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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. It looks like you have been off your meds lately. You are questioning well known deeds and words from Trump, as if your memory has failed you.
  2. None of these trials will prevent Trump from standing for election on November 5. Moreover, the time frame of the trials is largely set by delaying motions from Trump. Or his actions. If Trump had simply returned classified documents when requested, there would be no classified documents trial. Do you disagree?
  3. Wow, the Trump fans are really worked up today! I guess the trial has gotten to them. Or maybe their Truth Social losses are giving them a sad. Full blown lies today, pure gaslighting.
  4. Trump told me. You don't believe him?
  5. This is a classic troll technique in response to someone dying: Cite statistics about general population mortality. So for you, the death of one person is not significant because everyone dies. You can try that defense if you are ever indicted for murder.
  6. Trump told the rioters to go to the Capitol to fight. Which they did.
  7. You misinform people so readily: At least 17 police officers remain out of work with injuries from the Capitol attack In total, more than 150 officers were injured in the attack: 86 Capitol Police officers reported injuries, the sources said, along with 65 members of the Metropolitan Police Department, Chief Robert Contee testified in January. Contee also said that even more D.C. police officers sustained injuries they "did not even bother to report," including scratches, bruises and eyes burned from chemical spray. Violence that day left officers with head wounds, cracked ribs and smashed spinal disks, according to Capitol Police Labor Committee Chairman Gus Papathanasiou. Court documents in the federal criminal investigation describe a number of alleged assaults that sent officers to the hospital.
  8. You really want to discuss politicians lying? Perhaps you might want to reflect on the sheer quantity of lies that your Dear Leader spews. After all, he learned from Roy Cohn about Lie Technique.
  9. Biden did the plagiarism things 40 years ago once. Trump isn't smart enough to plagiarize.
  10. Trump's attorneys will argue to the Supreme Court on April 22 that a president has legal immunity for all actions. You are embarrassing yourself now.
  11. The Russian collusion was proven by the Mueller report. Paul Manafort went to jail over it. You don't think that the Trump campaign worked with the Russians during the 2016 campaign? What's wrong with you?
  12. Down another 2% after hours.
  13. Give me an example of a "leftist" who was convicted of perjury, but escaped incarceration.
  14. If convicted, Trump will appeal for the rest of his life. He will appeal his appeals. He will appeal to the Supreme Court over interpretation of NY state law. The only question is whether some judge will jail him pending appeal.
  15. I would imagine that the vast majority of Farangs living in the village have no idea about any of these details, or even a requirement to file income tax in Thailand. The question is what is going to happen next year, when only a tiny percent file a return? If you ask a random Farangs, they would look surprised and then mumble about "nothing is going to change". To be safe, I am only remiting my US Social Security payments to Thailand, and am staying away from Thailand for all but 179 days this year. So I am writing from the pool area of Le Parisian casino in Macau at the moment. 🙂
  16. Our friends the Trump fans don't post until they get talking points, so there's always a lag. The official talking point from Trump is that he didn't fall asleep. That's pretty weak sauce, but tomorrow some Trump fan will post that it's a lie that Trump was sleeping in court.
  17. Getting back to the topic, do you think that Trump should have allowed Stormy Daniels to tell her story before the 2016 election? Don't you think the voters should know the facts before voting?
  18. So much for Law and Order. If the legal system is inconvenient, it can be dispensed with, at least for rich white men. For poor black men, a knee on the throat is okay, if they are accused of selling cigarettes illegally, or passing a counterfeit $20 bill.
  19. Sounds like the usual rant from @illisdean. Whatever point you were trying to make was buried in your Gish Gallop of fantasies. Here's a pointer for you: Don't bring in claims from unrelated issues when you make a post: if someone agrees with you on your initial point, you might lose them on the unrelated points that you threw in. Adding in unrelated stuff makes you look like a crazy ranter, which I am sure is not your objective. I haven't seen @illisdean post since Truth Social started to crash. I hope he didn't buy too much of that dog.
  20. What's your point? Trump is infamous. And some people just want to get out of serving on a long trial.
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