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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I am stating a fact. Perhaps you don't understand the basic science well enough. https://images.app.goo.gl/xrYFkRr3YDCKDbbm6 Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide is increasing, and warming the planet.
  2. Do you understand that the atmosphere is warming due to manmade pollution? Or are you just fixated on one statement by Al Gore that has paralyzed your thinking?
  3. You are missing the main issue: Because of manmade global warming, Arctic sea ice is disappearing during the summer. You personally may be interested in whether the total disappearance happens this year, or in 5 years, but the actual date that the Arctic is ice free is not important, except to Climate Change Deniers.
  4. The "guy" in question is a bar manager, not an owner. More to the point, he is required to file a tax return as he lives in Thailand. But he has no idea about this requirement. I haven't found anyone who knows about the new rules.
  5. I don't know what you are talking about, but it sounds like a conspiracy theory.
  6. The big story is that the stuff he talked about 20 years ago have gotten much worse since then. The Deniers back then said there was no warming. They've had to change their lies.
  7. From the linked article: "In 2009, Al Gore loosely cited researchers and said there was a "75% chance" the ice could be gone during at least some summer months within five to seven years. " He wasn't far off. Arctic sea ice is disappearing during summer months. New sea routes are opening up in the Arctic.
  8. What changes in natural forces are causing Climate change?
  9. This reminds of the Denier movement of 20 years ago's mantra: "but Al Gore has a big house". Of course, the Denier claims of 20 years ago are forgotten now, humorous in retrospect.
  10. You probably remember when it was claimed that Venice was sinking. It was, but billions were spent to offset the rising water. This might be a lesson for you to understand the impact of a warming atmosphere.
  11. The air pollution is exacerbated by the heat, which is increasing.
  12. So your view of a global problem is based on a prediction by one guy 20 years ago. Sea levels have risen, but sea level rise is not a uniform process. Some places have higher increases than others. Moreover, the Maldives took the predictions seriously, and built seawalls to hold back the water. The Maldives are sinking
  13. Driving around Pattaya, it's obvious that the Songkran rains have not come, and the countryside is beginning to dry out. I suspect that there isn't a lot of irrigation infrastructure, so if it doesn't start raining soon, the hot weather is going to have dire consequences. This hot spell itself isn't proof of climate change, but if such weather becomes common, that would be as a result of climate change. Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get. I expect rain this time of year. Let's hope it comes in the next few weeks .
  14. With climate change creating more extreme weather events, insurance companies are forced to pay out larger claims, leading them to adjust premiums to maintain profitability. The rising costs of materials and construction also contribute to the uptick in insurance prices, as rebuilding expenses surge along with the overall inflation of the housing market.
  15. But is that due to rising sea levels, or giant mosquitos?
  16. As if Thailand doesn't have any offshore oil rigs.
  17. They tell you the truth about climate change. Up to you if it's scary or not.
  18. You don't understand that there are no natural forces causing the current warming. In fact, natural forces without all that pollution should be in a cooling trend. Solar output is down, but the planet keeps warming. The same rich people who seem to control your thinking about climate change are investing in electric cars and developing jets. And don't think some old rich guy with beach property cares that it may be submerged in 50 years. Look, I get it. Science was not your strongest subject in school. But just because you don't understand the science doesn't make it wrong.
  19. You seem irritated that I back up my claims with data. Because the data is outside your paradigm, you ignore it.
  20. The plural of "anecdote" is anecdotes. But I suspect this position of ignorance is common out in the Real World, apart from the small number of Farangs working in Thailand and paying tax now
  21. Meanwhile, Trump's defense is being hammered by the witnesses. Did Trump have an affair with Karen McDougal? Trump says no.
  22. If the Trump is attempting to delay the trials, why are the Trump lovers complaining that the trials are delayed?
  23. An adult would contest my statement with "I think the working class and poor should have tax relief, and billionaires should pay their fair share in taxes", if that is what they believe. You often criticize the Dems because they don't help the poor and working class enough. But, you don't support them, either. Instead, you troll.
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