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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Mueller indicted a bunch of Trump people during his investigation, most for obstruction of Justice- they were trying to cover up the Trump Russia connections. Paul Manafort was caught passing Trump campaign polling data to the Russians. It seems that you are poorly informed about the Trump-Russia connections.
  2. Why would anyone vote for Republicans who want to cut Social Security and Medicare?
  3. Biden is killing Trump on live television. That's gotta be a misdemeanor, at the least.
  4. Trump's 30 days expire on Saturday, but the deadline will officially end on Monday, ie the effort to collect can begin on Monday the 11th.
  5. Trump denied stay on E. Jean Carroll verdict — judge cites 'his own dilatory actions' "Mr. Trump's current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions," he wrote in his order. "He has had since January 26 to organize his finances with the knowledge that he might need to bond his judgment, yet he waited until 25 days after the jury verdict — and only shortly before the expiration of Rule 62's automatic 30-day stay of any judgment — to file his prior motion for an unsecured or partially secured stay pending resolution of post-trial motions."
  6. This topic is about Global warming's impact on ocean temperatures. I'm so sorry that your rants are off topic *and* pointless. And still, the planet is warming from human pollution.
  7. If they had indicted Trump earlier, he would be in prison by now. Your logic is flawed.
  8. Jack Smith's response to Trump's claim of vindictive prosecution I didn't know it, but a defendant can't bring up a defense of vindictive prosecution, unless there is a Civil Rights issue.
  9. Your post proves my point. You clearly don't know enough about science to dispute the Global Warming hypothesis. Instead, all you've got are rants and insults. The way to disprove me is with a logical post about the GWH, not childish rants.
  10. a conclusion based on your posts. You are incapable of enunciating a cogent opinion expressing why you don't agree with the Global Warming hypothesis. Instead, we get a childlike "it's not true".
  11. Why is it that the people here who know the least about science are the most critical of the Global Warming hypothesis? You know, the types who never provide any data, they just offer uninformed opinions. You may notice that they often contradict each other but never comment on it.
  12. In New Zealand, you don't have politicians who commit 91 felonies. There, I fixed it for you.
  13. It is still my opinion that you support Trump because the Russians want Trump to win.
  14. This may be a surprise you out there in New Zealand, but there are a lot of voters who aren't crazy who consider bankruptcy a disqualification for the office of President.
  15. Fulton County ethics board drops Fani Willis complaints from hearing A Fulton County ethics watchdog slated to hear complaints against District Attorney Fani Willis (D) on Thursday will no longer do so, according to an updated meeting agenda.
  16. Trump hit with more legal fees after suit against British spy flops $600,000 hit for Trump because he tried to sue about the Steele Dossier. Another loss for Trump.
  17. Watch and learn. If Trump declares bankruptcy, all his outstanding loans become due, and he loses everything.
  18. Biden and the EU called for the prosecutor who refused to investigate Burisma to be fired. As did many Republicans at the time. So, what's your point?
  19. The people who send you your talking points will do that. IMHO, people who depend on talking points shouldn't complain about gaffes.
  20. Biden has his State of the Union speech tonight. It's make or break for him.
  21. Trump did not sign an order to deploy 20,000 troops on Jan. 6
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