10,000 baht. The 200 baht is the price of some connecting cable.
  5. The charges are basically forgery and conspiracy to do so. I saw the video of the fake electors, so I'm pretty sure they are guilty. Many will flip. Some of the fake electors were duped - they were assured by Trump lawyers that signing the documents was legal. They will likely flip, and take the Trump lawyers down with them. The result of this scandal and the 1864 abortion law will be that Arizona moves from purple to a bluer purple.
  6. Once again, anyone who says they know the charges from reading the news isn't lying. How old are you?
  7. Trump's defense is going to struggle with their claim that Trump never had sex with Karen McDougal and Stormy Daniels. I believe he claimed he didn't know them, same as E. Jean Carroll.
  8. This is not a difficult concept: The criminal acts are described in the media, so we know generally what the charges are, without knowing the specific statutes that were violated. I know OJ Simpson was charged with killing his wife. To this day, I don't know what statutes he was charged with. Please stop trolling. Geez, Trump wasn't even indicted, just his disposable mooks. Why are you bothering to defend them?
  9. Here is the charging document: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24604435-arizona-indictments?responsive=1&title=1
  10. If we haven't memorized the charges, does that mean they don't exist? We just went through this with the NY case. You really need to get new material for your trolling. If you don't know what the Arizona charges are, Google is your friend.
  11. The defense was forced by Trump to claim that Trump never had sex with Karen McDougal or Stormy Daniels. So, if the jury is convinced that Trump is lying about that, they will consider that the rest of his defense is a lie. My opinion is that a jury will convict a lying defendant.
  12. Can you remind us what illegalities were on Hunter Biden's laptop? Why hasn't Comer used it to impeach Biden?
  13. I know it's difficult for you to understand this concept, but the Maldives are surviving due to significant efforts to mitigate sea level rise. It is entirely possible that mitigation efforts will keep the Maldives afloat for decades. It's like if you are sick, and the doctor gives you medication. That you are feeling better doesn't mean there isn't an underlying illness.
  14. Having sat on a jury, I can say that the jury is going to focus on the facts of the case: did Trump pay money to squelch a story to benefit his campaign, and then claim it was a business expenses? If that is proven, the jury should convict. However, if Trump's attorneys successfully argue the law, that there was no crime in paying the hush money, then Trump may skate.
  15. The Prosecution is building their case. All the Trump fans have now is complaining that the entire case hasn't been revealed yet.
  16. China’s solar photovoltaic market has grown dramatically during the last decade. The country has made enormous efforts to expand its solar capacity, which increased from only 4.2 gigawatts in 2012 to over 390 gigawatts in 2022. In that last year, new solar capacity additions reached a record of almost 85 gigawatts. China is by far the leading solar market worldwide, accounting for most of the cumulative solar capacity installed globally, as well as new capacity additions. China’s solar capacity is projected to continue expanding in the next years, with forecast new installations ranging from 413 to 569 gigawatts between 2022 and 2026.
  17. Global temperature increase of 1/10th of a degree per year is scary. As for the satellite data, there is this thing called "ground truth" that you ignore, just like you ignore the existence of thousands of weather stations. As for scientists not being able to calculate the impact of manmade pollution on global temperature, I assume you were drunk when you wrote that. Some of your talking points are so old that paid Deniers trolls don't use them anymore.
  18. When the weatherman says there's a 75% chance of rain tomorrow, if it doesn't rain, is the weatherman misleading people? Likewise, if Al Gore says there's a 75% chance that Arctic Sea ice will completely disappear in the summer within X years, and only most of the ice disappears, is that misleading people?
  19. He provided a probability. You don't understand what a probability is.
  20. Wow, there are some people here who are in denial about global warming. Atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing. Global temperature is increasing. Deniers can't accept these basic facts. It's like talking to the Flat Earth people.
  21. Remember, you're bored with this subject. You claimed that Al Gore lied about Arctic sea ice disappearing. That is a false assertion. He provided an estimate, along with a probability. I don't think you understand what a probability is, and in your ignorance, you call that a lie. If the weatherman says there's a 75% chance of rain, but there's no rain, is that a lie?
  22. Once again, Arctic sea ice is disappearing. Al Gore provided one scientist's estimate of when it would disappear, and you can't get over it. Even when all of the Arctic sea ice is gone, you'll still whine about Al Gore, ignoring the reality that the Arctic sea ice is gone. It's like if a doctor tells you that you have 6 months to live, but you die in 5 months, and on your deathbed you whine about the doctor getting it wrong.
  23. So, you like to make false assertions here, and then not back them up when someone provides the facts.
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