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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I have stated my opinion on this many times - Gaza and Palestine are 2 different cultures, and will never successfully operate under a single government.
  2. She didn't live in a $20 million mansion. She was not his woman, she filed for divorce 2 years before he murdered her.
  3. Your link goes to a paywall. I have yet to see any public mention of the Steele dossier content during the 2016 election. Of course, there was no mention of Stormy Daniels during the 2016 campaign, for different reasons.
  4. The Steele dossier payments were legitimate campaign expenses. The Stormy Daniels payments were neither legitimate campaign expenses nor legitimate business expenses. I can see how this is confusing for you.
  5. I am not aware of the content of the dossier being publicly released prior to 2017.
  6. https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/michael-cohen-pleads-guilty-manhattan-federal-court-eight-counts-including-criminal-tax#:~:text=COHEN%2C 51%2C of NEW YORK,making an excessive campaign contribution. You say that the illegal stuff with Stormy Daniels was a "small part" because you think that somehow clears Trump. The max charge for the Stormy Daniels scheme was 5 years. That's probably the hook that DA Bragg is going to exploit. To be clear, Cohen pled guilty to participating in the Stormy Daniels scheme that is part of the case going to trial tomorrow . Do you disagree?
  7. Trump blew up meeting on China threat by obsessing over Stormy Daniels: AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson recalled that he was brought to the Oval Office in 2019 to discuss the growing threat, but instead met with a distracted Trump who spent the first 45 minutes ranting about Daniels and male and female relations.
  8. Seriously, you posted 3 hours ago about the Dems not needing a trial, and then when I reminded you about "Lock her up", you don't have a shred of self-realization. Unless you want people to think you are a troll, can't you admit that the MAGA types were ready to put Hilary in jail without a trial? Conversely, the Dems look forward to the Trump trials, if only for the humor value.
  9. From the link I posted: Russian assistance to the Trump campaign Its main assertion — that the Russian government was working to get Mr. Trump elected — was hardly an established fact when it was first laid out by Mr. Steele in June 2016. But it has since been backed up by the United States' own intelligence agencies — and Mr. Mueller's investigation. The dossier's talk of Russian efforts to cultivate some people in Mr. Trump's orbit was similarly unknown when first detailed in one of Mr. Steele's reports, but it has proved broadly accurate as well.
  10. The Steele Dossier was about 70% accurate. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier You seem a bit confused about a lot of facts. I'll add this to the list.
  11. The question is whether DA Bragg can prove there was an underlying crime. If so, that's 34 felony convictions for Trump. It has been noted here that Michael Cohen has already been convicted of a crime for the Stormy Daniels payments. So, not exactly a campaign finance violation.
  12. And the billionaire swooped in at the close of trading Friday to pump the stock a little. The idea is to give investors the weekend to consider whether this was a blip or the beginning of a surge.
  13. Nope. I don't recall Hillary Clinton claiming hush money payments to a porn star as a business expense. Sometimes your internet friends send you just enough information to let you make yourself foolish.
  14. You are all worked up about opposition research, which is standard for most campaigns. Next you will get all hot and bothered over funding for voter registration. Meanwhile, Trump is going on trial for hush money payments to a porn star and then misreporting these as Trump Organization business expenses.
  15. If they had used it, it would have been legal. So, what's your point?
  16. because they paid the law firm that hired Steele, and reported it as legal services, instead of for opposition research. In either case, it was a legitimate campaign expenditure.
  17. The Steele Dossier was not released prior to the 2016 election. It was a compendium of reports about Trump, ie standard political intelligence. Most campaigns have that on hand. It contained raw, unvetted data. The Steele Dossier was initially compiled by a Republican group.
  18. In such a case, any action in support of a conspiracy to rob a bank can incur criminal charges. In the current case, Trump paid off Stormy Daniels to ensure she didn't go public before the 2016 election. Was that a crime? I don't know, but Trump wasn't indicted for it.
  19. Johnson might simply decline to have Republicans participate in the certification vote, hoping to cancel it due to a lack of quorum. On January 20, Biden's term would end, and Harris', so the 2nd in line would become president.
  20. Trump has been playing with the Russians for 40 years: In 1987, a young real estate developer traveled to the Soviet Union. The KGB almost certainly made the trip happen.
  21. I am sorry that my writing style gives you a sad. I will worry about your criticisms after you tell us when Trump tells a lie. I'm not running for Presidents, and my posts aren't significant. Conversely, he *is* running for POTUS, so fact checking him *is* significant.
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