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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. So, should Britain have called for Poland to negotiate a surrender after Nazi Germany invaded? Your support for the invasion of Ukraine is sad. You can't appease crazy dictators bent on conquest.
  2. The bipartisan border deal would not allow 5,000 illegal crossings per day, despite what Trump says Clearly, you care more about carrying Trump's water than about border security. Couldn't you check one of Trump's claims before repeating it here?
  3. Biden had some bad press late last week. And then Trump stupidly said some crazy controversial things that overshadowed the Biden news, and now everyone is talking about Trump losing it, again. Trump is the gift that keeps on giving. He is a veritable Loser Factory.
  4. 2024 is going to be a very sad year for you. Donald Trump faces a busy week in court, with action in at least 5 cases
  5. You can bask in these early polls, and then be surprised when they change.
  6. Biden was cleared, Trump was indicted, for reasons that are well known. More to the point, claiming "he did it, too" is not a valid defense for anyone over 12 yeats old.
  7. You love these early polls. It's like you have never experienced an election before. If Biden is unable to perform his duties, we'll know soon, and he would be replayed. We already know Trump is addled, but the Republicans can't replace him.
  8. Nope. Trump stole classified documents and refused to return them when he was caught.
  9. Classic trolling technique. Tell me the difference if there were 6,000 or 12,000 people there. I’m perfectly prepared to believe there were several thousand people there, even 10,000 maybe. If only you subjected your leader Trump's claims to the same trolling technique. Anyway, the bottom line is that thousands of crazy insurrectionists stormed the Capitol as part of Trump's goal of stopping the certification vote. Do you condemn the attempt to block the transfer of power, or do you agree with Trump?
  10. Another time waster from you. Does it matter the flavor of ignorance from Global Warming Deniers? https://www.pewresearch.org/science/2015/07/01/chapter-2-climate-change-and-energy-issues/
  11. There has been prior warming on Earth, caused by known natural forces. But the overall warming trend in the last 100 years, and is not caused by natural forces - CO2 is warming the planet. You can troll all you want, but you can't refute the facts.
  12. And yet, the very Special Counsel report you cite explains why there are charges for Trump, but not Biden. Do you not believe the Biden report?
  13. Nothing is more offensive than the standard Trump fluffer practice of posting unsupported lies. We get a lot of that. In this case, we are talking about the government money spent on illegals, vs their tax contributions to the government. Any thoughts on that?
  14. If you are referring to the Steele Dossier, it was a collection of rumors. Trump's actions, however, indicate that Putin has something on Trump. Maybe something connected to Trump Hotel Moscow.
  15. It's like IQ, 50% of people have a less than average IQ. So, there is a boatload of people who flunked Science and don't believe that there is any warming. And then another group who acknowledge the warming but think it's natural. Maybe those are people who got a "D" in Science.
  16. Correct. It's the long term trend that matters: https://theconversation.com/global-temperature-rises-in-steps-heres-why-we-can-expect-a-steep-climb-this-year-and-next-209385
  17. I didn't count them. Does it matter whether 1,000 or 10,000 stormed the Capitol in an attempt to stop the certification vote, and steal the election for Trump?
  18. A bunch of people were convicted of sedition, which is conspiracy to commit insurrection. But you already knew that
  19. No worries, she will look great when compared to Trump's VP pick. This time, he will choose someone with unquestioning loyalty. To him. So, the VP nominee will be a simp.
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