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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The breaking the law part was claiming the payments were business related, and thus tax deductible. Perhaps I could claim my Pattaya expenses are business related.
  2. Clarence Thomas receives significant benefits from the Koch donor network.
  3. Clarence Thomas has secretly participated in events for the Koch donor network for at least a decade, despite the fact that the group has brought cases before the Supreme Court, according to a bombshell new ProPublica report. Do you need a list of benefits accruing to Thomas from the Koch donor network?
  4. Is there some part of this you don't understand: "Establishes that Presidential records automatically transfer into the legal custody of the Archivist as soon as the President leaves office." Seriously, if you can't understand this, you need to get help. The next time you lie about the PRA, please include the text I posted, so people understand that you are confused.
  5. Do you understand that the president and vice-president are treated the same under the PRA?
  6. NARA asked for the documents back in 2021. A subpeona was issued in 2022. Is that suspicious to you? How long should the government have waited to indict Trump after he violated the subpeona? 5 minutes? How long for grand jury deliberations? What if Trump had been indicted, convicted and in jail now? Would that have been suspicious?
  7. Your inability to distinguish between the Biden and Trump cases is a cognitive issue on your part. I would take you through the differences, but you would forget everything the next day. Let me ask you a question: why did Trump try to hide the classified documents at Mar-A-Lago?
  8. Prove that Biden got to 50%+ by cheating. Spoiler alert: you can't.
  9. You are going to have to provide evidence of a judge misinterpreting the law against Trump's interest, or else your post is just drivel. Judge Cannon clearly is misinterpreting the law, and will be corrected upon appeal. All to help Trump.
  10. If the popular vote is meaningless, why are you talking about attendance at Trump rallies?
  11. Trump has a core group of fans who follow him around the country at his rallies. We went through this before, during the earlier campaigns. Despite the rallies, Trump can't get to 50% of the vote.
  12. Nope. I consistently say that early polls aren't predictive, except for demonstrating trends. When @illisdean breathlessly posts some random poll showing Trump in the lead, perhaps you could remind him of the pointlessness of early polls.
  13. I believe that Trump has held 2 rallies in the last few weeks. Biden has held 8+.
  14. Nope. Early polls aren't predictive, the exception being if the polling aggregate shows a trend, and even then, the numbers themselves aren't accurate.
  15. No problem. I volunteer to register new voters, which cancels you out 100x.
  16. The article refers to a market dip in 2022 that reduced solvency of some pension funds. Now that is just a distant nightmare. The point is that no rational pension fund manager would have invested in Trump's pump and dump, which was just another way to scam Trump fans. I hope you didn't lose too much money.
  17. Jack Smith has to nail down the jury instructions, and prevent any possibility of a directed verdict.
  18. Biden's staff found a handful of classified documents mixed in with 1000s of other papers, and returned the documents immediately. Trump took boxes of classified documents, refused to return them after receiving a subpeona, then returned some while claiming that all had been returned. He hid the remaining boxes, which required an FBI raid to secure. It's not unusual for a Trump supporter to not know the basic facts of a case. That's why they're a Trump supporter.
  19. Lie. Trump is on tape directing Cohen to make the payments. But, that's what the trial is about. If Trump can convince the jury that Michael Cohen misinformed Trump, then Trump gets off.
  20. I am noting that Clarence Thomas benefits from his judicial decions far more than Judge Merchan.
  21. You'll find that most of the Trump fans are foreigners. They generally like Putin, and want Trump to win because he is Putin's bit$h. These people don't care about America, they want a weaker America so a multipolar world emerges.
  22. The only question is how long after Biden passes Trump will the Trump fans complain that the polls are fake? Honestly, April polls are not that significant. It doesn't get real until after the political conventions.
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