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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. There used to be talk of the many Indian restaurants being fronts for money laundering, but they closed during Covid. What some consider money losing ventures may actually generate profits. Except for weed shops, definitely not making a profit.
  2. We are now 2 weeks away from the deadline for Trump to post an appeal bond. The Trump fans here don't seem very confident that Trump will get his appeal. Maybe @Yellowtail or @illisdean will loan Trump some cash to help out.
  3. Covid Deniers aren't being fed talking points anymore, so they are very quiet.
  4. You don't have any thoughts about a candidate for President with such little self control that he hurt himself bigly with his tirades? Do you think that's normal?
  5. Speaking of mentally unfit, what do you think of Trump begging the judge to delay his $83 million judgment - the same judge that Trump repeatedly insulted? Seems mentally unfit to me.
  6. the key takeway is that in November, it's going to be Biden vs Trump, assuming neither has a physical or mental collapse.
  7. if undersea volcanos are warming the oceans, please produce data showing an increase in undersea volcanos causing the warming of the oceans.
  8. https://www.drroyspencer.com/latest-global-temperatures/ Here is the most recent global temperature data from Dr. Roy Spencer, a leading global warming skeptic. Despite being a skeptic, he still has his job. BTW, perhaps you Deniers can post articles about scientific Deniers who lost their jobs for political reasons.
  9. If Trump avoids the judgment, his assets will be taken from him. Federal judgments are no fun. And Trump is broke, so there is that.
  10. The Trump fans don't care about Reality. For them, reality is defined by Trump.
  11. When the polls show Biden leading, you will claim they are fake.
  12. The isotopic data shows that the increase in atmospheric CO2 from 280 to 430+ ppm is manmade. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/how-do-we-know-build-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-caused-humans Do you have any data to the contrary?
  13. I post about the data, not the personalities. You can't discuss the data since you flunked Science back in the day.
  14. Your post is predicated on there being an underlying problem that requires mitigation of the amount of pollutions people generate. You decry government programs to reduce pollution, and then propose government programs to reduce pollution. So, you advocate socialist efforts to combat Global Warming.
  15. Classic Conspiracy Theory. Most scientists collect data. They get paid regardless of what their data shows. A scientist who "suspects" something after looking at the data may lose their jobs for any number of reasons, but the data is still there. Do you have any *data* to show that underseas volcanos cause ocean warming? Spoiler alert: volcanos cause short term cooling.
  16. The planet is warmer. Carbon dioxide is increasing. That's not a model, that's reality. Maybe you can't handle reality.
  17. Trump really, really wants to avoid having to post a bond for the appeal. He's even offering to testify again in a new trial. As if Ms. Carroll's lawyers are going to agree to that. It must be embarrassing to be a lawyer for Trump. Every time he gets a crazy idea, they've got to file it as a motion. Even though they know it's crazy, and they feel stupid presenting it to the court. We should start seeing motions from the plaintiff seeking enforcement of the judgment soon.
  18. Before the usual suspects start posting about scientists who are only in it for the big bucks, let me state that this particular wildfire was primarily caused by hot weather. Weather is not the same as climate.
  19. Ms. Willis' defense is that she paid her half in cash, as was her practice. The charges are pretty weak tea.
  20. This is commonly stated by inmates of mental facilities. You really need to provide specific data, otherwise, you are just parroting some talking point.
  21. "Alabama, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Wyoming, and, the state with the highest prevalence of 10.6 percent, West Virginia." The states with the highest percent of Science Deniers.
  22. Most Thai women I know live on FB. That's where they show off the gold their boyfriend gave them.
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