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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The working class, in the form of labor unions, are going to campaign for Biden later this year. They will knock on millions of doors. Conversely, the Republicans have to hire campaign staff, and because of the "Trump is crazy" thing, they can't get so many donors to kick in cash - especially when donors are aware that Trump is going to grab their cash for himself. So, I guess you are going to have to make up the difference.
  2. It's because you are having a sad over your man Smirnov going to the monkeyhouse.
  3. The low information types don't understand that during the first year of a new presidency, the economy is largely operating under the influence of the prior president. Normally, it takes at least a year for the new president's economic policy to take effect. Most people understand this, but the Trump fluffers aren't just ignorant, they are wilfully so.
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if more FBI agents were found to be working for the Russians.
  5. Trump Mocked After Promising 'Very Powerful Crime' in Washington, D.C. Trump is losing it, before our eyes.
  6. For the 10th time: Alexander Smirnov was initially prized by the FBI as a solid source who had relationships with corrupt foreign business and government officials, but his appeal grew when he revealed he also had connections with foreign intelligence services, according to multiple sources. The FBI’s management of Smirnov is drawing fresh scrutiny after it was determined one of the bureau’s longtime paid sources was pushing fake dirt about President Joe Biden and his family.
  7. Russian business hours ended a few minutes ago. Meanwhile, you seem to be going through the seven stages of grief on the Comer inquiry. Let me cheer you up: Biden's brother testified yesterday. I'm sure he had lots to say about Biden crimes, right?
  8. Meanwhile, the Comer impeachment inquiry has been pummeled by the revelation that the basis of the inquiry was a stack of Russian disinformation.
  9. Smirnov was passing Russian lies to the FBI while serving as a double agent.
  10. As posted above, Smirnov confessed. Your problem is that you can't accept facts into your worldview. Please stop, you are making a fool of yourself.
  11. Do you think the impeachment inquiry will result in impeachment of Biden? Are you that far gone? BTW, I am joining Team Delusional concerning your state of mind. You simply can't fit this Smirnov information into your worldview, so you reject it.
  12. How is an ex-FBI informant charged with lying about Bidens allegedly linked to Russian intelligence? Prosecutors say he has access to more than $6 million, with some money held in the name of his longtime partner. His recent reports to his handler included the guest lists from parties on mega yachts with Russian oligarchs, prosecutors said.
  13. Indicted ex-FBI informant told investigators he got Hunter Biden dirt from Russian intelligence officials You are either gaslighting or delusional. Either way, you are dead wrong.
  14. Prior to the Smirnov news, the impeachment inquiry was dying. The question is whwther the inquiry will be formally abandoned, or will the Republicans just slink away? @illisdean what's your take on this? Or are you Smirnov? If so, I guess you can't answer.
  15. Believe it or not, @nauseus is trying to deflect from the news that Smirnov supplied fake information by demanding proof that Smirnov "worked" for the Russians - that's his trolling tactic. Not that Smirnov's employment status impacts the fact that he transmitted lies from the Russians to Comer.
  16. There will be a Smirnov trial, unless he pleads out. If so, some of this will disappear into FBI counter-intelligence. So, this may all be a mystery to you. But, even you must realize that the Biden impeachment inquiry is based on Russian lies.
  17. Bottom line: you were fooled by the Russians, and made some bad predictions.
  18. His employment status with the Russians is irrelevant. Bottom line: he supplied fake info to hurt Biden. Why would the Russians want to hurt Biden?
  19. Does it matter if Smirnov was working for free or was paid? Bottom line: the "information" that Comer was using in the impeachment inquiry came from Russia, and was fake. You should be angry that they lied to you. So, what does the troll manual tell you what to do now? 1 Blame the MSM. 2 Suggest that Comer is a plant for the Dems. 3 Whattabout .....(fill in with some Dem from 20 years ago). 4 Change the subject.
  20. If Hunter Biden is so guilty, why did Russian intelligence have to fabricate stuff on him?
  21. I have no idea what you are talking about. Trump's FBI had years to investigate Hunter Biden.
  22. Define Marxism, if you can. Trust me, it's easy. If you have the academic background.
  23. I have a BA and MBA. And I keep up on current events. I can see that Biden's push for manufacturing jobs in the US is having a negative impact on the China economy.
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