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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump is going to raise all sorts of issues in his appeal. Fortunately, Trump has crappy attorneys, and the State has good attorneys. So, I expect that the Appeals Court won't shut out Trump's team completely, and give them some small reductions. But nothing significant.
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/30/us/politics/how-fbi-russia-investigation-began-george-papadopoulos.html Papadopoulos brag to Australian diplomat was key factor in FBI's Russia probe: report "An Australian diplomat's tip appears to have helped persuade the FBI to investigate Russian meddling in the U.S. election and possible coordination with the Trump campaign, The New York Times reported."
  3. You don't think Biden getting impeached helps Trump? If not, why does Trump demand Biden get impeached? Spoiler alert: Biden getting impeached would help Trump get elected. That's why the Republicans have been working impeachment for months.
  4. The DA's witness pointed out real victims who lost money via the Trump fraud. Enough to quash that avenue of appeal. Your defense of Trump is based on the State of NY serving as the plaintiff, in lieu of the victims, so the victims aren't "obvious". You can do better than that.
  5. I don't think Trump wants wants to file bankruptcy until he loses the presidential election. So March 12 is his do or die date to post that bond, per the above article. He will try to get a bond for this appeal, but let the second Carroll verdict slide - no appeal.
  6. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna139656 The Feds are inviting a mistrial or worse showing this photo.
  7. Trump 45 was awful, but Trump 47 would be worse. His advisors have cooked up plans in case Trump wins: https://newsisout.com/2023/11/how-conservative-playbook-project-2025-could-affect-lgbtq-people-if-it-comes-to-pass/21317/ "Outlawing pornography. Project 2025 lays responsibility for the rise in transgender awareness on pornography but does not give any definition to what is or is not considered pornography. It calls for anyone who creates pornography to be imprisoned, including educators and librarians who distribute it." A blank check for the police to arrest anyone.
  8. But you now know that there *were* victims, they just weren't the plaintiffs. I hope you won't forget again.
  9. The attorney general's office argued that the law at issue does not require the existence of victims to be enforceable. They also disputed the notion that there were no victims, saying Trump's bankers were harmed because they could have charged higher interest on loans if they knew his true net worth was lower than he claimed.
  10. Got any quotes from The Associated Press, the NY Times, the Atlanta Journal Constitution, Reuters, the Washington Post declaring there were no victims of the Trump fraud? I exclude opinion pieces.
  11. If the border were really a crisis, the House of Representatives would do something about it.
  12. Define "Marxist". Are the Marxists in China soft on illegal immigration?
  13. The chart is from your source. The Border Patrol under Biden is catching a lot more illegals than under that weak guy Trump. True or false?
  14. Then you are a victim of bad reporting. But you now know that there *were* victims, they just weren't the plaintiffs. I hope you aren't going to pull a @Yellowtailand forget this in 24 hours.
  15. Are you aware of any situations where a judge writing a verdict can consult with appelant judges while doing so? You seem stuck on the concept that a fraud utilizing a novel technique is somehow not a fraud. But asset valuation fraud still is not acceptable in a court of law. The only question is if the Appeals Court will hold up the verdict amount, or reduce the amount.
  16. The Engoron verdict was based on testimony indicating damages in the hundreds of millions of dollars incurred by banks and insurers. You are falsely claiming there were no victims, yet the trial determined that there were victims. What has confused you (or rather the people sending you talking points have confused you) is that the State of NY was the plaintiff, and not the victims. Because the state of NY did the investigation to uncover the fraud, whereas the victims didn't have standing to uncover the fraud. Your internet friends are lying to you, about this and many things. That's their job, but its your job to check out what they send you.
  17. Only those Republican candidates who employ false electors as part of a conspiracy to overturn elections.
  18. The Russians are helping Trump by providing disinformation for the Biden impeachment inquiry. In return, Trump is not going to resist if Russia attacks certain NATO countries, and end US support for Ukraine. If that isn't collusion, can you give me a better word for it?
  19. I need some analysis by you. It's been revealed that the Biden impeachment effort was aided by a Russian disinformation campaign. My question is: why would the Russians help Trump by assisting with the impeachment of Biden?
  20. The Carter Page stuff was a fiasco. It's not widely reported what happened, but its not a secret. Carter Page indeed did a lot of bad stuff regarding Trump and Russia, but suffered no penalties. Because he was a CIA informant. The CIA wanted to know if there was any hanky panky between Trump and Russia. They got their info, and Carter Page moved on. The FBI didn't know this at the time.
  21. I hope you remember that all of this was investigated by John Durham, a Special Counsel. Please refer to his report to refresh your memory.
  22. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steele_dossier The opposition research conducted by Fusion GPS on Donald Trump was in two distinct operations, each with a different client. First were the Republicans, funded by The Washington Free Beacon. Then came the Democrats, funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
  23. Why is this news? Except for some cultists, everyone knows that Trump was the WOAT.
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