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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You posted that an article in Forbes was leftist. That was your way of avoiding the content of the article, which described the impact of Trump's tax cuts for billionaires, which was an economic disaster for the middle class.
  2. Strangely enough, older ladies I know are much more likely to walk around naked, compared with the younger ladies. Of course, I am talking about behavior in my condo or a hotel room, not a house in the village. And I am not married to them.
  3. You are especially fond of Trump's tax cut for billionaires?
  4. That's not a memory failure, that's just ignorance of the law.
  5. The influence of the British Empire on Siam was pernicious.
  6. You are probably referring to FDR's New Deal, which you never got over. Social Security is probably a nightmare for you. I remember when Republicans called "Medicare" as Marxist.
  7. You forgot itinerant lead guitarist.
  8. Dead cat bounce today, up to $26. Either short covering, or some Trump allies trying to run up the price.
  9. There was a 20th century realignment of the parties that made your post irrelevant.
  10. Great. Trump is the only Republican who Joe Biden can beat.
  11. You must be a rookie. It's much too early for polls to mean anything.
  12. That's one way of looking at it. The other is that you ignore reality with your talking points. In a rare sane moment, you condemned the January 6 riot. So, any proof that Trump was involved in the planning would implicate Trump in a criminal conspiracy. If only DOJ had indicted Trump for his January 6 efforts. Oops, they did.
  13. Your premise is that the Federal charges against Trump are bogus. I don't think that position will hold under scrutiny. Which means that your approval of weaponization of DOJ against Democrats is just Fascism under a different name.
  14. Jan. 6 committee yet again debunks Trump claim of 10,000 troops
  15. Why would the party that controls DOD require people to loot and burn? If there were a Gestapo wing of the Democratic party (there isn't), they would use the military for their purposes. A Glock pistol won't help you if that happens. A much more sane explanation of her comment is that some citizens may choose to stop the counting of votes via violence.
  16. Almost down 1% after hours. Trump lost millions while he was sleeping. I mean sleeping at night, not while he's in court.
  17. Trump admits that, if elected, he will weaponize the Justice Department against his enemies. Are you okay with that?
  18. Trump is falling asleep during his criminal trial. Old, worn out man.
  19. The current Trump trial is nothing like a Stalinist show trial. You are exhibiting reality distortion. It's possible that Trump will be acquitted in this case. Then, you'll still think it's a show trial?
  20. $22 Notice that the Trump fans avoid any topic mentioning this stock.
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